Search indexes

Cantemo uses the search engine OpenSearch to perform fast searches. OpenSearch maintains search indexes over items and ACLs which contain metadata for each respective category in a form which is appropriate for searching. These indexes are normally updated automatically when the system is being used. However, after certain error conditions, system crashes or backup restorations it may be necessary to rebuild the search indexes. Rebuilding can be performed without disturbing the production but as it will put extra load on the system and databases, care should be taken to schedule a rebuild during periods of low utilization.

To rebuild an index, click on Indexes in the admin menu and select the index you want to rebuild by clicking on the corresponding tab. You will see the current status of that reindexing process as well as some information about the last time the reindex process was run. To rebuild an index, click the Reindex button in the upper right hand corner.


Search reindex after upgrade

If the Cantemo OpenSearch index has changed from the previous Cantemo version you must reindex.

That is normally the case for Minor and Major upgrades, but should never be needed for Patch upgrades


Cantemo search index should not change within patch versions unless stated otherwise in the Release Notes.


Cantemo version before 6.0 used ElasticSearch instead of OpenSearch.


Cantemo version before 4.0 used an older version of ElasticSearch where the indexes looked different.

Difference in Vidispine and Cantemo indexes

Cantemo and Vidispine indexes varies, but should essentially be the same. For example Vidispine only counts the files that belong to an Item, but Cantemo index counts all files. So Files index should always be greater for Cantemo than Vidispine. Note that excessive file indexing can have a negative impact on system performance, and for this reason the Cantemo file index can be disabled partially or completely.

Recreate indexes

If the index has been corrupt for some reason there are some useful management commands

/opt/cantemo/portal/ recreate_portal_index Recreates all the indexes /opt/cantemo/portal/ recreate_item_index Recreates only the Item index /opt/cantemo/portal/ recreate_collection_index Recreates only the Collection index /opt/cantemo/portal/ recreate_file_index Recreates only the File index

Recreating indexes deletes the existing index and creates a new one.


When indexes are recreated search will not work properly until the indexes has been fully created