1. Themes Development Setup¶
Please read and referer to the documentation contained within Installation of Development Environment for details on how to start Cantemo in development mode with the configuration set correctly and also for what you need to develop.
On top of those requirements we strongly suggest that you install:
Version Control System
LESS CSS compiler.
Please also setup django-debug-toolbar as mentioned in the installation development document.
1.1. Remote Access¶
You probably won’t be using the same computer to host and develop against as your client machine. In that case it is wise to setup some mechanism to mount the remote server on your local machine. Options include:
AFP (netatalk) - For OSX, Solaris and Linux
NFS - For OSX, Solaris and Linux
Samba (Windows file sharing) - For Windows, OSX and Linux.
SSH file sharing - for accessing a machine not on the same network.
There are other options and if you need please consult with your local network administrator to guide you further.
1.2. AFP (netatalk) Setup¶
1.2.1. Procedure for CentOs / Red Hat¶
Enable EPEL Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux:
sudo rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
Install Netatalk:
sudo yum install netatalk
this will create the AFP fileserver on your linux server
Install Avahi:
sudo yum install avahi.i686
Configure AFP Server:
sudo nano /etc/netatalk/afpd.conf
Uncomment and add this to the bottom of the file:
-tcp -noddp -uamlist uams_dhx.so,uams_dhx2_passwd.so -nosavepassword -setuplog “default log_info /var/log/afpd.log”
Setup Volume:
sudo nano /etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default
Scroll to the boattom and add the share location: In this case, the share is a folder called “Storage” that was created in “/opt/Storage)
/opt/Storage “Storage” cnidscheme:dbd
Make services start at boot time.
Netatalk and avahi-daemon will need to be configured to start at boot. Do this with chkconfig:
sudo chkconfig netatalk on
sudo chkconfig avahi-daemon on
1.3. Setting Permissions.¶
The portal directories are usually owned by the user www-data and as such you want the user that will be making the changes to be in the same group. Example, adding user ‘Vidispine’ to the group www-data:
usermod -a -G www-data vidispine
Then change the permissions on the file system:
chmod -R 775 /opt/cantemo/portal/portal_media
chmod -R 775 /opt/cantemo/portal/portal_themes
This should let you edit the files over the network.
1.4. NFS / Samba / SSH¶
Please refer to your network administrator to set these up for you or the documentation available for your operating system.