Vidispine Authentication

Vidispine can be set as the authentication source for Cantemo using 'portal.vidispine.authentication.VidispineBackend', as an item in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS in This authentication backend becomes the master. Cantemo users and groups are created and deleted as needed based upon users and groups in the Vidispine system:


You can setup Vidispine to authenticate against other backends such as Active Directory or OpenLDAP. Please consult the Vidispine documentation for this integration.

Authentication Method

Provides authentication from Vidispine to the system.

class portal.vidispine.authentication.VidispineBackend

This backend is required to check whether a user is valid against Vidispine. Then it grabs a list of all the groups a user is in. If the User is not already created in Portal, it is created. The groups that a user is in in Vidispine are added to Portal, and then added to the user.

authenticate(request=None, username=None, password=None)

Check the username/password against Vidispine

  • username: The username of the user to be authenticated

  • password: The password of the user to be authenticated

  • user: A user object.


Returns a user object for the authentication system. Caches the user in the system. This can be deleted by using the cache delete mechanism in utils.cache.cache_get_user

  • user_id: The ID of a user

  • user: a User Object.

portal.vidispine.authentication.post_login_df_groups_handler(sender, instance, **kwargs)

Listen out for the portal_post_login signal, then we check what groups a user is in and fix any default groups that are now invalid.

  • sender: The sender of the signal

  • instance: user instance

  • kwargs: Other arguments

  • None