Generic Helper Views¶
These classes are for generic help building a view to be displayed by Cantemo.
These are the base views for the Portal framework responsible for returning response to a Http request.
- class portal.generic.baseviews.CView(**kwargs)¶
This is the base view all 2013 class based views.
Inherits from APIView which inherits from Django Generic View.
- check_permissions(request)¶
Wrapper around check_permission from rest_framework.
If the request is not authenticated and is not ajax or API request (JSON or XML requested), redirect to Portal login page.
- handle_exception(exc)¶
Wrapper around handle_exception from rest_framework catching PortalRedirectException
- class portal.generic.baseviews.ClassView(request, *args, **kwargs)¶
This is the base view class, you have to pass in a template that you wish to show whether the loginpass is set to show pages that don’t require a login and it will accept other parameters.
These class based views are based upon clsviews by Zachery Voase.
- Http404(request, extra_context=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Return a 404 with context
- apply_extra_context(extra_context, context)¶
Add items from extra_context dict to the given context, calling any callables in extra_context. Return the updated context. This is for sending back into the page.
- binary_response(message, statuscode=200, *args, **kwargs)¶
Returns a binary response with a custom status code (defaults to 200 OK).
- custom_responsetype(message, statuscode, *args, **kwargs)¶
This creates a custom404 or other response type with a message. Typical usage for sending a 400, 404 or 500 in response to an Ajax call.
Content Type can be set with ‘content_type = value’ for example content_type = ‘application/xml’
- delete_cookie(key, path='/', domain=None)¶
Builds up a list of cookies to delete when creating the response
- econtext_processors = <ExtensionPoint IContextProcessor env=cantemo>¶
- esimple_context_processors = <ExtensionPoint ISimpleContextProcessor env=cantemo>¶
- etemplate_parser = <ExtensionPoint ITemplateChooser env=cantemo>¶
- get_context(request)¶
Returns the Context as RequestContext to make sure that contextprocessors are used
- get_template(template_name)¶
Returns the loaded Template, either from the theme for a user, or the generic template settings.
- get_var(var_to_get)¶
Try and get a variable either from the request or using the raw request as parsed through when RESTful clients are using the system.
When POSTing (or PUTing) data from an application and not a web browser Django puts the response into request.body. We need to get it and grab it out.
- json_response(message, statuscode, *args, **kwargs)¶
Returns a JSON response with a custom status code. Typical usage for sending data back to an Ajax call with a response code.
- main(request, template_name=None, extra_context=None, status_code=200, cookie=None, content_type=None)¶
Called from processRequest to make a standard response.
- processRequest(request, template_name, extra_context=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
Override this function when subclassing to provide extra functionality if you just wish to leave the __call__ function standard.
- reDirect(request, redirect_location=None, extra_context=None)¶
Redirects to another template if needed
- set_cookie(key, value, max_age=None, expires=None, path='/', domain=None)¶
Builds up a list of cookies to delete when creating the response
- xml_response(message, statuscode=200, *args, **kwargs)¶
Returns a XML response with a custom status code (defaults to 200 OK). The xml can be a string in the ‘message’ variable or it can be any class that takes the serializeDocument method that excepts the “pretty” argument (such as a eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject)
- class portal.generic.baseviews.DocStringSchema(manual_fields=None)¶
This class extends Django Rest Framework’s AutoSchema to take a schema definition as yaml from the docstring and add this to the schema. This is needed for backwards compatibility with the API documentation we already have in Portal.
- get_link(path, method, base_url)¶
Generate coreapi.Link for self.view, path and method.
This is the main _public_ access point.
path: Route path for view from URLConf.
method: The HTTP request method.
base_url: The project “mount point” as given to SchemaGenerator
- exception portal.generic.baseviews.PortalRedirectException(location)¶
Exception signaling that the browser should be redirected to another location
- portal.generic.baseviews.apply_extra_context(caller, extra_context, context)¶
Add items from extra_context dict to the given context, calling any callables in extra_context. Return the updated context. This is for sending back into the page.