Quantum StorNext Integration

This app will allow Quantum StorNext to be used as a deep archive storage in Cantemo.


This guide requires:

  • Quantum StorNext 5.1 or above, with v2 API enabled.

  • A dedicated folder in the shared StorNext filesystem to which files can be pushed for archival.

  • The IP adress of the Quantum StorNext.

Client installation

In order for Cantemo to integrate with StorNext, the StorNext client software is required. This installation assumes the commands are run as root. Log in to your StorNext Administration interface and navigate to Tools -> client software and download the appropriate client software to your Cantemo installation.

Running the downloaded binary should result in 8 rpm files in /tmp/stornext on RedHat/CentOS, which should be installed using “rpm -ivh FILE_TO_INSTALL.rpm” in the following order:

  • quantum_jansson-<version>.rpm

  • quantum_libevent-<version>.rpm

  • quantum_protobuf-<version>.rpm

  • quantum_zeromq-<version>.rpm

  • snfs-common-<version>.rpm

  • snfs-client-<version>.rpm

  • snfs-extapi-<version>.rpm

  • snupdate-<version>.rpm

Next, configure the boot order of the client service::

chkconfig --level 345 cvfs on

In order for the StorNext client to know where to connect, edit/create /usr/cvfs/config/fsnameservers with the IP adress of the StorNext Server.

You will want to mount the remote StorNext server to portal. The accessrights for the folder should be set using chmod 777. We recommend the option to add the remote StorNext to Cantemo through fstab (/etc/fstab) to make it mount on reboots by adding the following entry to it::

SAN   <your mountpoint> cvfs rw,diskproxy=client 0 0

For example, it might look like this::

SAN     /SAN/   cvfs    rw,diskproxy=client 0 0

where SAN contains a folder we tell Cantemo to use. If the folder is called “migration”, the staging location in portal should be configured to /SAN/migration.

If the mounting fails with the following error message:

The File System Services on may be stopped.
Error in getting central control info

Make sure the cvfs service is running.

Configuring the integration

Go to the StorNext configuration panel in the admin section. There are five configuration parameters that must be set:

  • API URL - this is the base URL of the StorNext API v2 service, e.g.

  • API username - username to use for authentication when calling the StorNext API. May be blank if no username is required.

  • API password - password to use for authentication when calling the StorNext API. May be blank if no password is required.

  • Staging Location - This is the full path of the folder mounted on Cantemo.

  • Synchronous - Files sent to archive are guaranteed to have been written to backup storage when the archive job is finished if this option is selected.