Version 6.0.3

Release Date: 2025-03-31

What is new

  • New Vidispine version with a fix for ARCHIVED files marked as MISSING

Fixed Issues





Fix for Saved Search Widget sometimes failing on initial load of the page



Fix for Ingest to Placeholder not transcoding according to users Default ingest profile

Item Page


Fix for ARCHIVED files getting marked as MISSING. Upgrade Vidispine to 24.2.12



Fix for ‘Open items in Validate’ from Search page ignoring some subtitle items

AV Integration

Version 6.0.2

Release Date: 2025-03-10

What is new

  • Item Page tab plugins: New customizable area that empowers partners to more easily build custom plugins for the item page

  • System component updates and other improvements

New Features





Cantemo Files View and Files API now show data from Vidispine directly. Show/hide hidden files functionality is removed. Cantemo File index is only needed for NLE worklows and can be disabled.

Storages - Admin


Enable FlatGroupAdapter by default in the AV API

AV Integration


Add support for item page tab plugins

Item Page


More control over image preview shape with PREVIEW_IMAGE_ORIGINAL setting

Item Page


Upgraded Vidispine & transcoder to 24.2.8 & 24.2.10



Red Hat 7.x and CentOS 7.x are no longer supported



Add warning message about shape-tags being overwritten by the setup wizard. Remove warning when accessing the system through https.



Show Field Id along with Field Name when creating a rule for Metadata Change

Rules Engine 3


New SAML users can now be active by default

Advanced Authentication


New setting SAML_NEW_USER_GROUPS to set user groups for new users logging in with SAML

Advanced Authentication


Accurate Video Validate upgraded to version 5.22.0

AV Integration


Upgrade Python to 3.11.11, and upgrade third party Python modules



Added the option to preserve access granted by the user when deactivating or deleting a user



Visualize disabled users and preserve access in Access Rights views. New information added to API responses from /API/v2/…/acl/

Item Page - Collection - Saved Search

Fixed Issues





Fix for Default ingest profile and Default metadata group selections resetting when removing groups from a user



Default Nginx configuration now supports X-Forwarded-Proto for when Cantemo is behind a load balancer that terminates SSL



Fix for rotation on some videos and images. Note: This is automatically applied to the default lowres and lowimage proxy shapes only.



Fix for ‘Return To Placeholder’ not functioning fully as non-admin user

Item Page


Fix text truncation issue in storage view



Ensure tomcat temp directory is created, fixes Rule Diagram image creation

Installer, Rules Engine 3


Fix for System Settings failing to save - alter dbsettings value column type to TEXT



Set noAudio and noVideo properties on shape-tags



Automatically remove runc when installing Accurate Video



Fix poster download issue where only one poster could be downloaded

Item Page


Fix for Cantemo Search API not returning correct data when Vidispine index is not up-do-date. Fix in ItemHelper.getItems()-function with default fallbackToGet=True.

Search - API - Vidispine


Fix for Cantemo Search with metadata subgroup values when a subgroup has a Display Name defined



Removed non-functional Cancel-button from an unconfigured Saved Search widget



Fix for multiple Job Widgets on Dashboard not always updating



Fix for Move/Copy actions failing when selecting a specific target storage.

Item Page


Fix AccessControlList ValueError issue



Ensure install.log is captured when upgrade fails



Ensure Vidispine database arguments are not ignored



Improve admin guide about what to do when a username already exists in Vidispine

Admin - Documentation


Fix SAML E-mail issue that prevented proper user creation

Advanced Authentication


Disabled invalid ‘Change Password’ from Cantemo for SAML authenticated users

Advanced Authentication


Fix delete from archive blocking portal celery workers

Archive Framework


Fix file view not defaulting to recursive listing when importing files



Fixed an issue with Item Page crashing when playing back an audio file with more than 20 channels

Item Page


Fix for Batch Metadata Update sometimes not trying to handle all items when one fails



Fix for Archive Jobs Clear All -action taking a very long time when there is previously deleted archive jobs on the system

Archive Framework


Fix incorrect aspect ratio of CR2, CR3, and NEF image files


Known issue

Vidispine has a known issue in the latest releases which makes ARCHIVED files be marked as MISSING. We are currently working with them on a fix.

Implications in Cantemo:

  • Any archive plugin: On Item Page > Formats, for an item that is Archived/Offline, administrator can by mistake delete the original shape. Restore will not work from the Cantemo UI after this.

  • Vidispine Archive plugin using S3 with archived files transitioned to Glacier: Restore from Cantemo UI will not work as Cantemo does not know about the file being available in Glacier.

Version 6.0.1

Release Date: 2024-06-06

What is new

  • Sharing feature with a new improved UI - share Items and Collections with external people through email

  • Numerous UI fixes and improvements

New Features





Share action in the UI

Sharing - Search - Item Page - Collection


Sharing Manage features

Sharing - Admin - Manage


Support opening Shared URL as external user



‘Render to new item’ functionality for Subclips (e.g. Validate Markers) - with new role ‘Items Subclip Render’

Search - Item Page


Update Vidispine to 23.3.6

Admin - Installer


Accurate.Video updated to 5.20.3. Now easier to upgrade Accurate.Video front-end separately. Also added support for metadata fields in subgroups.

AV Integration


Media Bin opens by clicking anywhere in the box

Media Bin


The default metadata group Film now has Representative and Sortable fields



Collection panel sort selection is now kept between page loads



Disable automatic ANALYZE jobsteps by setting ‘AV_CORE_PLUGIN_CREATE_ANALYZE_JOBSTEPS = False’ in

AV Integration


Open in Validate and Poster for subclips now opens the app on the subclip start frame

AV Integration


Verify that Opensearch settings are good in health check



New PUT API to modify existing Collection and Saved Search ACL

API - Saved Search - Collection

Fixed Issues





Show an error if selected video or audio track cannot be played back

Item Page


Cantemo services now restart automatically in case of temporary failures, for example if Redis is not responding

Admin - Installer


getAggregateJobId() on TranscodeJobHelper now returns the corresponding Vidispine Job ID

Transcode Framework


Documentation updates with Cantemo 6 details



Fixes to selection logic when results have nothing to select



Fix for subtitle labels, support for custom labels for video, audio and subtitle track from component metadata

Item Page


Updated documentation about OS requirements: Red Hat and Rocky9 are not supported for production use



Fix for Archive, Restore etc. actions when ‘Select all Items on all pages’ is used

Search - Archive Framework


Fix for certain filters like ‘Older than’ not being represented correctly in UI when loading a search

Search - Saved Search


Fix for Subclip representative metadata not displaying in Search Page List view



Fix for users logged in with OIDC getting errors for some actions after a while

Advanced Authentication


Item Page, Formats: Refresh action is now available for files also if state is LOST or MISSING

Item Page


Fix so Start Manual Rule after ‘Select all Items on all pages’ starts on all matching items

Rules Engine - Search


Fix for clicking on Poster of Thumbnails to jump to frame with variable framerate video material

Item Page


Fix for Tasks page data loading very slowly for tasks on many items



Fix for requirements when installing only transcoder component



Fix for clickable area for plugin actions

Plugin - Item Page - Search


Fix for Item Page - Formats - Delete deleting unexpected files when there is two copies on same storage

Item Page


Fix for opening a time-base commend link not jumping player to correct position

Item Page


Fix for Search in List mode: Field Name from metadata schema should not be reformatted



Fix for Search Page allowing pagination beyond the search index limit 10’000



Fix for AdBreaks showing as SubClip in Cantemo - ignore group AvAdBreak on indexing

AV Integration


Fix for URLs in metadata text and textarea values not becoming clickable links

Metadata - Item Page - Collection


Fix for Rules Engine Notifications not updating when system has SQS or other notifications without <url>

Rules Engine


Fix for invalid owner and access on item from ‘Render to new item’

Search - Item Page


Fix for Transcode Framework ignores the no-transcode parameter

Transcode Framework

Removed Features





The system setting VIDISPINE_TIMESPAN_BASE is deprecated

Metadata - Admin


Legacy Spectra Logic BlackPearl archive integration removed - Vidispine Archive supports the same

Archive Framework


Removed legacy tool generate_license_signing_key


Version 6.0.0

Release Date: 2024-03-01

What is new

  • New improved User Interface, most importantly on Search and Item Page

  • Accurate.Player as the media player in Cantemo Item Page - support for frame-accurate playback of discrete audio, selecting audio tracks and channels, subtitle files, improved keyboard shortcuts

  • Upgrade of all system components: PostgreSQL, Vidispine, OpenSearch, Django, Python, etc.

  • Online License for Cantemo and Accurate.Video - all license extensions and changes are handled server-side, no more key files

New Features





New Item Page implementation with Accurate.Player

Item Page


Stream media directly from S3 and other cloud storages on playback

Item Page


Search Page with new more intuitive User Interface



Search Page shows number of children in a collection



Search Page List view improvements - e.g. supports selecting text



Search Page item actions as icons directly on the page



Saved Searches and Search History modal with filtering



New Access Control List UI with Audit feature for Collections and Saved Searches

Collections - Saved Search


Accurate.Video Validate, Edit and Poster updated to 5.19.0

AV Integration


Accurate.Video back-end components are installed by default



Update Vidispine to 23.3.2

Installer - Vidispine


Updated Django to 4.2.1 and Celery to 5.3.1



Replaced Elasticsearch 7.16 with OpenSearch 2.7



Removed RabbitMQ - Redis 7.2 used as message queue as well as cache



Updated nginx to 1.25.2



Update ActiveMQ to 5.15.16



Update Redis to 7.2.3



Update PostgreSQL to 14.10



Vidispine uses OpenSearch instead of Solr



Simple Access Control is the new default



Online License string replaces key-files



Support for RedHat9 and Rocky Linux 9



The setting ‘Default search results type’ removed from user settings, Grid/Table selection is stored in the user’s browser.



Page size for administrative pages like Jobs List, Archive Job List, Share List, etc. is now chosen in the view and selected value is kept on page reloads.


Fixed Issues





Export locations are now ordered alphabetically on item Export

Item - Search


Fix for Collections not showing in search results or Filters when sorting by Filename or certain type of metadata fields



Fix for admin user not always immediately having portal_administrator role on fresh install


Removed Features





Metadata field types Timecode and Hierarchy removed - feature Single Instance removed



Removed Preview functionality



Annotation Tool and Rough Cut Editor removed - replaced with Accurate.Video Validate and Edit

Rough Cut Editor - Annotation Tool - AV Integration


Cantemo internal DASH playback removed - Item Page Accurate.Player supports multiple audio and channel selection - settings DASH_ENABLED etc. removed

Item Page


Rules Engine 3 feature Sync to iconik removed

Rules Engine

Version 5.4.5

Release Date: 2025-03-31

What is new

  • New Vidispine version with a fix for ARCHIVED files marked as MISSING

Note: No fix is available for Red Hat/CentOS 7. These OS are our-of-maintenance both for Cantemo and Vidispine. Unfortunately the older Vidispine 24.1.2 is affected, unlike earlier written in 5.4.4 Known Issues.

Fixed Issues





Fix for Ingest to Placeholder not transcoding according to users Default ingest profile

Item Page


Fix for ARCHIVED files getting marked as MISSING. Upgrade Vidispine to 24.2.12 (not for RedHat 7)


Version 5.4.4

Release Date: 2025-03-10

New Features





New SAML users can now be active by default

Advanced Authentication


New setting SAML_NEW_USER_GROUPS to set user groups for new users logging in with SAML

Advanced Authentication


Added the option to preserve access granted by the user when deactivating or deleting a user



Visualize disabled users and preserve access in Access Rights views. New information added to API responses from /API/v2/…/acl/

Item Page - Collection - Saved Search


Accurate Video Validate upgraded to version 5.22.0

AV Integration

Fixed Issues





Fix for Cantemo Search API not returning correct data when Vidispine index is not up-do-date. Fix in ItemHelper.getItems()-function with default fallbackToGet=True.

Search - API - Vidispine


Ensure install.log is captured when upgrade fails



Ensure Vidispine database arguments are not ignored



Fix SAML E-mail issue that prevented proper user creation

Advanced Authentication


Disabled invalid ‘Change Password’ from Cantemo for SAML authenticated users

Advanced Authentication


Fix for Item Page player not automatically updating duration in the UI when using a growing video file

Item Page


Fix delete from archive blocking portal celery workers

Archive Framework


Fix file view not defaulting to recursive listing when importing files



Fix for Archive Jobs Clear All -action taking a very long time when there is previously deleted archive jobs on the system

Archive Framework


Fix for Batch Metadata Update sometimes not trying to handle all items when one fails



Fix incorrect aspect ratio of CR2, CR3, and NEF image files (not available on Red Hat 7.x or CentOS 7.x)


Known issue

Vidispine has a known issue in the latest releases which makes ARCHIVED files be marked as MISSING. We are currently working with them on a fix.

Implications in Cantemo:

  • Any archive plugin: On Item Page > Formats, for an item that is Archived/Offline, administrator can by mistake delete the original shape. Restore will not work from the Cantemo UI after this.

  • Vidispine Archive plugin using S3 with archived files transitioned to Glacier: Restore from Cantemo UI will not work as Cantemo does not know about the file being available in Glacier.

Version 5.4.3

Release Date: 2024-12-12

New Features





Cantemo Files View and Files API now show data from Vidispine directly. Show/hide hidden files functionality is removed. Cantemo File index is only needed for NLE worklows and can be disabled.



More control over image preview shape



Upgraded Vidispine & transcoder to 24.2.8 & 24.2.10 for Red Hat 8, and to 24.1.2 & 24.1.8 for Red Hat 7.



Accurate Video Validate upgraded to version 5.21.7

AV Integration


Red Hat 7.x and CentOS 7.x are no longer supported



Enable FlatGroupAdapter by default in the AV API

AV Integration


Add warning message about shape-tags being overwritten by the setup wizard. Remove warning when accessing the system through https.


Fixed Issues





Security (CVE-2021-44228): Upgraded Elasticsearch to 7.16.3

Elastic search


Fix for rotation on some videos and images. Note: This is automatically applied to the default lowres and lowimage proxy shapes only.



Fix text truncation issue in storage view



Fix for ‘Return To Placeholder’ not functioning fully as non-admin user

Item Page


Ensure tomcat temp directory is created



Alter dbsettings value column type to TEXT



Set noAudio and noVideo properties on shape-tags



Automatically remove runc when installing Accurate Video


Version 5.4.2

Release Date: 2024-05-30

New Features





Added support for OpenSearch 2.7

Elastic search


Fix for some UI texts

Windows Agent - Mac Agent


Accurate.Video Adapter settings are no longer dependent on the Cantemo site URL

Installer - AV Integration


Optimized SQL queries when loading the Rules Engine 3 main UI

Rules Engine


Accurate.Video updated to 5.20.3. Now easier to upgrade Accurate.Video front-end separately. Also added support for metadata fields in subgroups.

AV Integration


Upgraded PostgreSQL to 14.10



Update Vidispine to 23.3.6



Update OpenJDK (Java) to 17.0.2



Update Nginx to 1.25.2



Update Redis to 7.2.3



Update ActiveMQ to 5.15.16



Disable automatic ANALYZE jobsteps by setting ‘AV_CORE_PLUGIN_CREATE_ANALYZE_JOBSTEPS = False’ in

AV Integration


Added new setting SEARCH_INDEX_MAX_FIELD_VALUE_LENGTH to adjust truncation of long values in the search index

Search - Admin


Open in Validate and Poster for subclips now opens the app on the subclip start frame

AV Integration


The SubClip object available as ‘annotation’ in relevant Search API IPluginBlock context now contains inpoint, outpoint and full subclip metadata. Note: Subclips without proper metadata are not available and ‘annotation’ is None.

Plugin - Search - API


New option ‘Prepend path with Storage ID’ in Vidispine Archive. Adds source storage ID as first part of path on the archive storage.

Vidispine - Archive Framework

Fixed Issues





Fix for uploads when Ingest Profile has a space in the group name

Mac Agent


Fix for Collections not showing in search results or Filters when sorting by Filename or certain type of metadata fields



Fix for Formats failing to load up on Item Page for certain items with only a containerComponent

Item Page


Fail installation early if conflicting package ‘runc’ is installed and advice admin to uninstall it



getAggregateJobId() on TranscodeJobHelper now returns the corresponding Vidispine Job ID

Transcode Framework


Fix for lookup and conditional metadata requests failing in Adobe Premiere Panel Search

Adobe Premiere Panel - Search


Fix for users logged in with OIDC getting errors for some actions after a while

Advanced Authentication


Fix for Subclip representative metadata not displaying in Search



Fix for Storage settings Refresh Interval incorrectly having ‘minute’ as unit, the value is in seconds



Fix for requirements when installing only transcoder component



Fix for Tasks page data loading very slowly for tasks on many items



Fix for Item Page - Formats - Delete deleting unexpected files when there is two copies on same storage

Item Page


Fix for Rules Engine Notifications not updating when system has SQS or other notifications without <url>

Rules Engine


Fix for Rendered item is not accessible by the user who created it



Fix for Transcode Framework ignores the no-transcode parameter

Transcode Framework

Version 5.4.1

Release Date: 2023-08-10

New Features





Upgraded Vidispine to 22.4.6 - fixes for rendering 60 fps material, certain items causing 500 errors, etc.



Accurate.Video front-end updated to 5.16.2

AV Integration

Fixed Issues





Fixed warnings from yaml.load()



Fix for handling MXF files in Premiere Pro Project uploads. Relations to Project Item are now correctly created.

Windows Agent


Security: Fixed an open redirect vulnerability in the /authentication/logout/ -endpoint. Any ‘next’ query argument pointing to a non-local URL is ignored.



Titles for posters in Accurate.Video Poster now work with the default settings

AV Integration


Fix for Import from Storage page crashing when a storage does not have a name



Removed requirement from the installer


Version 5.4.0

Release Date: 2023-05-25

What is new

  • Accurate.Video version 5.16.0 with multi-item support in Edit and many more new features

  • Support for user login with Google Apps, Keycloak, or other providers that support OIDC

New Features





Support for OpenID Connect (OIDC) Authentication - user login with Keycloak, Google Apps, or other providers that support OIDC

Advanced Authentication


Upgraded Vidispine to 22.4.4



accurate_video_settings management command has a new option –update-settings that takes care of changes during upgrades. Additionally the command now makes backups of settings files it overwrites.

AV Integration


Accurate.Video updated to 5.16.0 with multi-item support in Edit and many more new features

AV Integration


Support for rendering sequences from Accurate.Video Edit where the source material have different resolutions. Target will have black bars.

AV Integration

Fixed Issues





Dragging a subcollection to another will now correctly move it, not add a new parent to it.

Any previous subcollection with multiple parents will only have one after a drag-and-drop.

The API ‘PUT /API/v2/collections/{ID}/content/’ now also supports a list as the ‘from_collection_id’-argument.



Faceted filters (‘post_filter’) are now correctly applied in the Saved Search API GET /API/v2/search/saved/<id>/, and also in the PUT /API/v2/search/ API even if aggregations are not defined. Saved Search API now also returns saved search name and ID.

Saved Search - API - Search


The pluginblock MediaPreviewIcon is now correctly rendered only on the item pod, not also in the small gearbox



Fix for links in item and collection metadata not being clickable when viewing metadata

Item Page


Cantemo default settings for Accurate Video now support Ad Break workspace

AV Integration


Fixes for out-of-memory and stability issues in the Windows Agent on large project uploads

Windows Agent

Version 5.3.3

Release Date: 2023-08-10

Fixed Issues





Fix for handling MXF files in Premiere Pro Project uploads. Relations to Project Item are now correctly created.

Windows Agent


Security: Fixed an open redirect vulnerability in the /authentication/logout/ -endpoint. Any ‘next’ query argument pointing to a non-local URL is ignored.



Removed requirement from the installer


Version 5.3.2

Release Date: 2023-05-16

New Features





Files that are not ingested now show ‘File already on server’ in the user interface instead of ‘Item already on server’

Windows Agent


Official support for Rocky Linux 8



Upgraded Vidispine to 22.3.7 - fix for Metadata Elements and Comments viewing - referenced metadata causing 500 errors in some cases


Fixed Issues





Fix for ingesting project media (registered files but not yet items) from a subfolder of a storage. Stability fixes and memory usage optimizations for large project uploads.

Windows Agent


Fixes for out-of-memory and stability issues in the Windows Agent on large project uploads

Windows Agent

Version 5.3.1

Release Date: 2022-11-28

New Features





When a Move/Copy action has only a single destination and ‘Remove from other storages’ is set, use a Move job in Vidispine instead of a Copy+Delete. This applies to existing and new rules.

Rules Engine


Optimized cache invalidation when setting item metadata. Affects especially systems with large amount of users. Speeds up saving metadata, but also for example starting Rules Engine 3 processes etc.

Rules Engine - Cantemo


Optimizations for rendering the rules list, affects especially systems with tens of rules and rules which apply large amounts of Dynamic ACLs.

Rules Engine

Fixed Issues





Fix for sorting of different types of events such as Rules Engine and System Job on Item Page History

API - Item Page


Fix for creating Saved Search rules with over 100 Saved Searches to choose from

Rules Engine

Version 5.3.0

Release Date: 2022-10-27

New Features





Rules Engine 3 now supports command line arguments for Shell Script actions. Example scripts updated to show usage of these.

Rules Engine


REST API for modifying actions on a rule - with support for arbitrary actions list for example custom order of actions and duplicate of same type of action

Rules Engine


Rules Engine Move/Copy actions now show job priority in the rule description and diagram

Rules Engine


Set trigger settings like ‘suspended’ when creating a Rule

Rules Engine


Main Rules list is now sorted by Name and not Deployed date

Rules Engine


Improved healthcheck for nginx to not give false warnings



Fix for Sharing email and Django admin emails not including a space after the prefix and main subject

Admin - Cantemo


Added Processing Status table that shows total amount of processing slots used and available.

Rules Engine


Sorted and searchable Saved Search selection when creating a rule

Rules Engine


Integrated Accurate.Video 5.12.0

AV Integration


Upgraded Vidispine to 22.3.1



IPluginURL now has a ‘include_in_api_docs’ -parameter that plugins can use to include plugin end-points in the interactive REST API Reference

API - Plugin


Sidecar XML for rendered items is not anymore stored in item metadata as portal_nle_xml

Adobe Premiere Panel - NLE


Audio ANALYZE jobs are now only executed once per item on the original shape. Also added an Rules Engine 3 script ‘’ that can be used to run ANALYZE on old content.

AV Integration


Support for Adobe Premiere 2023

Adobe Premiere Panel

Fixed Issues





Do not warn about deleting zero files when closing transfer window

Windows Agent


Improved accurate_video_settings command to take into account http/https for the adapter public URL

AV Integration


Fix for Premiere Panel renders sometimes being uploaded separately from the project

Mac Agent


Fix for project to media relation after upload when media filename contains ampersand (&)

Mac Agent


Item Page history for Rules is faster to load now

Rules Engine - Item Page


Added pluginblock AgentMetadataFormJS to the Agent metadata form template



Fix for item metadata form loosing values after clicking on a tag or lookup to search for it



Optimized the internal requests for Rules Engine 3 - making rule polling faster

Rules Engine


Fix for Project uploads not allowing upload or crashing when REQUIRE_METADATA_SCHEMA is set on server

Windows Agent

Version 5.2.1

Release Date: 2022-09-08

New Features





Now setting default ingest profile when user is created with Active Directory.

Active Directory Integration


Fix for being able to set –simple_access_control=False and –nle_proxy_workflow_enabled=False with setupvs management command



Item, Collection and SubClip size is logged when indexing data in Elastic



Upgraded Vidispine to 22.1.4


Fixed Issues





Fix for Premiere Panel renders sometimes being uploaded separately from the project

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with showing subclip duration on search results



Removed ERROR level logging related to temporary failure of ACL indexing when ingesting items

Elastic search


Not anymore silently ignoring errors when Rules Engine tries to add or remove from non existing Collections

Rules Engine


Fix for project to media relation after upload when media filename contains ampersand (&)

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with non existing proxy for FCPX 10.6 or later using the proxy workflow

Final Cut Pro Integration


Fix for Representative System Fields values not displaying in search results

Pod View - Search


Fixed problem with Search when Manual Tracks has been created in Accurate.Video Validate

AV Integration - Search


Fix for Item Page player, Search Preview, Annotation Tool and Rough Cut Editor handling of subtitles with unknown or inexact language codes

Annotation tool - Rough Cut Editor - Search

Version 5.2.0

Release Date: 2022-05-05

What is new

  • VidiNet support

  • Proxy workflow with Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro X

  • Improved search performance

New Features





Shape priorities feature has been removed in favour of Proxy Workflow feature.

NLE - Premiere Pro Integration - Final Cut Pro Integration


Added Proxy workflow within Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Premiere Pro

Final Cut Pro Integration - Premiere Pro Integration


VidiNet Support in Cantemo



Beta-status removed from Collection, Reindex, Comments etc. V2 APIs



Dash status enabled or disabled now showing on System Overview



Collection move now automatically refresh the Collection tree



Optimizations for the Search and Media Bin APIs. Please note: If you have plugins that render in search result pods, such as MediaViewDropdown, less data is now available on the ‘item’ context variable.



Now possible to disable the Dashboard via Dashboard role

Roles - Dashboard


Now possible to filter searches by hours



Formats page now not caring about Item archive state, only File state

Item Page


Now possible to transcode from Media Bin

Media Bin - Gearbox


Added Export to MediaBin Gearbox

Media Bin - Gearbox


Archive related functions now available on Media Bin gearbox

Gearbox - Media Bin


Now possible to Share the content of your Media Bin

Media Bin - Gearbox


Updated to FCPXML version 1.9. Final Cut Pro 10.4.9 or later is required.

Final Cut Pro Integration


Added links to individual comments. Only available when system is running with HTTPS.

Item Page


Improved handling of Subclips in Media Bin

Gearbox - Media Bin


Added new Proxy workflow setting under Transfer Settings

Documentation - Final Cut Pro Integration - System Menu - Premiere Pro Integration


Now using Vidispine bulk API for adding many items at once to a Collection

Collections - API


Improved Archive relations view when archiving projects

Cantemo - Item Page - Gearbox


Minimum memory for installing Cantemo is now 16 GB

Installer - Documentation


Archive actions are now available in the Media Bin

Media Bin - Gearbox


Optimizations to the end-point /API/v2/metadata-schema/groups/<group name>/

Search - API


Metadata Elements now always use the per field searchable UI with indexFieldGroups set in Vidispine configuration



Tabs for Collections added to the Media Bin

Media Bin


Panel extension is now renamed to Cantemo

Adobe Premiere Panel


Added proxy workflow settings to Error report

Error report


Upgraded to Accurate Video 5.10.0

AV Integration


Upgraded Vidispine to 22.1.1


Fixed Issues





Improved notifications when trying unsupported operations on Subclips



Now using more of the screen for metadata

Item Page


Fixed minor problem with clicking on pods after scrubbing through thumbnails



Fix for opening multiple subclips in Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X

Plugin - Gearbox


Fixed problem with Accurate.Video upgrades breaking metadata changes

AV Integration


Items and Subclips are now automatically selected in Media Bin

Media Bin


Fix for time based comments on a video item showing up as ‘has annotations’ in search results



Fixed Elastic warnings when recreating indexes

Elastic search


Improved Item page loading performance by not fetching relation data

Item Page

Version 5.1.3

Release Date: 2022-04-25

New Features





Default when adding Access rights is now Read

Item Page


Collection Tree gearbox now has the option to open in Final Cut and Adobe Premiere

NLE - Collections


Cantemo Request ID or Celery Task ID is now available in Vidispine requests.log



Added management command profile_web_workers for profiling web workers on a live system


Fixed Issues





Fixed problems with date pickers looking editable in view mode



Out timecode on timebased comments for audio only assets are now set correct

Item Page - Audio Player


Fix for new AD users not having their User Groups available on settings page

Active Directory Integration


Fixed incorrect growl message on Share page



Improved look of Delete Modal that has relations



Premiere Panel and FCPX Workflow Extension: Fix for the extension repeatedly needing new permission to read Mac Agent authentication information

Premiere Pro Integration - Mac Agent - Final Cut Pro Integration


Item Title on table view are now truncated with ellipsis



Fixed error handling in installer for component postgresql



Fixed problem with Items ACLs added to a single user for a Collection



Fixed automatic transcode on Export for shapes that do not exist

Vidispine - Item Page


Fixed problem with clicking on Item pod thumbnails after scrubbing through thumbnails

Search - Pod View


Deleted values in date fields now displayed correct



Add new Sub-Collection now uses your Default Collection profile



Improved Item page loading performance by not fetching relation data

Item Page


Fixed problem with flaky unselecting in Media Bin

Media Bin


Fixed problem with creating Sub-collection when Default Collection Profile is Keep private



Fixed problem with Keep Private as Default Ingest Profile on Uploads


Version 5.1.2

Release Date: 2022-01-19

New Features





Optimization of the API that lists Collections - /API/v2/collections/

Search - API


Now possible to transcode from Media Bin

Media Bin - Gearbox


The query parameter startTimecode=<smpte code> works for video item page links again.

Item Page


Security: Upgraded to Django 3.2.11 for latest security fixes


Fixed Issues





Added new Role Items Metadata Title Write for editing Titles

Item Page


Time based comments on Audio Items are now stored as PAL and previous stored comments need manual migration. Video items are not affected.

Item Page - Audio Player


Fixed problem that Placeholders could not be selected in the Media Bin

Media Bin


Fixed icons for Firefox

Item Page


Removed styling added to item page plugin block

Plugin - Item Page


Fixed problem on Cancel button for Collection Metadata



Fixed problems related to the Keep Private setting for Ingest profiles.

Metadata - Rough Cut Editor - User/Group Management


Security (CVE-2021-44228): Upgraded Elasticsearch to 7.16.2

Elastic search


Fixed problem with Active Directory Integration

Active Directory Integration


Increased width of Title field to fill out whole width

Item Page


Fixed problem with clickable System fields in Metadata


Version 5.1.1

Release Date: 2021-12-08

New Features





Optimization of the API that lists Saved Searches - /API/v2/search/saved/

Search - API


Now possible to AddToCollection from Media Bin

Gearbox - Media Bin


Updated to Accurate Video 5.8.0

AV Integration

Fixed Issues





Improved error and status handling for all archive/restore/delete from archive jobs in Rules Engine 3. Please note that some cases that were previously silently ignored - such as Archive on an already Archived item that result in a SKIPPED job - are now treated as errors.

Rules Engine


Upgrades is now not dependant on RE3 license

Rules Engine - Portal


Fixed problem with Default Ingest Profile being reset when ingesting content.

User/Group Management - Uploader


Fixed problem with loading default metadata group.

Item Page


Fixed bug with relations count for Subclip

Item Page


Fix for setting metadata on a file and editing it again (when metadata group has subgroups)

Uploader - Metadata


Fixed problem with renaming files on Export



Fixed example logging.conf as previous one do not work in new Django. logging.conf needs to be update if you are using django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler



Item/Collection ACL Read roles now imply the required Groups/User List Own roles.

Roles - API


Added more field descriptions in REST API documentation



Fix to reindex failing on erroneous project items without NLEProjectVersion



Collection indexing optimization: Do not get full collection contents from Vidispine when reindexing a Collection. Note for IElasticIndexCollectionProcessor: the incoming ‘collection’ object will now have empty getContent/getItems



Fixed problem with Accurate Video and SELinux

Installer - AV Integration


Various UI fixes in Adobe Premiere Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed problem with Archive actions did not have related checkbox for Projects Items

Search - Archive Framework - Item Page


Fix for listing more than 100 Saved Searches

Saved Search

Version 5.1.0

Release Date: 2021-10-28

What is new

  • Accurate.Video Validate and Poster as Cantemo Plugin

  • New Media Bin

  • Upgraded to Django 3.2

  • New Adobe Premiere Panel

New Features





Changes to items are reflected in the mediabin.

Media Bin


Can now drag select around thumbnails

Adobe Premiere Panel


Improved error handling in Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Now possible to use list view in Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Now possible to open Premiere Projects directly in Panel.

Adobe Premiere Panel


Now Cantemo Agent and Premiere Panel shares configuration

Adobe Premiere Panel


Django USE_TZ setting is now always enabled. This helps prevent certain timezone related bugs. Third party plugins that have DateTimeField in their database models and e.g. compare these to need to be updated to use Please see Django documentation and code migration guide for Django 3.2



New and improved Adobe CC Panel with Cantemo look

Adobe Premiere Panel


Upgraded Nginx to 1.21



Improved gearbox dividers



Lowimage (default image proxy) resolution increased to 1280x720

Item Page - Installer


Workflow Extension now using the new Item page and most actions are enabled inside WFE.

Final Cut Pro Integration


Better handling of usernames and full names. Added full name of user to all V2 Item APIs.

Item Page


Project item locks are not available in Item History view and API

NLE - Item Page


New and refreshed Media Bin

Media Bin


New design of the growl messages. Introducing info and warning messages as well.



Moved Submit button for metadata to top of Metadata Form

Item Page


Now Grantor is shown for ACLs

API - Item Page


Upgraded Python to 3.9.5



Added timeouts for all Celery tasks



Upgraded react-dnd component

Collections - Media Bin


Now possible to configure the XMP settings via the System settings page

Vidispine - Admin


New and improved ACL view for Collections

Item Page - Collections


Improved layout of large gearbox



Now checking validity time of certificates on System Settings page



Improved look on all notice messages



Removed feedparser, decorator, paste, pycrypto and oauth2client from Cantemo Python libraries. Install separately if a 3rd party plugin needs these.



Increased nginx timeout in Portal to be 300 seconds instead of 200 to match Vidispine 270.

Admin - Error report


Upgraded Django to 3.2.5



Accurate.Video 5.7.0 is now available as a plugin

Codemill - Installer


Improved validation for authentication backends when using Active Directory

Active Directory Integration


Now Imports from the Media Bin in RCE is made from the normal Media Bin

Rough Cut Editor - Media Bin


Now possible to change log level using set_log_level



Changed default icon for placeholder items



Removed scroll to top icon in search tabs as it is not used anymore



Support for Adobe Premiere 22

Premiere Pro Integration


Upgraded Vidispine to 21.3.1


Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with removal of multiple Items from Collection

Search - Collections


Fixed problems with Cog wheel in Media Bin

Media Bin


Fixed problem with Saved searches with filters for Online and Archived that are modified after the saved search

Saved Search


Fixed UI issues on sharing page

Item Page


Fixed problem with poster creation with read only rights

Item Page


Fixed access rights to delete poster

Item Page


Archived/Online items are now downloadable from the Formats page

Item Page


Fixed UI problem when making another search while another one is still ongoing


Version 5.0.5

Release Date: 2022-04-25

New Features





Security: Upgraded to Django 2.2.26 for latest security fixes


Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with Default Ingest Profile being reset when ingesting content.

User/Group Management - Uploader


Item/Collection ACL Read roles now imply the required Groups/User List Own roles.

Roles - API


Fix to reindex failing on erroneous project items without NLEProjectVersion



Time based comments on Audio Items are now stored as PAL and previous stored comments need manual migration. Video items are not affected.

Item Page - Audio Player


Fix for new AD users not having their User Groups available on settings page

Active Directory Integration


Fixed problem with Archive actions did not have related checkbox for Projects Items

Search - Archive Framework - Item Page


Fixed problems related to the Keep Private setting for Ingest profiles.

Metadata - Rough Cut Editor - User/Group Management


Security (CVE-2021-44228): Upgraded Elasticsearch to 7.16.2

Elastic search


Fixed automatic transcode on Export for shapes that do not exist

Vidispine - Item Page


Improved Item page loading performance by not fetching relation data

Item Page


Fixed problem with Keep Private as Default Ingest Profile on Uploads


Version 5.0.4

Release Date: 2021-11-04

New Features





Support for Adobe Premiere 22

Premiere Pro Integration

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with marking in and outpoints for time based comments in Sharing mode

Item Page


Fixed problem with removal of multiple Items from Collection

Search - Collections


Upgrades is now not dependant on RE3 license

Rules Engine - Portal


Fixed error growl message when opening a Share with Collections



Fixed problem with loading default metadata group.

Item Page


Fixed problem with Saved searches with filters for Online and Archived that are modified after the saved search

Saved Search


Fix for setting metadata on a file and editing it again (when metadata group has subgroups)

Uploader - Metadata


Fixed problem with poster creation with read only rights

Item Page


Fixed problem with renaming files on Export



Fixed access rights to delete poster

Item Page


Archived/Online items are now downloadable from the Formats page

Item Page


Fixed UI problem when making another search while another one is still ongoing



Upgraded Vidispine to 5.5.5



Collection indexing optimization: Do not get full collection contents from Vidispine when reindexing a Collection. Note for IElasticIndexCollectionProcessor: the incoming ‘collection’ object will now have empty getContent/getItems


Version 5.0.3

Release Date: 2021-09-15

New Features





The item page pluginblock MediaViewLeftContentBottom was moved from below the menu to below all item page content. Use MediaViewLeftPanelMenu to add customizations to the menu.

Plugin - Item Page - Documentation

Fixed Issues





Now properly clearing the Add to Collection field after adding to a Collection

Search - Collections


Fixed Recycle Bin menu option

Manage Menu


Max buckets should not be reached anymore for Elastic

Elastic search - Metadata


Fixed problem showing ACLs inherited from Collections as users not having access to that Collection.

Item Page - Collections


Archive/Restore jobs are now populated through the archiver_short Celery worker

Archive Framework


Changed return limit of Lookup fields to 1000

Metadata Manager


Fixed problems with displaying Collection in Add to Collection pop-up



Fixed problem with File imports from the Storage page



Auto complete of collections now showing the Collection id as well



Fixed problem with some actions on Small gearbox

Item Page


Fixed problem with ACL view for Rules that has been deleted.

Item Page


Now clearing activemq cache before upgrading



Renamed connection credentials for Object Matrix storages



Fixed problem with viewing and editing Metadata Elements



Optimization to fetch less item data from Vidispine on each call. Affects e.g. opening large FCP projects as non-admin.

Vidispine - Final Cut Pro Integration


Updated documentation regarding Active Directory configuration



Fixed problem that XMP date fields are considered editable

Metadata Manager


Fixed problem for Metadata Subgroup editing where Metadata Elements was not possible to add in Safari



Navigation between Items and Subclips now work properly

Item Page


Default ingest group now always applied, even if no metadata provided



Annotations icon is properly display for Items with annotations



Upgraded Vidispine to 5.5.4



Fixed problem for the norwegian language code no

Item Page - API


Fixed problem with scrolling in the metadata form

Mac Agent


Improved error handling when Vidispine db migrate fails


Version 5.0.2

Release Date: 2021-06-16

Fixed Issues





Render to New Item now working from the SubClip page

Item Page


Added scrollbars on the search options when needed



Fixed problem with default values in metadata for multiple fields



Fixed problem with Delete on Small gearbox

Pod View


Fixed problem with DELETION_GRACE_PERIOD for other configurations than 24 hours

Item Page


Fixed problem with loading metadata twice on Item page

Item Page


Fixed performance problem on Lookup fields after dropdowns or choices

Item Page - API


Improved selection in Recycle Bin for Table view

Recycle Bin


Upgraded Vidispine to 5.5.2



Security: Fixed invalid role requirements on certain sharing and index URLs

Manage Menu - Admin


Fixed problem with crash on the storage page


Version 5.0.1

Release Date: 2021-05-20

New Features





Item History now shows which user who has deleted a specific Item before purging

Item Page


Changed default page size on user page to 50

User/Group Management


Added Simple Access control value to Error report

Error report

Fixed Issues





Fix for rendering of pluginblocks that return ‘string’ and not ‘template’

Plugin - Search


Fixed some UI problems in the Collection Tree



Not reloading collection tree when selecting it



Fixed problem with Mac Agent crashing when library has been updated by other users

Final Cut Pro Integration


Fixed problem showing all Format types on Transcode

Gearbox - Item Page


Fixed timestamp problem on Versions page

Item Page


Fixed problem with filters being reset when reloading page



Improved layout of Gearbox

Item Page - Gearbox


Fixed problem playing growing files

Item Page


Fixed problem not resetting the Collections modal when adding to Collection



Fixed problem with Subclips showing even if default setting say Items



Fixed problem with multiple audio/video tracks and subtitles

Item Page


Moved MediaViewLeftPanelMenu plugin to correct place in the HTML

Item Page


Fixed problem loading User metadata view for Saved searches



Fixed problem to open Item page for Data and Project mediatype in Table view.



Fixed problem where UI does not display correct sharing message



Now showing Titles correct on previous Versions

Item Page


Fix for Premiere Panel Login-button not working on macos Big Sur

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed reindex problem on Vidispine Archive storages

Vidispine - Archive Framework


Fixed problem with restoring from Glacier

Vidispine - Archive Framework


Fixed problem with unnecessary requests to backend of metadata for multiple files



Fixed problem with leaving orphan subclips in the Recycle Bin

Elastic search


Fixed problem saving audio only profiles

Transcode Profiles


Deprecated React JS plugins



Upgraded Vidispine to 5.5.1



Improved error handling for Elastic updates of ACLs.

Elastic search


Fixed problem with conforms in RCE when dropframe or NTSC

Rough Cut Editor


Fixed problem with ACLs when uploading to a Collection

Elastic search


Fixed FCPX Workflow Extension crash in some media and project file drag and detection of data from latest FCPX version

Final Cut Pro Integration


Support for Adobe Premiere Pro 2021 release (version 15)

Premiere Pro Integration - NLE


Fix for running Setup Wizard/setupvs with an Amazon AWS Elasticsearch instance configured



Increased default timeout value for long tasks

Elastic search - Celery


Fixed problem with Celerybeat not running correct after restart



Disable notifications in RCE to save resources.

Rough Cut Editor


Ignoring request to backend to avoid starvation of web browser when scrubbing in RCE.

Rough Cut Editor


Fix for CollectionViewPodDropDown plugins rendering not getting an collectionId argument

Search - NLE - Plugin


Security: Fixed default nginx config that could gain access to unwanted directories


Version 5.0.0

Release Date: 2021-03-18


What is new

  • New Item page

  • New Table view

  • Red Hat 8 support

  • New Audit Tool

  • Improved Notifications for Rules Engine and Audit Tool

New Features





Now possible to create Audits on a scheduled basis

Audit trails


Introduced a new Table view instead of the old list view



Now possible to search in the Recycle Bin

Recycle Bin


Default Value support for Lookup fields added

Metadata Manager - Metadata


Activiti is now better protected by default. Use SSH tunnel to access Activiti Explorer.

Admin - Rules Engine


Now possible to select across multiple pages in Recycle Bin

Recycle Bin


Replaced memcached with Redis



Item History now show metadata updates

Item Page


Organisations has been removed



Now possible to mixdown stereo to mono in the UI

Transcode Profiles


New Portal installations have HTTPS enabled by default. Upgrades do not break custom HTTPS settings anymore. Added System Setting for forcing HTTPS.



Added support Vidispine Archive plugin to Archive on Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure - Vidispine


Improved documentation of roles in Portal REST API Reference

API - Documentation


New improved Item history page

Item Page


Installer logs now contains Vidispine license information



Now possible to set a Vidispine Storage as an Archive Storage

Archive Framework - Vidispine - Plugin


Support for RedHat8 and CentOS8



Old search and collection related pages removed such as /oldsearch/ and /vs/collections/

Search - API


Added queue size of Notifyindexer in the RE3 UI

Rules Engine


Now inludes total size of the databases in the error report

Error report


Rebuilt new Item page in React

Item Page - Portal


Database sessions are now cleared periodically



Contact Sheet has been removed as a plugin



Added healthcheck for External ActiveMQ



Web notifications are on by default for the Admin user group on fresh installs



New imrpoved Item Access page

Item Page


New API for getting formats of an Item

API - Item Page


New API endpoint for ACL changes to Items

API - Item Page


New API endpoint for Item Posters

API - Item Page


New API endpoint for Thumbnails for Items

API - Item Page


Recycle Bin now supports searching and filtering

Recycle Bin


Dropped all Support for Vidispine library saved searches used in Portal 2.4 and earlier

Rules Engine - Search


Added the Default Ingest Group option Keep Private

User/Group Management


Removed irrelevant deprecated /API/v2/comments/settings/ and all irrelevant item comments database models.

API - Item Page


CentoOS6 / RHEL 6 support has been removed



Added Vidispine notification definitions to Error Report

Error report


New API for Bulk delete of field choices



Now possible to use timebased comments for audio only assets use i and o

Audio Player - Final Cut Pro Integration - Item Page


Upgraded Python to 3.8



End-points under /API/v1/ and GET /API/v2/search/ have been removed



Now checking Vidispine Portal connectivity in Healtcheck

Error report


Items rendered from RCE support Ingest Profile to select which formats the new item is transcoded into

Rough Cut Editor


Improved compatibility with docker installations in our installer



Now possible to Batch act on related Items

Item Page


Upgraded nginx



Various documentation updates



Added default Vidispine job priority settings

Portal - Vidispine


Now the Storage and Collections panels are expandable

Portal - Search


Added priority options in Rules Engine for Transcode jobs

Rules Engine


New Audit Tool

Audit trails


Improved performance when editing ACLs with more than 1000 users

User/Group Management - Item Page


New API endpoint for Item versions

API - Item Page


Improved performance in search by only requesting the necessary fields

Elastic search


VSAccessElement getPriority() and getAccessWithPriority() have been renamed to getRank() and getAccessWithRank() to match new Vidispine name of this concept



New API endpoint for return to placeholder



Fixed problem with small gearbox for Transcode



New and improved Access Rights page

Item Page


Changed timecode behaviour on video and audio players

Item Page


New Portal login page



New User settings page



Now possible to display what search tabs should be shown as default



Now possible to configure Vidispine storages as Azure and Google Cloud



Now possible to ignore sidecar files on import even if they exist if passed as argument to the job



Access priority has been exposed on the Item page

Item Page


Added recursive option in getFilesInStorage

API - Storages


Improved security by opening up less ports in the firewall



Added support for Glacier through Vidispine Archive plugin

Vidispine - Archive Framework


Added notifications when a Rules Engine rule fails

Notification - Rules Engine


New endpoints for adding to Collections

API - Collections


New API endpoint for renaming Collections

API - Collections


Top menu is now responsive on small screens

Item Page - Portal


Failed archive deletes from Items in Recycle Bin will still be deleted but remain on the Archive storage.

Archive Framework - Recycle Bin


New API endpoint for Item Relations



Added metadata version support through the API

API - Item Page


Added documentation of authentication requirements for all end-points in Portal REST API Reference



Nested queries now available in our Search API

API - Elastic search - Search


Helper functions are now automatically available in shell_plus



Removed the HTML template based item page at /vs/item/<id>/ and related templates in /opt/cantemo/portal/portal_themes/core/templates/media/

API - Item Page


Simplified System Settings layout



Added management command to recreate_items_index

Elastic search


Added management command to recreate_collection_index

Elastic search


Added management command to recreate_files_index

Elastic search


Elasticsearch nested_fields and total_fields limit defaults have been increased to 50000: ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_NESTED_FIELDS_LIMIT and ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_TOTAL_FIELDS_LIMIT in portal.conf This are set when running setup wizard.

Elastic search - Installer


Updated cffi to 1.14.4



Now possible to get notifications for Audit Tool reports



Upgraded Vidispine to 5.5



Better error handling for Rules Engine scripts

Rules Engine


Databases created by Portal installer are now always in UTF8



Improved UI on Formats page

Item Page


Upgraded Postgresql to 10.13



Added Support for Adobe Premiere 15

Adobe Premiere Panel

Fixed Issues





DASH playback works for assets shared out to non Portal authenticated users

Item Page


Rules Engine rules that have handled the item are now shown on Item History page

Rules Engine


Move Jobs now listed on the History page

Item Page


Audit Tool are now much more performant for many Audits

Audit trails


Transparent PDFs now have white background instead of black when transcoded to JPEG proxy



Updated copyright notice

Admin - Plugin


API endpoint for delete of Collections

API - Collections


Removed UI plugins not valid anymore in the combined search introduced in Portal 4.1.0



Support for acting on items based on Vidispine Libraries has been removed from all Portal REST APIs

NLE - Portal


Fixed problem with translated Metadata groups name not displaying correct



Do not show ‘Transcode was requested’ error for a job when no target tags were defined for it

Jobs Page


Fixed UI problems for many versions on the Item Page

Item Page - NLE


Fixed roles problem on ACL page

Item Page - Roles


Fixed roles problem on comments page

Item Page


Archive Jobs ‘Clear All’ fix when there is a lot of jobs

Archive Framework


Upgraded all Vidispine javascript jobsteps to graalvm



All users must be logged in. Support for the portal.conf option LOGIN_NEEDED: False has been removed

Documentation - Portal


Rules Engine Write Role has been removed

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with date formats on the Jobs page

Jobs Page


Portal now shows files as base of 10 instead of base 2 to have same behaviour as Finder and Explorer



Fixed problem with Display name on Metadata Groups



Added role portal_api_system_version to get the version in the system and not restricted to Admins

API - Roles


Cleanup of old and sometimes unused code



Fresh installs on Portal now uses External ActiveMQ for Vidispine. Upgrades can be configured for that.



Improved modal for Return to Placeholder

Item Page


Now new relations also reindex the item

Elastic search


Fixed problem with exported media files containing a whitespace



Improved listing of effective permissions on an item in Access Control / SHOW AUDIT

Item Page - API

Version 4.3.11

Release Date: 2021-08-17

Fixed Issues





Archive/Restore jobs are now populated through the archiver_short Celery worker

Archive Framework


Increased performance loading the default Rules Engine page. Handled items are affected by this as it now shows the total number of times run; not unique items handled

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with changing sort order on large saved searches

Elastic search - Saved Search


Optimization to fetch less item data from Vidispine on each call. Affects e.g. opening large FCP projects as non-admin.

Vidispine - Final Cut Pro Integration

Version 4.3.10

Release Date: 2021-06-16

Fixed Issues





Added scrollbars on the search options when needed



Fixed problem with default values in metadata for multiple fields



Security: Fixed default nginx config that could gain access to unwanted directories



Fixed performance problem on Lookup fields after dropdowns or choices

Item Page - API


Security: Fixed invalid role requirements on certain sharing and index URLs

Manage Menu - Admin

Version 4.3.9

Release Date: 2021-05-06

New Features





Added Support for Adobe Premiere 15

Adobe Premiere Panel


Added Simple Access control value to Error report

Error report

Fixed Issues





Not reloading collection tree when selecting it



Fixed problem with Windows Agent downloads when lacking network mappings

Windows Agent


Fixed problem with Mac Agent crashing when library has been updated by other users

Final Cut Pro Integration


Fixed problem with filters being reset when reloading page



Fixed problem with Subclips showing even if default setting say Items



Fixed problem loading User metadata view for Saved searches



Fixed problem where UI does not display correct sharing message



Fixed problem with unnecessary requests to backend of metadata for multiple files



Fixed problem saving audio only profiles

Transcode Profiles


Deprecated React JS plugins



Improved error handling for Elastic updates of ACLs.

Elastic search


Fixed problem with conforms in RCE when dropframe or NTSC

Rough Cut Editor


Fixed problem with ACLs when uploading to a Collection

Elastic search


Fixed FCPX Workflow Extension crash in some media and project file drag and detection of data from latest FCPX version

Final Cut Pro Integration


Support for Adobe Premiere Pro 2021 release (version 15)

Premiere Pro Integration - NLE


Increased default timeout value for long tasks

Elastic search - Celery


Disable notifications in RCE to save resources.

Rough Cut Editor


Ignoring request to backend to avoid starvation of web browser when scrubbing in RCE.

Rough Cut Editor

Version 4.3.8

Release Date: 2021-02-03

New Features





Added Usage Report data to Error report


Fixed Issues





Fix for items stuck in WAITING state when Start Manual Rule is used on Format Distribution Rules

Rules Engine


Fixed JavaScript translations. Also for languages like e.g. Korean.



Fixed further problems with Tag autocomplete searches

Metadata - Search

Version 4.3.7

Release Date: 2020-12-22

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with Case insensitive tag searches

Metadata - Search


Fixed error on Import from storage


Version 4.3.6

Release Date: 2020-12-17

New Features





Fix for Rules Engine 3 handling unicode notification data with SQL_ASCII database encoding

Rules Engine

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with metadata indicators on subgroups

Metadata - Search


Fixed problem with ACL filters in simple access control

Elastic search


Added support for Custom Roles with Implies



Fixed problem with editing Collection metadata



Fixed problem with NLE API not respecting storage priorities



Improved wording on the Permissions group tab

User/Group Management


Fixed problem with subcollections being added in the root collection



Fixed problem with moving subcollections



Various UI Collection tree fixes



Fixed problem with showing hidden files in Storage view



Fixes problem with HTTP uploads and read only metadata fields



Fixed problem with Tag-searches

Metadata - Search

Version 4.3.5

Release Date: 2020-11-05

New Features





Optimized Search results by getting less data per item from Vidispine. Additionally fixes showing representative sub-group metadata on collections.


Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with Subgroups in RCE Uploader and Annotation Tool

Uploader - Annotation tool - Rough Cut Editor


Fixed problem with Lookup fields in Core theme

Mac Agent - Item Page


Fixed problem with Lookup fields that had a default value set through API



Fixed problem with setting Title in Web Upload

Metadata - Uploader


Make sure Agent loads CSS changes properly from backend

Mac Agent - Windows Agent

Version 4.3.4

Release Date: 2020-10-22

Fixed Issues





Setup Wizard now clears the cache to avoid strange behaviour just after the upgrade



Fixed problem with Custom Roles in Upgrades



Fixed problem with creating new Tags



Upgraded Vidispine to 4.17.10


Version 4.3.3

Release Date: 2020-10-08

New Features





Default setup disables AJP on port 8009 from Portal installed Tomcat

Rules Engine

Fixed Issues





Improved error handling for 0 bytes Premiere files

Windows Agent


Changed pagination layout to revert to old behaviour



Save and Cancel buttons always shown on Batch Metadata update page



Fixed problem with Collection tree and Breadcrumb showing incorrect Collection after changing sort order



Fixed problem with sharing page on IOS phones

Item Page


Rebuild or disable React customizations on upgrades



Removed unnecessary request for Tags to improve performance



Fixed problem with Period/Range on the User metadata view



Fixed problem with creating rules for Collections

Rules Engine


Fixed UI problem with Lookup fields in Batch Metadata Update



Added workaround for project files being saved on slow network storages

Premiere Pro Integration


UI fix for Lookup fields after search



Increase maximum size of memcached values in setup so larger metadata schemas fit in cache



Improved search speed when having many subgroups and representative fields



Fixed problem with Image viewing for Archived Offline items

Item Page

Version 4.3.2

Release Date: 2020-09-10

New Features





Now possible to create custom URLs in Notifications

API - Notification


Added Simple access control for performance reasons.


Fixed Issues





Now not possible to save editing of Groups before Roles tree has been fully loaded

User/Group Management


Now tracking the total hits from Elasticsearch instead of capping at 10000 hits

Elastic search


Fixed problem with some read only items not displayed in search

Roles - Search


Improved handling of SignatureExpired between Rules Engine and Portal

Rules Engine


Fixed error handling in Item metadata API

API - Metadata


Fixed problem with deleting multiple files on one storage belonging to the same item when only one was inteded to be deleted on Formats page

Item Page


Improved error handling when hash failures occur when restoring

Archive Framework


Fixed problem with Ingest role not possible to Import from Storage with only that role.

Roles - Storages


Fixed problem with back to search page when paginated to other pages tan the first

Item Page - Search


Fixed problem with Archiving being stuck if configuration is incorrect

Archive Framework


Minor UI fixes on sharing page



Fixed problem with special characters in group names

User/Group Management



Installer - Elastic search


Collection switch not showing on user settings Default Search Criteria Display

User/Group Management


Fixed problems with non admins not possible to access Search History



Fixed problem on Pod gearbox with Remove from Collection



Now prioritize storages with NLE mappings before others in the NLE API



Improved performance in Google Chrome when scrubbing on the timeline

Rough Cut Editor


Now excludes usernames in search completions



Fixed roles problem with custom transcode plugins in Transcode Framework



Improved loading time of group pages by caching Portal roles

User/Group Management


Fixed problem with Uploading to Collections

Uploader - Collections


Fixed problem on the Transfer page for Export jobs in system with a custom site id



Fixed paginator on Import from storage page



Improved performance in loading metadata on item page

Item Page


Improved performance in RCE by using browser cache in Google Chrome for non tailmode ingests

Rough Cut Editor


Improved playback reverse over clips in Google Chrome

Rough Cut Editor


Requesting less information from Elastic during reindex to avoid Out of Memory issues



Fixed problem with Sub-Collections in Share view

Manage Menu


Improved performance of loading metadata groups



Upgraded Vidispine to 4.17.9


Version 4.3.1

Release Date: 2020-08-11

Fixed Issues





Ignore subcollections on search page no longer unsets after each search.



Multiple search filters of the same type can now be active for example both Media Type Video and Images



Fixed problem when reediting metadata in uploader



Fixed problem with Collection sorting



Fixed problem with Matadata Batch updates more than 200 items

Portal - Metadata


Not respecting Default Metadata Settings on Group level has been rectified for SubClips and Collections.



Fixed problem with Portal displaying 23.98 fps as dropframe



Fixed problem with group level default Collection metadata



Fixed problem with Rules Engine not being able to create rules based on old Collections

Rules Engine


Fixed display issue where Delete option was displayed in the MediaBin even though user did not have the Delete Item role

Media Bin


S3 Archive setup no longer needs access to creation_date of bucket.

Amazon S3 - Archive Framework


Shape level negative ACLs are not interpreted correct in Portal



Fixed so reindex initialisation times out after 4 hours instead of 30 minutes. Affects large systems.



Improved reindex speed for ACL only changes


Version 4.3.0

Release Date: 2020-07-08


What is new

  • New improved Collection workflow

  • New Audio player

  • Database Monitor and Purging

  • Improved Notifications for Batch Metadata Updates

New Features





New improved audio player

Video Player


The related tab can now do a search to show project relations

Item Page - NLE


Added new API endpoint for setting Item metadata

API - Metadata


Added API for creating item placeholders



Metadata Batch Updates now creates Notifications



Now showing which Health Check that fails in an E-mail



Added user setting to be either Replace or Append for Metadata Batch Updates



Added Saved searches and Collections to Workflow Extension together with Filters

Final Cut Pro Integration


Added column to display storage id when importing from storage



Exposed Elastic reindex in API of Item Collection and Subclip



Highlight all Python and React plugin target areas in the Portal UI when DEBUG = True in portal.conf



Added new role for Metadata Elements manage



Added new API to changed ACLs on a Collection



Added Database Purging configuration of Vidispine tables as well as Database Monitoring

Admin - Manage Menu


Added more StorNext configuration options

Quantum StorNext


Added Transcode option on Gearbox

Item Page


Added Deinterlacer setting for Transcode profiles

Transcode Profiles


Now sorting the representative fields using the field order in the Metadata group



Created new item page for Workflow extension

Final Cut Pro Integration


Added Collection profile to User settings



Now possible to add new Collections and add Metadata during creation process



Added Possibility to relate Items to each other without any specific direction

Item Page


Added new API endpoint for getting Item

API - Item Page


New API endpoint for getting Item versions

API - Item Page


New API endpoint for promoting a version to latest

API - Item Page


Added new page for inspecting Tasks like Metadata Batch Updates

Metadata - API


Made it possible to quick add a Collection without a Title



Portal React plugin examples updated with Reindex and Comment and Collection access example implementations

Search - Portal - Item Page


End-points under /API/v1/ and GET /API/v2/search/ have been deprecated. See Development Guide for more details.



Rules Engine 2 is deperacted and will be removed in Portal 5.0

Rules Engine


Input field in search has now spellcheck off and is not controlled by browser



Upgraded Elastic to 7.7

Elastic search


Added feature to replace existing transcodes in Rules Engine

Rules Engine


Added feature to wait for jobs to finish before considering a Rules Engine script task completed

Rules Engine


Upgraded Vidispine to 4.17.8


Fixed Issues





Now possible to create a Collection with metadata in one flow



Fixed problem to change the audio tracks in full screen mode

Video Player


Now possible to sort collections on Collection name and Creation time

Collections - Search


Fixed problems with large page number overlap in UI

Item Page - Collections


Fixed problem with Metadata Hierarchical nodes not having a name

Metadata - Metadata Manager


Improvements in Wizard when running https



Fixed problem with metadata radiobuttons with no value



Fixed problem with shift selecting



Removed Sort By from Search Criteria



Internet Explorer are now officially not supported



Fixed problem with thumbnail link on sharing page



Fixed problems with Metadata Groups not using cache



Increased max memory usage for Elasticsearch

Elastic search - Installer


Fixed problem with Metadata Batch Update from media Bin

Media Bin


Fixed problem with /API/v2/groups/<group name>/roles/ not accepting JSON

API - User/Group Management


Fix problem with MediaBin for Subclips in Rough Cut Editor

Media Bin - Rough Cut Editor


Fixed problem with unchecking filters in Saved searches

Elastic search


Fixed problem with dynamic access given by rules created by users who get revoked admin access

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with ACL reindexing if users added to an existing group



Fixed problem with migration of saved searches. Run /opt/cantemo/portal/ update_saved_searches if you have problems.

Saved Search


Fixed problem with previous installation leaving orphaned install directories


Version 4.2.12

Release Date: 2021-05-04

New Features





Added Support for Adobe Premiere 15

Adobe Premiere Panel

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with Windows Agent downloads when lacking network mappings

Windows Agent


Support for Adobe Premiere Pro 2021 release (version 15)

Premiere Pro Integration - NLE

Version 4.2.11

Release Date: 2021-02-03

New Features





Added Usage Report data to Error report


Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with Case insensitive tag searches

Metadata - Search


Fixed further problems with Tag autocomplete searches

Metadata - Search

Version 4.2.10

Release Date: 2020-12-17

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with ACL filters in simple access control

Elastic search


Fixed problem with Subgroups in RCE Uploader and Annotation Tool

Uploader - Annotation tool - Rough Cut Editor


Fixed problem with NLE API not respecting storage priorities



Fixed problem with showing hidden files in Storage view



Fixes problem with HTTP uploads and read only metadata fields



Fixed problem with Tag-searches

Metadata - Search

Version 4.2.9

Release Date: 2020-11-05

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with Lookup fields that had a default value set through API



Fixed problem with setting Title in Web Upload

Metadata - Uploader

Version 4.2.8

Release Date: 2020-10-22

Fixed Issues





Setup Wizard now clears the cache to avoid strange behaviour just after the upgrade



Fixed problem with Custom Roles in Upgrades



Fixed problem with creating new Tags



Upgraded Vidispine to 4.17.10


Version 4.2.7

Release Date: 2020-10-08

New Features





Default setup disables AJP on port 8009 from Portal installed Tomcat

Rules Engine

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with add to Media Bin in WFE

Final Cut Pro Integration - Media Bin


Changed pagination layout to revert to old behaviour



Fixed problem with Upload when Render not working properly

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fix for display of lookup values in Metadata Elements



Removed unnecessary request for Tags to improve performance



Fixed problem with Period/Range on the User metadata view



Fixed problem with creating rules for Collections

Rules Engine


Fixed UI problem with Lookup fields in Batch Metadata Update



UI fix for Lookup fields after search



Increase maximum size of memcached values in setup so larger metadata schemas fit in cache



Fixed problem with Image viewing for Archived Offline items

Item Page

Version 4.2.6

Release Date: 2020-09-10

New Features





Reindex after Group ACL changes now happen on a low-priority queue.



Added Simple access control for performance reasons.


Fixed Issues





Now not possible to save editing of Groups before Roles tree has been fully loaded

User/Group Management


Fixed problem with some read only items not displayed in search

Roles - Search


Improved handling of SignatureExpired between Rules Engine and Portal

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with deleting multiple files on one storage belonging to the same item when only one was inteded to be deleted on Formats page

Item Page


Improved error handling when hash failures occur when restoring

Archive Framework


Fixed problem with back to search page when paginated to other pages tan the first

Item Page - Search


Fixed problem with large metadata uploads through Web Uploader



Collection switch not showing on user settings Default Search Criteria Display

User/Group Management


Fixed problem on Pod gearbox with Remove from Collection



Now prioritize storages with NLE mappings before others in the NLE API



Now excludes usernames in search completions



Improved loading time of group pages by caching Portal roles

User/Group Management


Fixed problem with Uploading to Collections

Uploader - Collections


Fixed problem on the Transfer page for Export jobs in system with a custom site id



Fixed paginator on Import from storage page



Improved performance in loading metadata on item page

Item Page


Requesting less information from Elastic during reindex to avoid Out of Memory issues



Improved performance of loading metadata groups



Upgraded Vidispine to 4.17.9


Version 4.2.5

Release Date: 2020-08-11

Fixed Issues





Ignore subcollections on search page no longer unsets after each search.



Multiple search filters of the same type can now be active for example both Media Type Video and Images



Fixed problem with Portal displaying 23.98 fps as dropframe



Fixed problem with Rules Engine not being able to create rules based on old Collections

Rules Engine


Fixed display issue where Delete option was displayed in the MediaBin even though user did not have the Delete Item role

Media Bin


Improved Shift Selecting



S3 Archive setup no longer needs access to creation_date of bucket.

Amazon S3 - Archive Framework


Fixed problem with ACLs from Parent groups not inherited to Child groups

Search - User/Group Management


Shape level negative ACLs are not interpreted correct in Portal



Fixed so reindex initialisation times out after 4 hours instead of 30 minutes. Affects large systems.



Improved reindex speed for ACL only changes


Version 4.2.4

Release Date: 2020-07-09

New Features





Fixed information when all roles has been migrated in migration tool



Upgraded Vidispine to 4.17.8


Fixed Issues





Fixed problems with large page number overlap in UI

Item Page - Collections


Fixed problem with metadata radiobuttons with no value



Fixed problem with thumbnail link on sharing page



Fix problem with MediaBin for Subclips in Rough Cut Editor

Media Bin - Rough Cut Editor


Fixed problem with Matadata Batch updates more than 200 items

Portal - Metadata


Fixed problem with unchecking filters in Saved searches

Elastic search


Not respecting Default Metadata Settings on Group level has been rectified for SubClips and Collections.



Fixed problem with dynamic access given by rules created by users who get revoked admin access

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with ACL reindexing if users added to an existing group



Fixed problem with migration of saved searches. Run /opt/cantemo/portal/ update_saved_searches if you have problems.

Saved Search


Fixed UX issues with Batch Metadata Update



Fixed problem with previous installation leaving orphaned install directories


Version 4.2.3

Release Date: 2020-06-18

New Features





Made it possible to have the Portal UI display Transcode and other functionality for items that have an original shape that is not detected as video by default

Item Page


Upgraded Django to 2.2.11


Fixed Issues





Improved selection and deselection of Pods



Fixed problem with actions on small gearbox sometime erroring out

Gearbox - Portal - Pod View


Fixed problem with gearbox on the MediaBin doing a new search

Media Bin


Fixed problem with editing date fields



Fixed problem to freetext search for tag fields in Metadata Elements



Fixed problem to set correct ACL when metadata is set in Uploader

Metadata - Uploader


Deprecation warning shown in Rules Engine 3 for rules that are polling on legacy saved searches (Portal 2.4 or earlier)

Rules Engine - Search


Fixed problem with Collection Tree gearbox looking cropped



Fixed Roles problem on Item Formats page

Item Page


Fixed problem with conditional metadata dropdowns

Metadata - Portal


Fixed problem with Add and Remove subgroups visible in read only mode



Fixed problem with duplicate keys on the choices API

API - Metadata


Fixed problem with uploading from agent or importing from storage to an existing Collection.

Metadata - Windows Agent - Mac Agent


Fixed problem with searching for items in a specific project



Fix for loading React customisations and plugins in production setups

Plugin - Search


Fixed problem with loading DASH-player in Annotation Tool

Annotation tool


Fixed problem with Tag fields



Fixed problem with Batch metadata updates from Media Bin

Media Bin


Fixed problem in Dashboard not respecting owners in saved searches

Dashboard - Saved Search


Fixed problem with Rules Engine not respecting owners in saved searches

Rules Engine - Saved Search


Some calls where made to the display name of a metadata group rather than the actual name



Fixed problem with scrubbing thumbnails for long clips



Limit simple health check to only test Database and Elastic and Cache connections



Fixed problem with SAML authentication

Advanced Authentication


Added configuration of addressing style for S3 Archive

Amazon S3


Fixed problem with adding all items of a Collection tp anopther Collection



Fixed problem with page navigation inside a Collection



Fixed problem in removing all Items from a Collection



Fix for metadata conditions when adding new subgroup instances


Version 4.2.2

Release Date: 2020-04-16

New Features





Providing better user feedback when analysing files in Mac Agent

Mac Agent


Added rabbitmqctl list_queues to Error report

Error report

Fixed Issues





Fixed race condition between Transcode Framework and Rules Engine

Vantage Transcoder - Transcode Framework - Rules Engine


Fixed item count for selections that sometime was incorrect



Fixed problem with Archive Jobs being stuck in Scheduled state

Archive Framework


Fixed problem with Make latest version

Item Page


Fixed roles issue for NLE Uploads

NLE - Roles


Fixed problem with Search form and Rules Engine not being to choose all values in Workstep field

Metadata - Search


Fixed problem for sequence creation and opening in Premiere for certain audiotrack setups

Rough Cut Editor - Premiere Pro Integration


Fixed problem with new systems having default upload storage set to None



Fixed problem with incorrect traceback logs in portal.log



Changing sort order does not clear the search filters



Fixed problem with multiple edits of metadata without page reload

Item Page


Fixed problem with Add to Collection on small gearbox that could cause multiple non intended Items to be added to that collection

Pod View - Portal - Gearbox


Fixed problem in Safari with Collection treeview gearbox



Fixed problem with setting Default Upload Storage during setup

Admin - NLE


Fixed icon for PDF-assets

Portal - Pod View


Fixed problem that Collections are filtered out when filtering on Non-timed



Fixed problem with configuration of AWS Elastic

Elastic search


Not setting detectRenamedFiles on storages during upgrades



Fixed problem with Premiere 2020 in Mac Agent

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with last modified time for Rules Engine scripts

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with shared Collections with passwords in Safari

Item Page


Upgraded Vidispine to 4.17.6



Use TLS in AD now have three options Auto Yes and No

Active Directory Integration

Version 4.2.1

Release Date: 2020-03-11

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with special character in Metadata Elements



Fixed problem in marking all assets in a search for deletion

Gearbox - Search


Added page size of 1000 in Import from Storage for new install. Modify that in portal.conf



Fixed problem with preview of Collections



Fixed problem with Purge from Online on Small gearbox

Archive Framework - Search


Fixed problem with granting rights to archive or restore for non admin

Archive Framework - Roles


Fixed problem uploading assets containing + with Mac Agent

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with template names containing whitespace



Now Administrators only can create ACL rules since they have access to all groups.

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with marking all Items in a Collection for deletion



Fixed problem on sharing page to create time based comments

Item Page


Fixed problem on sharing page to click on a timecode

Item Page


Fixed problem with lookup and tags in search view after refresh

Search - Metadata


Various UX fixed in Workflow Extension

Final Cut Pro Integration


Fixed problems in getting rabbitmq logs in error report

Unit Tests - Error report


Improved error handling in Windows Agent

Windows Agent


Fixed problem with vacuumlo not running correct as a daily cronjob



Fixed problem with Aspera Uploads in Windows Agent

Windows Agent


Fixed problem with Collection shares using passwords for certain browsers

Item Page


Better information when deleting a Collection



Disallows upgrades directly from Portal 3

Build System


Fixed problem viewing Collection with Read ACL to subcollection



Fixed problem with links to subclips in MediaBin

Media Bin


Fixed problem with Preview of Subclip



Fix for Agent project media file bulk lookups failing for projects with more than 500 to 1000 files



Fixed problem with not getting elastic logs in Error report

Error report

Version 4.2.0

Release Date: 2020-02-13


What is new

  • New Filter search

  • Centralised Transfer Settings

  • New sharing page for multiple assets

New Features





Filter search support for predefined metadata fields



Added API endpoint for updating choices



Now possible to share Collections



Rule priority and concurrency settings now apply also to Job and Metadata Change and manually triggered rules. Rules can be started on large search results manually.

Rules Engine


Centralised Transfer Configuration with possibility to have different configuration per Group

Adobe Premiere Panel


Added Post_filters to the aggregations API

API - Elastic search


Rules Engine rules now work even if Portal SECRET_KEY is changed. Also rules will dynamically use new Portal URL setting

Rules Engine


Improved performance on metadata updates using the only return changes functionality in Vidispine.

Vidispine - Rules Engine


Bulk Share API



New and Improved Usage Report

API - Audit trails


Improved fuzzy search

Elastic search - Search


Upgraded Python to 3.6.8



Improved error handling for Rules Engine

Rules Engine


Upgraded to Django 2.2



Fixed problem with AD logins still possible to use after AD has been disabled

Active Directory Integration


Upgraded to Elasticsearch 7. This has lead to some date formatters changed in Portal’s search APIs. If you use explicit date formats. Please see for more information.

Elastic search


All Rules Engine rules are migrated to a new format with improved error handling. This happens in the Setup Wizard.

Rules Engine


NLE Priority has now been renamed to Priority and now uses the Vidispine functionality of Storage priority

Vidispine - Storages


Rules Engine 3 script tasks now work also with very large notification metadata values

Rules Engine


Upgraded to React 16.8



Added Breadcrumb Navigation for Collections and Saved searches



Improved Reindex speed for large storages



Security: Added a whitelist for storage paths. On upgrades the existing paths are automatically added and you can add new with the managment command add_allowed_system_path



Tags-fields are now fetched from Elastic instead of Vidispine and does not require characters to be written to populate



Removed search limit of 100 characters in freetext. New limit is 4096 which would result in a failed search if exceeded.


Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with sharing access when sharing sub collections



Fixed DEBUG level logging potentially logging an API KEY

Rules Engine


Minor installer fixes



Installer now sets default value of ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_NESTED_FIELDS_LIMIT to 10000

Documentation - Elastic search


Now possible to Filter on Collections



Fixed crash problem in Cantemo Agent



Fixed problem with incorrect permissions on scripts

Rules Engine


Security: Disabled script uploading in Rules Engine by default

Rules Engine


Security: Added a whitelist for export location. On upgrades the existing paths are automatically added and you can add new with the managment command add_allowed_system_path



Security: Improved restriction on the sudo commands allowed to run as user www-data



Fixed problem not displaying access rights correct for users

Item Page - Saved Search


Suggestion list for tags now populated without adding characters



Fixed problem with Archived Own Jobs Role

Roles - Archive Framework


Fixed roles issue on Formats tab

Item Page


Upgraded Celery to 4.4.0



Fixed problem with Import all in Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Security: Fixed security problem around enabling apps

Admin - API


Fixed problem with link for Access Rights give through Collection points to the old Collection URL



Add New Collection was renamed to Create Collection


Version 4.1.10

Release Date: 2020-08-11

New Features





Fixed information when all roles has been migrated in migration tool


Fixed Issues





Fix problem with MediaBin for Subclips in Rough Cut Editor

Media Bin - Rough Cut Editor


Fixed problem with Portal displaying 23.98 fps as dropframe


Version 4.1.9

Release Date: 2020-06-16

New Features





Upgraded Django to 1.11.29


Fixed Issues





Improved selection and deselection of Pods



Fixed problem with gearbox on the MediaBin doing a new search

Media Bin


Fixed problem with editing date fields



Fixed problem to set correct ACL when metadata is set in Uploader

Metadata - Uploader


Fixed problem with searching for items in a specific project



Fixed problem with loading DASH-player in Annotation Tool

Annotation tool


Fixed problem with Tag fields



Fixed problem with scrubbing thumbnails for long clips



Limit simple health check to only test Database and Elastic and Cache connections


Version 4.1.8

Release Date: 2020-04-16

New Features





Providing better user feedback when analysing files in Mac Agent

Mac Agent


Added rabbitmqctl list_queues to Error report

Error report

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with reindex retries for deleted Items

Elastic search - Recycle Bin


Fixed race condition between Transcode Framework and Rules Engine

Vantage Transcoder - Transcode Framework - Rules Engine


Fixed item count for selections that sometime was incorrect



Fixed problem with Archive Jobs being stuck in Scheduled state

Archive Framework


Fixed problem with Make latest version

Item Page


Fixed problem with Search form and Rules Engine not being to choose all values in Workstep field

Metadata - Search


Fixed problem for sequence creation and opening in Premiere for certain audiotrack setups

Rough Cut Editor - Premiere Pro Integration


Fixed problem with multiple edits of metadata without page reload

Item Page


Fixed problem with Add to Collection on small gearbox that could cause multiple non intended Items to be added to that collection

Pod View - Portal - Gearbox


Fixed problem that Collections are filtered out when filtering on Non-timed



Fixed problem with configuration of AWS Elastic

Elastic search


Not setting detectRenamedFiles on storages during upgrades



Fixed problem with Premiere 2020 in Mac Agent

Mac Agent


Fix for searching for the words ‘to’ or ‘not’. Please note that for boolean NOT you must use the operator in uppercase.

Elastic search


Upgraded Vidispine to 4.17.6


Version 4.1.7

Release Date: 2020-03-11

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with special character in Metadata Elements



Fixed problem with Archived Own Jobs Role

Roles - Archive Framework


Fixed problem with preview of Collections



Fixed problem with Purge from Online on Small gearbox

Archive Framework - Search


Fixed roles issue on Formats tab

Item Page


Fixed problem with granting rights to archive or restore for non admin

Archive Framework - Roles


Item storages are now correctly indexed in Elastic after any Copy or Move job

Elastic search


Fixed problem uploading assets containing + with Mac Agent

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with Import all in Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed problem with template names containing whitespace



Security: Fixed security problem around enabling apps

Admin - API


Fixed problem with lookup and tags in search view after refresh

Search - Metadata


Fixed problem with link for Access Rights give through Collection points to the old Collection URL



Various UX fixed in Workflow Extension

Final Cut Pro Integration


Fixed problems in getting rabbitmq logs in error report

Unit Tests - Error report


Add New Collection was renamed to Create Collection



Fixed problem with vacuumlo not running correct as a daily cronjob



Better information when deleting a Collection



Fixed problem with links to subclips in MediaBin

Media Bin


Fixed problem with Preview of Subclip



Fix for Agent project media file bulk lookups failing for projects with more than 500 to 1000 files



Fixed problem with not getting elastic logs in Error report

Error report

Version 4.1.6

Release Date: 2020-01-29

New Features





Fixed Roles problem with custom Archive plugins

Archive Framework


UX improvements in Workflow Extension

Final Cut Pro Integration

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem loading more than 100 sub-subcollections or 100 sub-subfolders

Collections - Portal - Storages


Fixed problem with Annotation Tool sometimes hangs

Annotation tool - Portal


Fixed error handling when trying to run Rules on Collections and Subclips

Rules Engine - Saved Search


Fixed problem with dragging Pods to Collections



Fixed problem with Batch Metadata Update where values are carried over from previous Batch Metadata



Fixed problem with search not respecting Default Search Criteria Display



Fixed problem with Back button in Combined Search



Fix for specific invalid paths in move/copy commands causing files to disappear.

Portal - Rules Engine


Fixed problem with certain characters in group names

User/Group Management


Fixed Rules Engine 3 performance issues where some format rules would stall

Rules Engine


Improved error handling when Vidispine returns incorrect values for access

Vidispine - Search


Fixed problem uploading through Panel with sidecar files

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed problem with Thumbnails not showing up in Chrome


Version 4.1.5

Release Date: 2019-12-19

Fixed Issues





Fixed bug with upper right search

Portal - Search

Version 4.1.4

Release Date: 2019-12-17

New Features





Error report now contain the 10 largest items with metadata since too large metadata has lead to strange errors

Error report - Metadata


Possible to search for Collections in Workflow Extension

Final Cut Pro Integration


Added support for S3 Archive endpoints pointing directly to a bucket

Archive Framework - Amazon S3


Improved performance for large set of files in Agent

Mac Agent


Now possible to open a complete Collection in NLE from the Pod

Collections - NLE - Pod View


Show total amount of files in Upload and Download window and also the number of files uploaded/downloaded

Mac Agent


Media Bin Support in Workflow Extension

Final Cut Pro Integration

Fixed Issues





Mac Agent now supports dragging folders into the Upload window to upload all files in that folder and its subfolders.

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with searching for Collections sorted by Duration



Security: Fixed XSS problems in the System Menu

Admin - System Menu


Fixed problem with contextual menu on Collections not aligned



Fixed issue with adding Sub Collection from the Large gearbox

Collections - Gearbox


Fixed problem with ACLs not applied correct when importing from storage

User/Group Management


Fix for opening an entire collection in NLE from Portal

Mac Agent - Search - Windows Agent


Now possible to select all items in Workflow Extension and open in Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro Integration


Fixed problem with multiselect of Pods



Fixed problem with storage tree view for many subdirectories



Upgraded Vidispine to 4.17.4



Fix for Rules Engine rules using metadata tags when applied on items with invalid XMP date field values

Rules Engine


Improved performance in opening large Final Cut Projects



Relations tab only renders first 100 relations per type for performance reasons

Item Page - NLE


Improved loading time for large metadata sets

Metadata - Item Page


Fixed problem with Annotation Tool spinner not disappearing

Annotation tool


Fixed problem with long titles not containing delimiters on the Pods

Portal - Pod View


Change a Vidispine call to not count the amount of hits that could potentially speed up the search



Workaround for race condition for renaming files before Archive for StorNext 5

Quantum StorNext


Fixed problem with indexes after format distribution rules

Rules Engine - Elastic search


Fixed problem with Saved search erroring out when filter by Time period



Fixed problem with deselect all items on all pages


Version 4.1.3

Release Date: 2019-11-26

New Features





Improved search performance for certain situations



Support for Adobe Premiere Pro 2020

Adobe Premiere Panel

Fixed Issues





Fixed problems in clicking on Lookup and Tag fields



Fixed problem with indexing of Subclips

Elastic search - Search


Fixed problem with using Saved searches made in Portal 2

Saved Search


Better visibility for clicking Collections

Collections - Search


Rules Engine now correctly handles executing move/copy actions multiple times on items with spaces and other special characters in filenames

Rules Engine


Fixed problem to reset search filters when entering a Collection



Fixed problem with Download option being available for Offline items

Item Page


Fixed problem with Hierarchy fields

Metadata Manager


Fixed problem with Premiere projects containing archived offline material



Fixed problem with password policy

User/Group Management


Security: Fixed XSS vulnerabilities



Security: Fixed API-Endpoints not having correct roles check



Security: Fixed passwords that could be displayed in clear text on Admin pages.



Fixed problem with certain WAV files could cause Item page not to work

Item Page


Fixed problem with Usage report and Combined search

Audit trails - Search


Fixed Usage Report sorting by date

Audit trails


Improved error handling for AD serverers

Active Directory Integration


Fixed React templating script



Fixed UI typing delay in freetext search when large user metadata groups are opened



Fixed problem with Saved searches

Saved Search


Fixed problem not showing all handled shapes for format rules.

Rules Engine

Version 4.1.2

Release Date: 2019-10-31

New Features





Improved feedback when running running Vidispine migration tool



Updated Search Page development documentation with correct pluginblock and JavaScript details

Documentation - Search


Fix for large sets of metadata choices causing too large log messages. Needs configuration to enable.



Upgraded Vidispine to 4.17.3


Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with error message when giving access rights through item page



Fixed race condition when sometime possible to select incorrect conditional metadata



Fixed problem with archive framework when shapes exist on multiple storages

Archive Framework


NONE acls now has precedence in Elastic



Metadata Elements are now paginated

API - Metadata


Now representative fields work on Collections



Now respecting Recreate thumbnail checkbox correct

Transcode Profiles


Removed unnecessary calls to backend when typin in freetext field

Saved Search


Now refreshes Collection view when deleting assets from the Collection



Fixed problem with sort order



Fix for Indexes page not rendering Elastic information when Elastic is in read-only mode



Fixed problem with Facets when inside a Collection



Fixed problem with Collection metadata on Large gearbox



Fixed problem with preview when no proxy available

Pod View


Fixed problem with Contact Sheet

Plugin - Search


Updated documentation for Gearbox actions on new combined search page

Plugin - Search


Fixed problem with adding items to Collections

Collections - Search


Now deactivated users are not shown in the UI on ACLs and they are complete removed from all groups when deleted.



Fixed problem to show deactivated users

User/Group Management


Fixed problem with Default metadata group on Collections

Collections - Metadata


Fixed problem when changing metadata form when working with conditional metadata



Fixed problem with Max amount of referenced subgroups

Metadata Manager - Metadata


Fixed DEBUG level logging potentially logging an API KEY

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with Select all



Fixes for periodic triggering of Archiware P5 jobs on different timezones

Archiware P5


Fixed problem with gearbox menu on Collection tree



Fixed problem with small gearbox for Collections



Installer now sets default value of ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_NESTED_FIELDS_LIMIT to 10000

Documentation - Elastic search


Fixed roles problem on Formats Tab

Item Page


Fixed notification problem in Safari

Notification - Portal


Fixed problem that loading spinner not always shown



Portal does not prompt for BasicAuth if login with Token fails. Also reinitialises login workflow if logged out of Portal from the Panel.

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed missing action to create subcollection from large gearbox



Fixed problem browsing subfolders of storages



Fixed problem with warning message when deleting items for when inside a Collection



Fixed problems on related tab when subclips contains representative system fields.



Fixed problem with Collection gearbox in Safari



Buttons for adding and removing Metadata Elements has been removed in Read only mode.

Metadata - Portal


Fixed problem with storage page



Fixed problem with API for Metadata Elements

API - Metadata


Fixed problem with Facet filters within a Collection



Fixed missing dependencies in Json package files


Version 4.1.1

Release Date: 2019-08-29

New Features





Improved Error report for Rules Engine

Rules Engine - Error report

Fixed Issues





Fix for selecting subtitles in FireFox and IE11

Video Player


Fixed problem with Drag To Bin on Combined Search Page

Search - Collections - Media Bin


Fixed preview for Subclips



Fixed Roles problem with RCE Render

Rough Cut Editor - Roles


Fixed problem when Mac Agent crashing during special circumstances

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with saved searches starting with hash

Saved Search


Improved error handling in the setup wizard



Now Rules Engine defaults to port 9000 for new installations to avoid problems with https

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with Collection Thumbnails



Fixed problem with Next and Previous for searches that return Collections



Fixed problem with Search criteria Display Everything



Fixed problem with expanding subcollections



Fixed problem searching for Annotated timed metadata



Fixed search in top right corner


Version 4.1.0

Release Date: 2019-08-15


What is new

  • Final Cut Workflow Extension

  • Combined search page

  • Notification Center

New Features





New notification Center for Jobs and System Health check with API

Portal - API


FCP X xmls can now be downloaded through the FCP workflow extension URL

Final Cut Pro Integration


Visual indication that the item has annotated metadata

Metadata - Search - Annotation tool


Now possible to search for specific values in freetext e.g. portal_mf731740:foo



Added gearbox on Collection TreeView



New combined search page replacing all previous search pages



Now possible to Pause Abort and Resume Vidispine reindexes



Now possible to configure Health Check for systems without systemd



Improved our usage report by showing which user has accessed each plugin

Audit trails


You can now restrict users on a API level in portal. This means you can create users that cannot access the UI or portal but still use the system.



Now possible to create a new Item for that Subclip from the Subclips page

Annotation tool - Item Page


Rules Engine 3 support for item metadata display values for Target Directory and Collection and Set Metadata

Rules Engine


Added a Workflow Extension for Final Cut Pro X

Final Cut Pro Integration


Improved performance on Collections



Moved gearbox option on Rough Cut Editor Page to better refelect that it is the gearbox for the saved Sequence



Added Refresh button on all Formats to do a new Shape Deduction

Item Page


New Collection Sharing API



Introduced a new Share API for sharing multiple assets



User icon is now clickable and takes you to settings page

User/Group Management


New scroll bar styling



New styling Users page



Improved Rules Engine logging

Rules Engine


Improved error handling in StorNext

Quantum StorNext


Collection and Saved Search URLs have changed in this version



Upgraded Vidispine to 4.17.1



Last 10 has been removed and if that is used as a Homepage it will be redirected to an empty search sorted by Date Created



Upgraded to Elastic 6.8

Elastic search

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem in running Rules on all Items in a Collection

Rules Engine - Gearbox - Collections


Minor roles fixes



Improved documentation on the Celery queues



Improved documentation around https setup of Portal



Reverted Jython to 2.7.0

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with Restoring when files should reside on multiple storages

Cantemo FileSysArchive - Archive Framework - Amazon S3

Version 4.0.9

Release Date: 2020-06-16

New Features





Upgraded Django to 1.11.29


Fixed Issues





Fixed problem to set correct ACL when metadata is set in Uploader

Metadata - Uploader


Fixed problem with Tag fields


Version 4.0.8

Release Date: 2020-04-28

New Features





Upgraded Vidispine to 4.16.7


Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with Archive Jobs being stuck in Scheduled state

Archive Framework


Fixed problem with Search form and Rules Engine not being to choose all values in Workstep field

Metadata - Search


Fixed problem with Premiere 2020 in Mac Agent

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with editing date fields


Version 4.0.7

Release Date: 2020-03-11

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with Archived Own Jobs Role

Roles - Archive Framework


Fixed problem with Purge from Online on Small gearbox

Archive Framework - Search


Fixed roles issue on Formats tab

Item Page


Fixed problem with granting rights to archive or restore for non admin

Archive Framework - Roles


Fixed problem uploading assets containing + with Mac Agent

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with template names containing whitespace



Security: Fixed security problem around enabling apps

Admin - API


Fixed problems in getting rabbitmq logs in error report

Unit Tests - Error report


Fixed problem with vacuumlo not running correct as a daily cronjob



Fixed problem with not getting elastic logs in Error report

Error report


Fixed problem with Last10 loading forever for users not have access to all metadata fields


Version 4.0.6

Release Date: 2020-01-29

New Features





Fixed Roles problem with custom Archive plugins

Archive Framework

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with Annotation Tool sometimes hangs

Annotation tool - Portal


Rules Engine now correctly handles executing move/copy actions multiple times on items with spaces and other special characters in filenames

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with Batch Metadata Update where values are carried over from previous Batch Metadata



Fix for specific invalid paths in move/copy commands causing files to disappear.

Portal - Rules Engine


Fixed Rules Engine 3 performance issues where some format rules would stall

Rules Engine

Version 4.0.5

Release Date: 2019-12-17

New Features





Improved feedback when running running Vidispine migration tool



Fix for large sets of metadata choices causing too large log messages. Needs configuration to enable.



Upgraded Vidispine to 4.16.6



Error report now contain the 10 largest items with metadata since too large metadata has lead to strange errors

Error report - Metadata


Support for Adobe Premiere Pro 2020

Adobe Premiere Panel


Added support for S3 Archive endpoints pointing directly to a bucket

Archive Framework - Amazon S3

Fixed Issues





Fixed problems in clicking on Lookup and Tag fields



Fixed race condition when sometime possible to select incorrect conditional metadata



Fixed problem with archive framework when shapes exist on multiple storages

Archive Framework


Metadata Elements are now paginated

API - Metadata


Now representative fields work on Collections



Now respecting Recreate thumbnail checkbox correct

Transcode Profiles


Fixed problem with using Saved searches made in Portal 2

Saved Search


Removed unnecessary calls to backend when typin in freetext field

Saved Search


Now refreshes Collection view when deleting assets from the Collection



Fixed problem to drag to bin on Collection page

Collections - Media Bin


Now deactivated users are not shown in the UI on ACLs and they are complete removed from all groups when deleted.



Fixed problem to show deactivated users

User/Group Management


Now shows correct amount of items when running Manual Rules from the Media Bin

Media Bin


Fixed problem when changing metadata form when working with conditional metadata



Fixed problem with Max amount of referenced subgroups

Metadata Manager - Metadata


Fixed DEBUG level logging potentially logging an API KEY

Rules Engine


Fixes for periodic triggering of Archiware P5 jobs on different timezones

Archiware P5


Installer now sets default value of ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_NESTED_FIELDS_LIMIT to 10000

Documentation - Elastic search


Fixed roles problem on Formats Tab

Item Page


Portal does not prompt for BasicAuth if login with Token fails. Also reinitialises login workflow if logged out of Portal from the Panel.

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed problem with Download option being available for Offline items

Item Page


Fixed problems on related tab when subclips contains representative system fields.



Buttons for adding and removing Metadata Elements has been removed in Read only mode.

Metadata - Portal


Fixed problem with Premiere projects containing archived offline material



Fixed problem with password policy

User/Group Management


Fixed missing dependencies in Json package files



Fixed problem with certain WAV files could cause Item page not to work

Item Page


Fixed Usage Report sorting by date

Audit trails


Fixed UI typing delay in freetext search when large user metadata groups are opened



Fixed problem not showing all handled shapes for format rules.

Rules Engine


Improved loading time for large metadata sets

Metadata - Item Page


Fixed problem with indexes after format distribution rules

Rules Engine - Elastic search

Version 4.0.4

Release Date: 2019-08-29

New Features





Improved Error report for Rules Engine

Rules Engine - Error report


Improved error report with Elastic settings.

Elastic search - Error report

Fixed Issues





Fixed probelm with errnoenously showing Could not get transcoder host

Jobs Page


Fix for selecting subtitles in FireFox and IE11

Video Player


Fixed problem with synching roles when changed



Improved performance on Conditional metadata



Fixed setup problem with Elastic search in AWS

Elastic search


Fixed Roles problem with RCE Render

Rough Cut Editor - Roles


Fixed problem with Conditional Dropdowns



Reverted Jython to 2.7.0

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with Restoring when files should reside on multiple storages

Cantemo FileSysArchive - Archive Framework - Amazon S3


Fixed problems in running translations



Improved and updated documentation for plugin development in Portal 4

Documentation - Plugin


Improved error handling in Nginx health check



Dynamically set the amount of memory elastic is dedicated depending on memory available on server

Elastic search


Fixed problem with Drag to Media Bin

Media Bin


Fixed problem with Hierarchical Metadata fields 2nd level



Fixed problem with shape names being lowercase

Item Page


Improved error handling in the setup wizard



Fixed problem with Referenced subgroups



Fixed problem with Celery autoscaler not working properly



Fixed problem with pgtune in Postgres 9.6



Now Rules Engine defaults to port 9000 for new installations to avoid problems with https

Rules Engine


Fixed Roles problem with NLE Uploads. This requires the setup wizard to run.



Fixed problem with run script error in Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel

Version 4.0.3

Release Date: 2019-07-16

New Features





Now showing loading spinner when waiting for Conditional metadata or lookup fields to load


Fixed Issues





Fixed problem running against vidispine set up with https



Fixed problem with adding Storages to Storage Groups

Vidispine - Storages


Fixed problem with thumbnails showing outside Subclip for Subclips

Pod View


Fixed UI problems in Migration Tool



Fixed problem with Min and Max for Subgroups



Fixed archive problems

Archive Framework - BackBlaze cloud storage - Spectra Logic BlackPearl


Added Metadata Group search to Collection page

Collections - Search


Fixed problem with Vantage integration for subfolders containing whitespace

Vantage Transcoder


Fixed problem with metadata export and import



Fixed problem with suggestions on Tag fields



Fixed problem when remove and add metadata on same asset



Fixed problem with new users not getting any roles for AD installations until logged in again

Active Directory Integration - Roles


Fixed problem with reloading sidebar with many directories

Collections - Storages


Fixed Roles problem for Lookup fields



Fixed problem with Lookup metadata fields together with Conditional metadata fields



Fixed problem in uninstalling components when Portal is not installed on the server



Fixed problem that all apps are disabled after upgrade. Also fixed problem for usage reports being reset.



XSS fix

Manage Menu


FIxed problem with Min/Max for Lookup fields



Improved performance for Conditional metadata



Fixed problem with Metadata Elements



Improved performance on Item Access Control

Item Page


Fixed problem exporting items of type data

Item Page


Fixed problem with adding sequences to Media Bin without Title

Media Bin


Upgraded React plugin template

Search - Documentation - Collections


Fixed problem with Archive plugin in Rules Engine

Rules Engine


Upgraded Vidispine to 4.16.5



Fixed problem with journalctl commands not belonging to sudoers for www-data

Error report


Setup script starts Vidispine instead of stops when upgrading


Version 4.0.2

Release Date: 2019-05-22

New Features





Moved celerybeat-schedule to /var/run/portal for CentOS7


Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with clearing date fields

Metadata - Search


Fixed problem where all permission settings could not be removed for a user group



Upgraded Jython to 2.7.1 to fix some Rules Engine problems with HTTPS

Rules Engine


Better handling for failed delete of Annotations in Annotation Tool

Annotation tool


Fixed problem with installing only transcoder or elasticsearch



Fix problem with Agent download when files in subfolders

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with Archived Offline Item display in Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed error handling with incorrect configuration in DIVA

Admin - Oracle DIVArchive


Fixed problem with Max and Min occurrences in Metadata fields.



Fixed problem in clearing Owner field in searches



Fixed problem with Timecode metadata field



Fixed problem in Migration Tool with Groups containing whitespace



Fixed problem displaying last job on first jobs page och second jobs page

Jobs Page


Minor UX fixes



Fixed problem with Stornext Archive and Restore

Quantum StorNext


Fixed full screen playing problem for horizontal videos

Video Player


Rules Engine default per rule concurrency was global maximum value and not 50 when not explicitly defined

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with player controls in full screen mode

Video Player


Fixed archiving problem with P5

Archive Framework - Archiware P5


Fixed Facets on Collection page



Fixed problem with transcoder not getting correct Nice value on installation


Version 4.0.1

Release Date: 2019-04-25

New Features





Rules Engine 3 rule information added to Error Report

Rules Engine - Error report


Allowing Upgrades from Portal 3.4.7 or later



Improved proxy playback performance by disabling Nginx buffering for those requests

Annotation tool - Item Page


Upgraded Vidispine to 4.16.3



Updated development documentation for Portal 4

Plugin - Documentation


Now possible to run healthcheck from


Fixed Issues





All passwords in Archive Framework not shown in clear text anymore

Archive Framework


Fixed problem returning item to a placeholder



Better error handling for camera formats not creating requested filename

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed problem in StorNext restores after upgrades.

Archive Framework


Now possible to set the MZ.Sequence.EditingModeGUID mapping for Premiere in Portal database



Fixed problem with searching in Collections on the Item search



Rules Engine 3 example Python script updated. A small manual update of all RE3 Python scripts is needed.

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with Metadata Batch Update not loading when metadata group has changed



Fixed problem with Batch metadata update does not respect read only fields



Fixed problem when Vantage moves files to sub directories

Vantage Transcoder


Changed default theme to onyx on login page.



Minor UI fixes



Fixed problem with growl message for users without access to any Metadata Group



Fixed problem with Export of multiple items



Fixed minor UX problems in Core theme



Fixed problem with referenced metadata



Fixed Error report in CentOS6

Error report


Fixed problem with moving files on the Storage view



UI Fixes for Rules Engine

Rules Engine


Johnny cache is not a supported cache backend and that is now handled in installer



Fixed vertical thumbnails on the jobs page

Jobs Page


Support for Archiware P5 5.6.3

Archiware P5


Fixed problem with read only access to item in Annotation Tool

Annotation tool


Fixed problem with XMP metadata mapping



Minor UX bugfixes



Fixed problem with Title on pods

Adobe Premiere Panel


Translation commands now exits with an error if no translation in the license



Improved performance for scrubbing in the video

Video Player


Fixed crash in the Rough Cut Editor if the timeline is longer than 4 hours

Rough Cut Editor


Fixed problem with status of other formats when original is Archived

Archive Framework - Item Page


Fixed problem with Tags in metadata



Renamed requirement for libjpeg-devel to libjpeg-turbo-devel



Fixed delete button problem in Internet Explorer 11



Postgres service is renamed to postgresql-9.6.service and all config must start After that



Increased startup timeout for Vidispine

Installer - Vidispine

Version 4.0.0

Release Date: 2019-02-20


What is new

  • Improved Cantemo User Interface

  • Upgraded Python, Django, Elastic, React and other vital components for Cantemo

  • Single Sign on in Agent

  • New Cantemo Roles

  • Subclip Support in RCE

New Features





Portal now allows for token authentication in the API



Portal has now been enhanced with Portal Roles that is more user Friendly than the Vidispine Roles



Now possible to open Rough Cut Editor from Subclip to render the Subclip as a new Item

Portal - Annotation tool - Rough Cut Editor


Now using Representative Metadata in Panel metadata display

Adobe Premiere Panel


Upgraded Django to 1.11



Now possible to search for Items having a specific Metadata Group



Upgraded to Elastic Search 6.3. Please note that a new configuration file is required for this and that the file /etc/elasticserach/elasticsearch.yaml has been updated. The default cluster name has also changed from cantemosearch to cantemosearch6

Search - Elastic search


Support for Vidispine Server Agent in the Transcode Framework

Vidispine - Transcode Framework


Added configuration in Mac Agent to upload projects as new items instead of new versions

Mac Agent


Changed sorting order on Transcode plugins

Transcode Framework - Plugin


Now P5 restores will be done as one job if several Items in the same request

Archiware P5 - Archive Framework


Usernames are now case insensitive by default. This can be reverted by setting the USERNAMES_CASE_INSENSITIVE option

User/Group Management


Now the Elastic search data is provided in the Error report if a specific item id is provided.

Error report


Improved performance of the Wizard

Admin - Installer


Portal runs now Python 3.6



Upgraded Celery to version 4.1



Support for Single Sign On in panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Now possible to add Items to Collection from the Collection page



Upgraded React to version 16



Timecode metadata type now used when searching for duration

Search - Metadata


It is now possible to rename files from Formats page



Portal 4.0 icons in Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Support for custom pre and post hooks before upload and download for Agent

Mac Agent


Now possible to have a multi cluster setup in Transcode Framework

Transcode Framework


Anywhere Konnekt is discontinued.

Anywhere Konnekt


Support for Vidispine running Elastic search



Support for Aspera FASP Uploads and Downloads

Mac Agent - Windows Agent


Now the growl messages are visually different if there is an error compared to information



No possible to limit the number of files concurrently transfering in the agent

Mac Agent - Windows Agent


Now possible to remove and move items from Collections via Rules Engine

Rules Engine


Uploads and Downloads to/from Portal can now be seen on the Transfers page.

Windows Agent - API - Mac Agent


Now it is configurable on settings page to show Items only or Subclips only when doing a search

System Menu - Search


Now possible to filter on File States on the Storage view



Spearated backend name from display name on Metadata Groups to enable translations



API V2 Search now has the ‘exact’ option for searching on individual metadata field. Text fields will now no longer use exact search by default. This is a change from the behavior for the following field types: ‘checkbox’ ‘tags’ ‘radio’ ‘lookup’ and ‘dropdown’. To have the previous exact match for these field types you have to add the exact option to the search query. For more information see



Discontinued Episode Transcoder Plugin

Episode transcoder


New look for Portal



Support for Aspera Uploads

Mac Agent


Added API support for Facet Search



Upgraded nginx to 1.15.3



Added User Interface for Token Administration



Agent can now Authenticate with API Token

Mac Agent


Now possible to batch export multiple sequences belonging to the same project

Adobe Premiere Panel


Support for multiple Aspera Nodes

Mac Agent - Aspera FASP


Support for custom pre and post hooks before upload and download for Agent

Windows Agent


Added API-support for aggregations.



class NavBarEntry and all related functionality has been removed since it has not been used for many years



Postgres is now upgraded by installer to Postgres 9.6 if earlier versions are installed on Portal system



Now possible to download a specific shape from the agents

Mac Agent - Windows Agent


Added API Endpoints for creating custom Portal Roles

Roles - API


Now possible to Import all items in the Panels Media Bin

Adobe Premiere Panel


It is now possible to override the logout url to send the user to a custom page after logout. See the documentation for the LOGOUT_URL setting for more information.



Now possible to limit the bandwidth for Uploads and Downloads in the Agent

Windows Agent - Mac Agent


Agent now has support for a configurable amount of concurrent transfers

Mac Agent


Improved the API search suggestions

API - Search


Discontinued Azure Archive Plugin

Microsoft Azure


The _portalJobId metadata is now set on SHAPE_IMPORT jobs triggered by the transcode framework

Transcode Framework


Errors in Transcode Framework plugins are now shown on the Job page

Transcode Framework


Improved admin page and health check for Elastic nodes

Healthcheck - Elastic search - Rules Engine


The Portal log format has changed to include the request and celery id on each log line to make tracking requests easier. The request id is also included in the nginx request log.

Error report


Transcode plugins are now in a subfolder like the Archive Plugins on the System Menu

System Menu


Now possible to search for only Collections in the Colletion search

Search - Collections


New Portal key is needed to run Portal 4.0.0

Other - Installer


Portal Roles are now synched automatically with users in a background task



Improved options for secure cookies



Upgraded Activiti to 5.22.0

Rules Engine


It is now possible to install the mac agent without local admin privileges

Mac Agent


The Windows Agent now starts on login.

Windows Agent


Improved polling performance in Rules Engine

Rules Engine


It is now possible to install the windows agent without local admin privileges

Windows Agent


Now possible to open the logfile from configuration window

Windows Agent


Support for multiple Aspera Nodes

Windows Agent


Now logging to a file instead of Event viewer

Windows Agent


Added new API for Batch Metadata Updates



Now showing upload progress in percent

Windows Agent


New player design

Video Player


API for retrieving Celery task results


Fixed Issues





Removed deprecated Django settings



Downloading assets using the Agent but not through mapped storage now retains the filenames used on the central storage when saving the file locally.

Windows Agent - Mac Agent


Now possible to install Cantemo Portal in a Docker environment according to our Github Instructions



Access rights now applied correct in UI on Saved search page



Fixed notification problem for LOST and MISSING files in Vidispine

Vidispine - Portal


The configuration are now stored encrypted on the Agent computers

Windows Agent - Mac Agent


Improved Cantemo Portal Panel UI

Adobe Premiere Panel


Now possible to configure the S3 Endpoint when setting up S3 as an Archive system

Amazon S3


HTTP Fallback is now supported in the Windows agent for upload and download of media

Windows Agent


Added Password security policies to be configured on System settings page



Moved certain previous Admin tasks from System menu to Manage menu



The Profile Templates has now been removed



Errors when creating collections are now logged on WARNING instead of DEBUG.



page_size can now be 0 in searches



Fixed problem with sequences containing strange characters

Adobe Premiere Panel


Nginx logs now contain information about which Portal user made the request



Any query parameters in urls are now kept when the user is redirected to the login screen.



Fixed problem with agent connecting through HTTPS to older TLS versions

Windows Agent


Improved Formats Manage page

Item Page


Fixed minur UI bug on the Version page

Item Page


Transcodes done via Transcode Framework now show the output filename in the jobs list



Export jobs to S3 no longer fail when the secret key includes a slash or a plus

System Menu


Removed the Advance Search Option



Added plugin type IErrorReportExtraInfo which can add additional information to the error report zip file. For example if logs are shipped to an external system so the error report tool cannot access them.

Error report


Grouped the different Job-pages together on System Menu

Jobs Page


Fixed problem with Transcode profile being identified as image for certain cases

Transcode Profiles


Final Cut Pro 7 plugin has been discontinued

Final Cut Pro Integration - Documentation


Renamed Formats page column Name to Shape

Item Page


Now using V2 API for searches in Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed problem with Rules Engine 3 when Activiti is not responding while processing rules

Rules Engine


Now possible to set the desired ingest profile from Agent

API - NLE - Mac Agent


Fixed problem in adding metadata groups with a name that is a subset of another metadata group

User/Group Management


Improved API documentation



Premiere 2019 or newer must be installed to run the Cantemo Portal Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Upgrades from Portal 3.x is currently not allowed in Portal 4.0.0. Only fresh installs.



Fixed race condition in Rules Engine that could cause items to be in processing forever

Rules Engine


Removed obsolete crontabs



Web Uploader and Agents are now using PUT request to upload metadata

Windows Agent - Uploader - Mac Agent


Fixed sorting order of Plugins on the System page

Plugin - System Menu


Agents now detects if another agent is running by other users on the same computer

Mac Agent - Windows Agent


Added timeout for Vidispine calls from Rules Engine 3

Rules Engine - Vidispine


Agent now requires Premiere 2019 or later to run

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with Full screen playback in latest Chrome

Video Player


Fixed Full Screen Video playback in Annotation Tool

Annotation tool


Improved API Item metadata speed



Fix for indexing item when referenced subgroup instance is deleted

Elastic search


All Panel calls using FCP7 XML has now been renamed to Premiere

Final Cut Pro Integration - System Menu


Fixed pagination of users page to avoid timeouts on user page for large systems

User/Group Management - API


Fix XSS security bug in Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Upgraded Vidispine to 4.16.0



Added allow-unsupported-configuration to installer



Fixed XSS security bugs

Adobe Premiere Panel


Not possible to uninstall Portal 3 with a Portal 4 installer


Version 3.4.13

Release Date: 2019-08-27

New Features





Improved Error report for Rules Engine

Rules Engine - Error report

Fixed Issues





Fixed probelm with errnoenously showing Could not get transcoder host

Jobs Page


Fix for selecting subtitles in FireFox and IE11

Video Player


Reverted Jython to 2.7.0

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with Restoring when files should reside on multiple storages

Cantemo FileSysArchive - Archive Framework - Amazon S3


Improved error handling in Nginx health check



Fixed problem with shape names being lowercase

Item Page


Now Rules Engine defaults to port 9000 for new installations to avoid problems with https

Rules Engine

Version 3.4.12

Release Date: 2019-07-16

New Features





Moved celerybeat-schedule to /var/run/portal for CentOS7


Fixed Issues





Fixed problem where all permission settings could not be removed for a user group



Fixed problem displaying last job on first jobs page och second jobs page

Jobs Page


Fixed full screen playing problem for horizontal videos

Video Player


Fixed problem with transcoder not getting correct Nice value on installation



Fixed problem with Vantage integration for subfolders containing whitespace

Vantage Transcoder


XSS fix

Manage Menu


Fixed problem exporting items of type data

Item Page

Version 3.4.11

Release Date: 2019-05-11

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with restore when path is different between P5 and Portal

Archiware P5


Fixed major problem with freetext search introduced in 3.4.10


Version 3.4.10

Release Date: 2019-05-08

New Features





Rules Engine 3 rule information added to Error Report

Rules Engine - Error report

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem in StorNext restores after upgrades.

Archive Framework


Fixed problem when search suggestions shows up even though search is made



Fixed problem when Vantage moves files to sub directories

Vantage Transcoder


Fixed problem with player controls in full screen mode

Video Player


Upgraded Jython to 2.7.1 to fix some Rules Engine problems with HTTPS

Rules Engine


Support for Archiware P5 5.6.3

Archiware P5


Fixed problem with read only access to item in Annotation Tool

Annotation tool


Better handling for failed delete of Annotations in Annotation Tool

Annotation tool


Fixed problem with Title on pods

Adobe Premiere Panel


Translation commands now exits with an error if no translation in the license



Improved performance for scrubbing in the video

Video Player


Fixed crash in the Rough Cut Editor if the timeline is longer than 4 hours

Rough Cut Editor


Upgraded Vidispine to 4.12.5



Renamed requirement for libjpeg-devel to libjpeg-turbo-devel



Fixed delete button problem in Internet Explorer 11



Fix for failing Rules Engine 3 format rules on specific setups.

Rules Engine


Rules Engine default per rule concurrency was global maximum value and not 50 when not explicitly defined

Rules Engine

Version 3.4.9

Release Date: 2019-03-06

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem returning item to a placeholder



Fixed problem in installer for certain command line arguments



Now possible to set the MZ.Sequence.EditingModeGUID mapping for Premiere in Portal database



Fixed issue with consolidating libraries in FCP X workflow

Mac Agent - NLE - Final Cut Pro Integration


Fix XSS security bug in Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed problem with Metadata Batch Update not loading when metadata group has changed



Fixed problem with Batch metadata update does not respect read only fields



Fixed exact date search for UTC



Fixed XSS security bugs

Adobe Premiere Panel

Version 3.4.8

Release Date: 2019-01-31

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with Panel running on Windows where it could not load the file extension properly

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed problem in DIVA restores after upgrades.

Archive Framework


Fixed caching problem in AD for groups containing -

Active Directory Integration


Fixed problem to create a placeholder when not access to all metadata field in the metadata group

Metadata - Windows Agent - Mac Agent


Fixed problem with dragging Collections into other Collections



Fixed problem with strange growl message on incorrect URLs

Item Page


Fixed Full Screen Video playback in Annotation Tool

Annotation tool


Fixed problem with Select All and Export from Collection view



Fixed problem with Batch Metadata Update showing the fields of the last selection



Fixed problem with Lookup fields when doing Batch Metadata Update



Fix for indexing item when referenced subgroup instance is deleted

Elastic search

Version 3.4.7

Release Date: 2019-01-11

New Features





Supports new keys generated by CCRM


Version 3.4.6

Release Date: 2019-01-08

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with small gearbox operating on incorrect pod on Saved Search page

Saved Search


Fixed problem with date ranges search for Create Date and Archive Date

Search - Metadata


Support for Premiere 2019 in Agent

Mac Agent


Fixed problem on setting metadata in Web uploader



Fixed problem with Full screen playback in latest Chrome

Video Player


Fixed minor problem with Vidispine slave licenses in installer


Version 3.4.5

Release Date: 2018-12-05

New Features





Added configuration in Mac Agent to upload projects as new items instead of new versions

Mac Agent

Fixed Issues





Duplicate tags are now not saved



Now download links on the Formats page are pointing to a specific file rather than the shape

Item Page


Fixed integration with Vantage 7

Vantage Transcoder


Fixed translation problem on search page



Fixed problem with logs not rotating correct



Fixed problem with metadata batch updates of subgroups



Fixed problem to run Wizard in a non standard login setup



Fixed problem with imports when ACL on metadata field is read only



Fixed systemctl problem



Improved Panel logging

Adobe Premiere Panel


Support for Premiere 2019 in Adobe CC Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed problem with cloning items where metadata fields had been removed

Metadata - Item Page

Version 3.4.4

Release Date: 2018-10-11

New Features





Added support for subtitles in Annotation Tool and customization for video player options in both item page and Annotation Tool

Annotation tool

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with worksteps metadata fields in Rules Engine

Rules Engine


Fixed problem with adding clips from same source to timeline again

Rough Cut Editor


Now possible fo move files with unicode filenames in Rules Engine

Rules Engine


Now using Item metadata group as default when render from RCE

Rough Cut Editor - Metadata


Fixed problem where datepickers and dropdowns where sometimes opened outside the screen view



Fixed security problem with memcached and solr that was not bound to localhost



Fixed archive problem with incremental setup of P5

Archiware P5


Fixed CPAA migration problem

Archive Framework


Fixed problem with batch metadata of fields in sub-subgroups



Fixed problem with criteria Older than



Notifier logs now part of the error report

Error report


Fixed problem with access to objects on customised collection page



Now using VIDISPINE_STORAGE_METHOD_TYPE if that is present instead of AUTO



Fixed security problem for XSS attacks



Rendered files are now Uploaded first

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with several files in render queue when Media Encoder setting is not start queue automatically

Adobe Premiere Panel


Metadata is now set correctly when archiving files so they can be restored properly. migrate_af_register_slugified_filenames needs to run to fix old assets if affected.

Oracle DIVArchive - Quantum StorNext - Cantemo FileSysArchive - Amazon S3


Upgrade Vidispine to 4.12.3


Version 3.4.3

Release Date: 2018-09-11

New Features





Now noticing 30 days in advance before a Vidispine license is about to expire.

Vidispine - Portal


Better error messages when Message Queue is down



Support for Vidispine online License keys in setup

Vidispine - Installer


Upgdaded Vidispine to 4.12.2



Updated the End User License Agreement


Fixed Issues





Collection page now not showing duration for images



Improved handling of non-ASCII filenames in Agent

Mac Agent - NLE


Files containing hash in the filename no longer breaks the storage view.

Portal - Other


Now possible to sort shares on User field



It is now possible to cancel reindexing which has been in progress for longer than 24 hours.



Fixed problem with AnootationTool looking at cookie instead of configuration

Annotation tool


Fixed problem with editing metadata of Timecode type



Fixed problem where duplicate Annotations could occur

Annotation tool


Now scrolling to correct subclip when clicking

Annotation tool


Fixed authentication problem with StorNext

Quantum StorNext


Now possible to sort the Usage report



Fixed metadata problem with sub subgroups



Fixed problem with batch metadata updates on Tags and Lookup fields



Fixed timezone problem with datefields



Now removing deleted transcode profiles correctly



Fixed problem with timestamps on Archive page in Safari

Archive Framework


Large libraries are new faster to open in the NLEs

Premiere Pro Integration - Final Cut Pro Integration - NLE


Fixed problem with metadata type Float

Metadata - Portal


Fixed translation problem



Fixed problem with default values for empty metadata fields



Fixed problem with Open With when have the storage a mounted drive

Windows Agent


Fixed problem with Large gearbox to Export items



Fixed sorting problem on jobs dashboard page



Fixed problem with RCE when using a preview shapes not named lowres

Rough Cut Editor


Fixed issue with Metadata field type Workstep in Rules Engine.

Rules Engine - Metadata


Fixed problem with multiple audio tracks and DASH player

Video Player


Now possible to delete items even if the shape does not contain the mandatory field portal_sha1

Archiware P5


Now possible to open NLEs from large gearbox even if the file is archived



Fixed delete permission rights


Version 3.4.2

Release Date: 2018-07-02

New Features





Change password button is now hidden when using 3rd party authentication



Collection hierarchy now shown on mouse over when adding Item to Collection



Support for growing files in Annotation Tool

Annotation tool


Possible to configure default settings for Archive and Restore

Archive Framework

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem with extra spaces on path on the storage page



Fixed log rotation for CentOS7



Fixed problem with subfolders in import from storage view



Now thumbnails are not shown in Collection overview for items in Recycle Bin



Now Saved searches are rendered correctly when information in Subgroups



Fixed race condition in Agent where it opens separate windows for project and render

Mac Agent


Fixed problem with batch restore and archive when one of the items failed in prerequisite the whole batch failed.

Archive Framework


Now removing file from Agent window if the file is physically deleted

Mac Agent


The Vidispine dbtest check is now excluded from the health check as it sometimes can take a very long time



Fixed problem with Required Fields



Fixed access control problem that showed no access collections when adding items to collections



Now showing icon that a Project has been checked out on search result page

Search - NLE


Fixed permission problem to Edit metadata button



Fixed User Interface problem with date picker



Fixed timezone problem for timestamps in Representative fields



Fixed access control problem to the Poster creation button



Fixed problem with exact date searches



Now possible to have Timecode field as Representative Metadata



Added the output from ‘systemctl status -a’ to the error report.



Now Saved searches are rendered correctly when information in Subgroups



Now opens the latest Premiere version installed on the client

Mac Agent


Layout on admin page now works correct in IE11



Fixed problem with sidecar XML files containing non ascii characters

Adobe Premiere Panel


Metadata groups matching the exclude regexp are now excluded from the search index. XMP Markers are now excluded from the search index by default.



Now player does not automatically start when adding a timecode in top right corner

Video Player


Improved error message when deleting a storage



Fixed security problem where user without correct credentials could mark assets for deletion on the small gearbox on the Collections page


Version 3.4.1

Release Date: 2018-05-28

New Features





Now no media1-storage is created if system contains storages


Fixed Issues





Fixed glitches in video playback on the sharing page

Video Player


Now showing correct storage size for VSA storages



Now displays the total number of assets affected when doing batch metadata updates



Fixed the logo in the Mac Agent installer.

Mac Agent


Fixed problems in rendering sequences containing non-ascii characters

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed problem with non-ascii characters in search fields

Search - Metadata

Version 3.4.0

Release Date: 2018-05-07


What is new

  • Timecode-based comments

  • Jobs page enhancements

  • Possible to Open Subclips in Cantemo Panel

  • Upload when Rendered button in Agents

  • Single Instance metadata attribute and new Timecode metadata field

New Features





Now possible to play reverse in ALL supported browsers

Video Player


Now possible to sort by column on the jobs page



New installations of Portal 3.4 or later will by default have thumbnailHierarchy set to store 1000 thumbnails per subdirectory under the /srv/thumbnail directory. Upgraded systems will not be affected.



Thumbnails now show an icon for mediatype

Adobe Premiere Panel


In App menu when right-clicking

Adobe Premiere Panel


Timeline zoomed out when starting application.

Annotation tool


You can now add Timecode based comments for sharing



Now possible to limit maximum amount of Tags on a specific Metadata Field



Now possible to Open Subclips from Cantemo Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


It is now possible to archive all sources for a project from the project’s item page.

Archive Framework - Portal


Now possible to have multiple selections on States and Job Types on the Jobs page



Now possible to configure the amount of jobs shown on Jobs page



Now showing a thumbnail of the resulting Item on the Job page.



Improved and faster user feedback when reindexing



Now possible to customize the Collections page more information in Development Guide



Now possible to filter Job Status by state Waiting



Now possible to view images in Full Screen by clicking on them at the Preview on items page



Now always showing the Item id on the jobs page.



Improved logging and error reports for Celery on CentOS7



Now possible to translate metadata values to several languages using the Metadata Group Manager

Admin - Metadata


Now possible to have a metadata Timecode field



Now possible to have attribute Single Instance on a metadata field to allow viewing of one field in multiple subgroups



Improved UX for Saved Searches



Flower Celery monitoring tool is now available on the Admin page

Installer - Admin


Can now start jobs Immediately by pressing Run Now which starts the Vidispine job immediately.



Moved polling for RE3 from Activiti to Celery queues for robustness

Rules Engine


Now possible to search recursively in Subcollections



Installation Guide has now been completely removed. How to install a new system can be found in the Administration Guide



Support Elastic Search connection using Basic Auth as well as AWS IAM



Added an API client for REST calls to Portal from a portal plugin. See development documentation for details.



Updated the list of available S3 regions

Amazon S3


The S3 archive plugin now supports archiving files larger than 5GB

Amazon S3


Now showing a Preview Thumbnail on the Next and Previous buttons on the Item page

Portal - Search


Adobe Panel Extension has been renamed from Cantemo to Portal

Adobe Premiere Panel


Now the highlight videos are available in the Release Notes


Fixed Issues





Sorting on TimeCode fields now possible



Now colorcoding the Current step to better visualize when there are multiple steps ongoing on the jobs page



Fixed an issue where when an item was deleted and its files resided on readonly storage the file entries were not deleted from elastic.



Vidispine logs now uses local timezone



Now showing transcoder host on jobs page when transcoder is used



Clips from an RCE timeline now get the correct timecodes displayed in FCP X.

Rough Cut Editor - Final Cut Pro Integration


Added functionality to modify React blocks on the Collection page



Improved translations on Jobs page



Now possible to click Upload when render button in agent before render is finished and upload will start when render is finished.

Adobe Premiere Panel


S3 archive integration now supports V4 only regions such as London and Frankfurt

Amazon S3


xmlsec1 is now a dependency of the installer to make the SAML integration work without additional dependencies



Radio button is now shown when importing from storage



Fixed problem with not choosing the correct default metadata group when doing batch update.



A progress bar is now visible on top when viewing a specific Job on the Jobs Page



Now possible to filter Job Status by state Analyze



Now possible to select text on metadata field on the Collections page and filenames on the storage view

Metadata - Portal


Moved Clear button to left side on Metadata tabs and added an ‘Up to top’ Button there



Minor UX changes throughout Portal



Updated fcpxml version to 1.6 to improve synchronization of audio and video in the Final Cut Pro X integration. Embedded metadata is now transfered automatically to FCP X. Final Cut Pro 10.3 or later is now required.

Final Cut Pro Integration


Improved loading performance in Annotation Tool

Annotation tool


Fixed problem with colours on dropdowns for the Onyx theme

Rules Engine - Elemental transcoder


Now watchfolder must be empty before selecting it since files are deleted from that area

Mac Agent


Now possible to bulk update selected jobs with Priority Cancel or ReRun



Support for Drag and Drop of folders in Safari 11



Upgrade Vidispine to version 4.12.1



Fixed problem with not displaying subfolders when viewing files on storage view


Version 3.3.9

Release Date: 2019-08-27

New Features





Moved celerybeat-schedule to /var/run/portal for CentOS7


Fixed Issues





Fixed problem where all permission settings could not be removed for a user group



Fixed problem with restore when path is different between P5 and Portal

Archiware P5


Fixed problem with transcoder not getting correct Nice value on installation



Fixed problem with Restoring when files should reside on multiple storages

Cantemo FileSysArchive - Archive Framework - Amazon S3


Setup script starts Vidispine instead of stops when upgrading


Version 3.3.8

Release Date: 2019-03-06

Fixed Issues





Fixed problem in DIVA restores after upgrades.

Archive Framework


Fixed problem in installer for certain command line arguments



Fix XSS security bug in Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Fixed XSS security bugs

Adobe Premiere Panel

Version 3.3.7

Release Date: 2019-01-11

New Features





Supports new keys generated by CCRM


Fixed Issues





Duplicate tags are now not saved



Now possible fo move files with unicode filenames in Rules Engine

Rules Engine


Now using Item metadata group as default when render from RCE

Rough Cut Editor - Metadata


Fixed security problem with memcached and solr that was not bound to localhost



Fixed translation problem on search page



Fixed archive problem with incremental setup of P5

Archiware P5


Fixed CPAA migration problem

Archive Framework


Fixed problem with batch metadata of fields in sub-subgroups



Notifier logs now part of the error report

Error report


Fixed security problem for XSS attacks



Fixed problem with metadata batch updates of subgroups



Improved performance in batch metadata update calculations



Metadata is now set correctly when archiving files so they can be restored properly. migrate_af_register_slugified_filenames needs to run to fix old assets if affected.

Oracle DIVArchive - Quantum StorNext - Cantemo FileSysArchive - Amazon S3


Fixed problem with cloning items where metadata fields had been removed

Metadata - Item Page


Fixed minor problem with Vidispine slave licenses in installer


Version 3.3.6

Release Date: 2018-09-11

New Features





Better error messages when Message Queue is down



Support for Vidispine online License keys in setup

Vidispine - Installer


Upgdaded Vidispine to 4.11.3



Updated the End User License Agreement


Fixed Issues





Now possible to sort shares on User field



Improved error message when deleting a storage



Fixed authentication problem with StorNext

Quantum StorNext


Now possible to sort the Usage report



Fixed metadata problem with sub subgroups



Now removing deleted transcode profiles correctly



Fixed problem with deleted transcode profiles

Portal - Other


Fixed problem with reindex failing of very large fields

Elastic search


Fixed problem with timestamps on Archive page in Safari

Archive Framework


Large libraries are new faster to open in the NLEs

Premiere Pro Integration - Final Cut Pro Integration - NLE


Fixed translation problem



Fixed problem with Large gearbox to Export items



Fixed problem with RCE when using a preview shapes not named lowres

Rough Cut Editor


Fixed issue with Metadata field type Workstep in Rules Engine.

Rules Engine - Metadata


Fixed delete permission rights


Version 3.3.5

Release Date: 2018-06-28

Fixed Issues





Fixed log rotation for CentOS7



Fixed problem with subfolders in import from storage view



Fixed glitches in video playback on the sharing page

Video Player


Now Saved searches are rendered correctly when information in Subgroups



Fixed problem with not displaying subfolders when viewing files on storage view



Now displays the total number of assets affected when doing batch metadata updates



Fixed problem with batch restore and archive when one of the items failed in prerequisite the whole batch failed.

Archive Framework


The Vidispine dbtest check is now excluded from the health check as it sometimes can take a very long time



Fixed access control problem that showed no access collections when adding items to collections



Now showing icon that a Project has been checked out on search result page

Search - NLE


Fixed permission problem to Edit metadata button



Fixed problem with exact date searches



Added the output from ‘systemctl status -a’ to the error report.



Now Saved searches are rendered correctly when information in Subgroups



Metadata groups matching the exclude regexp are now excluded from the search index. XMP Markers are now excluded from the search index by default.



Fixed security problem where user without correct credentials could mark assets for deletion on the small gearbox on the Collections page


Version 3.3.4

Release Date: 2018-05-01

New Features





Now displaying icon on Search Result page that a Project has been checked out



Now possible to add Items to Collection by the Collection id.


Fixed Issues





Fix erroneous error log when triggering reindex



Fixed race condition in Archiving and Restore for P5 that could cause failed transfers

Archiware P5


SECURITY Fixed problem that comments could be read without proper authentication



SECURITY Fixed major bug where it was possible to download shapes by knowing the exact URL through an API without authentication



Deleted subclips no longer show up on the Last 10 page



Reimplemented IElasticSearchDocumentProcessor plugins to be working



Fixed problem with Annotation metadata not being saved correctly

Annotation tool


Fixed erroneous growl message when deleting a collection



FIxed problem with multiple audio tracks in DASH-player

Video Player


Health check for Nginx now works properly even for systems running on https.



Fixed erroneous growl message for deleted Collections

Search - Collections


Now possible to have Metadata Tags starting with non ASCII characters



The CPAA migration tool now ignores items which have more than one Archive metadata group as this is an inconsistent state

Archiware P5


Now you can delete files migrated with CPAA from P5 Archive

Archive Framework


Now display Collection Hierarchy correct in the left menu when more than 100 Collections



Sort order in Collection tree now loads correct



Iconik_portal_sync log files are now included in the standard error report package



Prioritised handling of notification when Reindex process is ongoing.



Fixed problem in saved searches including values in subgroups

Search - Metadata


Updated documentation regarding moving of Portal between different systems



Fixed problem with Wildcard searches in text fields



Fixed problem where translated error messages could cause pages to fail to load



Fixed problem with pagination in the Collection view



Upgrade Vidispine to version 4.11.2


Version 3.3.3

Release Date: 2018-02-27

New Features





Now media is brought Online when trying to Render from Rough Cut Editor and the media is Offline

Rough Cut Editor


UI now distinguish between leaves and branches in the Collection tree.



Use larger video player in the Annotation Tool when browser window size is large enough

Annotation tool

Fixed Issues





Fixed UI problem on Search result page for the small Cogwheel.

Portal - Search


Cascading now works to not referenced Subgroups where there is a maximum of one occurance



Fixed problem to Ingest to Placeholder when the Placeholder previously contained media



Fixed problem in loading second clip in RCE

Rough Cut Editor


Fixed erroneous error message when not having access to all Premier project files in one search

Premiere Pro Integration - NLE


Broadcast wave files now import into FCP X with the correct start timecode and channel count

Final Cut Pro Integration


Updated Vidispine to 4.11.1


Version 3.3.2

Release Date: 2018-02-08

New Features





Now Mac Agent creates new windows for each new upload

Mac Agent


Audio is now played when seeking or stepping single frames

Video Player


Minor bugfixes and usability fixes in the Annotation Tool

Annotation tool

Fixed Issues





Adding to ‘Media Bin’ now works from multiple pages



Access Rights are now applied correct to Saved searches



Support for https in Windows Agent

Windows Agent


Nginx resolver is now configured automatically



Swagger REST API interactive documentation styling improvement for onyx thene

Admin - API


Improved Error handling in Windows Agent for corrupt files.

Windows Agent


Fixed problem with Title if uploading project from Mac Agent

Metadata - Mac Agent


Toggling between Period and Range now resets values



Select on all pages now works properly for all actions



Now clearing the WatchFolder after each session or startup of the MacAgent

Mac Agent


Fixed UI problems on the Collection page



Improved error handling in nginx health check



Now hiding top row with Previous and Next when no search is present.



Fixed security problem with batch delete of assets that could caused read only Items to be deleted



The Vidispine license key is now updated even if Vidispine doesn’t have to be upgraded.



Video player no longer steps a frame back when pausing

Video Player


Fix major bug in search where user metadata consists of non-references subgroup to have minimum 1.



Solved problem in Representative fields for Dropdowns


Version 3.3.1

Release Date: 2017-12-20

New Features





Improved logging and error reports for Celery on CentOS7


Fixed Issues





Improved error handling in Mac Agent when FCPX project download or extraction fails

Final Cut Pro Integration - Mac Agent


Improved security for Project files with incorrect permissions.



Fixed minor issue when Return To Placeholder not clearing all data



Representative Fieds now working on SubClips



Lookup fields now working properly on SubClips



Improvements to rabbitmq during Installation process


Version 3.3.0

Release Date: 2017-12-13

What is new

Instead of going though the complete release notes, here is the most important Features

  • Possibility to synchronise Portal assets with iconik

  • Ability to Checkin and Checkout projects to show to others that a specific user has an exclusive lock on a specific project

  • Different default metadata groups for Items, Subclips and Collections

  • Now you can render a new Item directly from Rough Cut Editor

  • Extension to Cascading metadata fields to Cascade between Collections and Items and between different Metadata groups for Reusable fields

  • Support for Adobe Premiere 2018 in Cantemo Panel and Cantemo Agent

Upgrade incompatability


Please do not upgrade to 3.3 or later from 2.3 or earlier version of Portal.

If you need to upgrade such a system, please apply the upgrades up to 2.4.x and then install Portal 3.3. Upgrades from earlier than 2.4 to Portal 3.3 and later are not supported.

Latest Portal 2.4 upgrade compability is still tested, but will be removed as of Portal 4.0

Upgrade instructions


When upgrading to 3.3 (or later versions) from any version prior to 3.3. Make sure all running archive jobs are completed or data loss may occur.

This is because the “old” queue will no longer exists so any jobs still in that queue will not be executed.

Category in Release Notes

From Portal 3.3. all tickets have one or several Categories, to make it easier to see and understand what areas have been changed in the latest release. Some requires some explanations:

  • Admin - This is the Admin UI in the Portal Web, but also related to things like installation and configuration from the command line

  • Collections - Everything that has to do with Collections

  • Metadata - Everything that has to do with metadata display or configuration

  • Portal - This is sort of the rest, if it does not fit in any other area it will be portal

  • Searches - This is the Search UI as well as the display of the search results

New Features





Now possible to CheckIn and CheckOut a specific Project to show to others that a specific user has an exclusive lock

Final Cut Pro Integration - Premiere Pro Integration


Now possible to have different default metadata groups for Items Collections and Subclips



Now possible to filter on Projects and Sequences on File Metadata search



Now URI links in Metadata Textarea fields are linked



Sequence rendering directly from Rough Cut Editor has now been enabled as default

Rough Cut Editor


Windows Agent shows existing metadata for project.

Windows Agent


Now it is possble to Export the XML only using the Vidispine Export Templates



Now possible to see what differs on metadata fields when doing Batch Metadata Update. Works up to 200 items.



Extended Cascading to cascade over different metadata groups and from Collections to Items



Added a Demo metadata group with all metadata field types on first installs



Date searches now also possible for exact dates



Job priority can now be changed from the individual jobs page.



Better error handling in Windows Agent

Windows Agent


Rough Cut Editor now supports Tailmode

Rough Cut Editor


Release Dates are now shown in the Release Notes



Now Open with works the same in Windows Agent and Mac Agent

Windows Agent


Now Invalid licenses show up in Health checks



Search forms now always show up in the same order



Collections Page now uses the same Search API as the Search page

Collections - API


Next/Previous and Result links on Items page after search results are now more reliable



Improved error feedback in the wizard



Release Notes now include Product End Of Life information for previous Portal releases



Installation Documentation and Aministrators’ Documentation merged to one document.



More Elastic information has been added to the error reports.

Admin - Search


Now a warning is shown if you Archive Items in projects

Archive Framework - Portal


Upgraded Vidispine To version 4.11



Updated Portal Training Guide



Split the Celery queue into several queues to speed up Archive Framework jobs. When upgrading make sure all running archive jobs are completed or data loss may occur.

Archive Framework


Now a Category exist in the Release Notes so you can see what parts of Portal that are affected



Upgrades to Portal 3.3 and later are only supported from 2.4.x and later



Added check for nginx if it can resolve the hostname of portal configuration into System Health Check



Now possible to set NLE priority on the storage configuration for each storage

Admin - Final Cut Pro Integration - Premiere Pro Integration - NLE

Fixed Issues





On new installs: lock the hostname for rabbitmq to avoid problems on system renames.



Passwords with a colon now work in the Premiere Panel

Adobe Premiere Panel


Now Portal enforces Export location names to be unique



Pods now correctly aligned for Search Results



Now excluding Transcoded media files in FCP integration to not fill up Harddrive with unnecessary media

Mac Agent - Final Cut Pro Integration


Changed to correct role ‘Metadata Write’ for Metadata Batch Updates.

Search - Roles


Operations on entire Collection is now not available after doing a Collection search



Support for strange characters in Filenames

Windows Agent


Make sure files that are on Portal server are marked as on server

Windows Agent


Fixed problem with exporting sequences from Premiere

Windows Agent


Added a Cancel button in the agent

Windows Agent


Fixed problems with uploading of large projects

Windows Agent


XMP markers no longer becomes Subclips automatically. If you require this functionality then change the Vidispine configuration property xmpIgnoreElements



Locked files are now not uploaded

Windows Agent


Decreased database size of Rules Engine 3 and Activiti by removing unnecessary logging.

Rules Engine


Fixed REST API for posting comments



Windows Agent now works properly with Cantemo Panel

Windows Agent


End User License Agreement has been updated



Project Upload now works if no default metadata group is set in Windows Agent

Windows Agent


Better error handling when updating license keys



Searching in multiple fields in subgroups now only returns hits within the same subgroup instance.



Correct deinterlacing of DV25 material



Better error handling when running the Setup Wizard



Allow searching with for field names by their Vidispine names. Such as __storage_original as well as of storage_original via the PUT API

Search - API


Now possible to Export from Small gearbox



Not showing the surrounding frame for a Subgroup when ACL disallows access



Minor documentation updates for CentOS 7



Now possible to open multiple assets in Premiere for Windows Agent

Windows Agent


Disabled gzip compression on APInoauth requests. Fixing IE11 player issues

Video Player


Fixed bug i Metadata API to look at Read-Only flag when updating Metadata



Correct escaping of characters when triggering Vidispine jobs from Rules Engine.

Rules Engine


Replaced python-slugify with django’s built in slugify function



Reload searches on Collections page now works without forgetting criterias



Now possible to Clear archive jobs even if the asset has been deleted.

Archive Framework - Admin


Updated Documentation to include the ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_VERSION in the Docmentation. Useful if you need to Reindex or not.



Now support for Adobe Premier Pro CC 2018 in Agent

Mac Agent


Panel support for Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Adobe Premiere Panel


Now showing relation warning when Deleting item that has relations



Representative fields now works in Subgroups

Metadata - Portal - Search


Now using the same API for Collections and Search pages

API - Collections


Fixed problem with metadata indicators being lost on Collections page.


Version 3.2.13

Release Date: 2019-03-06

Fixed Issues




Fixed problem in DIVA restores after upgrades.


Fixed problem in installer for certain command line arguments


Fix XSS security bug in Panel


Fixed XSS security bugs

Version 3.2.12

Release Date: 2019-01-11

New Features




Supports new keys generated by CCRM

Fixed Issues




Duplicate tags are now not saved


Now possible fo move files with unicode filenames in Rules Engine


Fixed security problem with memcached and solr that was not bound to localhost


Fixed translation problem on search page


Fixed archive problem with incremental setup of P5


Fixed CPAA migration problem


Notifier logs now part of the error report


Fixed security problem for XSS attacks


Fixed problem with metadata batch updates of subgroups


Fixed problem to render radio button metadata without choices


Metadata is now set correctly when archiving files so they can be restored properly. migrate_af_register_slugified_filenames needs to run to fix old assets if affected.


Now not possible to rerun a Raw Import job since it could cause multiple Items with the same File


Fixed problem with cloning items where metadata fields had been removed


Fixed minor problem with Vidispine slave licenses in installer

Version 3.2.11

Release Date: 2018-09-11

New Features




Better error messages when Message Queue is down


Support for Vidispine online License keys in setup


Updated the End User License Agreement

Fixed Issues




Fixed log rotation for CentOS7


Now Saved searches are rendered correctly when information in Subgroups


Now displays the total number of assets affected when doing batch metadata updates


Fixed problem with batch restore and archive when one of the items failed in prerequisite the whole batch failed.


Fixed access control problem that showed no access collections when adding items to collections


Fixed permission problem to Edit metadata button


Added the output from ‘systemctl status -a’ to the error report.


Improved error message when deleting a storage


Fixed security problem where user without correct credentials could mark assets for deletion on the small gearbox on the Collections page


Now possible to sort the Usage report


Fixed metadata problem with sub subgroups


Now removing deleted transcode profiles correctly


Fixed problem with timestamps on Archive page in Safari


Fixed problem with Large gearbox to Export items


Fixed problem with RCE when using a preview shapes not named lowres


Fixed issue with Metadata field type Workstep in Rules Engine.


Fixed delete permission rights

Version 3.2.10

Release Date: 2018-04-26

New Features




Now possible to add Items to Collection by the Collection id.

Fixed Issues




Fixed race condition in Archiving and Restore for P5 that could cause failed transfers


SECURITY Fixed problem that comments could be read without proper authentication


SECURITY Fixed major bug where it was possible to download shapes by knowing the exact URL through an API without authentication


FIxed problem with multiple audio tracks in DASH-player


Fixed erroneous growl message for deleted Collections


Now possible to have Metadata Tags starting with non ASCII characters


Now you can delete files migrated with CPAA from P5 Archive


Sort order in Collection tree now loads correct


Prioritised handling of notification when Reindex process is ongoing.


Fixed problem in saved searches including values in subgroups


Fixed username validation on the Active Directory setup page if the username is specified as a full DN.

Version 3.2.9

Release Date: 2018-03-13

New Features




Improved logging and error reports for Celery on CentOS7


Audio is now played when seeking or stepping single frames


Minor bugfixes and usability fixes in the Annotation Tool


Use larger video player in the Annotation Tool when browser window size is large enough

Fixed Issues




Access Rights are now applied correct to Saved searches


Improved error handling in Mac Agent when FCPX project download or extraction fails


Swagger REST API interactive documentation styling improvement for onyx thene


Fixed minor issue when Return To Placeholder not clearing all data


Fixed UI problem on Search result page for the small Cogwheel.


Toggling between Period and Range now resets values


Select on all pages now works properly for all actions


Fixed security problem with batch delete of assets that could caused read only Items to be deleted


More INFO level logging on item deletion


Fixed problem to Ingest to Placeholder when the Placeholder previously contained media


The Vidispine license key is now updated even if Vidispine doesn’t have to be upgraded.


Video player no longer steps a frame back when pausing


Fixed erroneous error message when not having access to all Premier project files in one search


Updated Vidispine to 4.9.3


Reimplemented IElasticSearchDocumentProcessor plugins to be working


Fixed problem with Annotation metadata not being saved correctly

Version 3.2.8

Release Date: 2017-12-13

Fixed Issues




Celerybeat schedule file is now removed on restart on CentOS 6 to work around potentially corrupt schedule


Fixed issue with thumbnail view on PDF files


Now displaying text files correct on ListView


Fixed search problems in Collections view for multiple Collections search


Fixed an issue where New Item rules were not triggering any actions


Fixed problem with date fields not being populated when refreshing page.

Version 3.2.7

Release Date: 2017-11-28

Fixed Issues




Can now delete archived items even if the original shape was deleted beforehand.


Return to placeholder now clears system metadata correct


Now not closing the search criteria when clicking Clear


Now possible to sort search results on custom timestamp fields


Improved Rules Engine 3 logging


API Searches now not showing up in Search History


Fixed Edit Saved Search functionality in Safari 11


Fixed problem with Preview of Subclips


Now not possible to clone items that are Offline


Fixed problem with top right corner search and no Default Metadata Group set


Fixed bug when toggling between Grid View and List View


Fixed problem with new searches based on Saved Searches and Last 10


Fixed access rights on Admin page


AnnotationTool now only highlights the currently selected annotation instead of all which overlaps with the playhead.


Minor bugfix in behaviour for Annotation Tool on how to move annotations


Improved error handling in Annotation Tool


Now possible to install Crontab job to automatically redeploy failed RE3 jobs


Fixed upload problem when user only has read access to metadata fields


Fixed problem with searches in Hierarchy fields


Ampersand (&) in Tags now escaped properly


Pagination on Saved searches now works correct

Version 3.2.6

Release Date: 2017-10-31

New Features




Now possible to open Rough Cut Editor for Video Items on Item page


Now uses Vidispine conform jobs instead of sequence jobs when possible to speed up conform.


Now possible to Download media even if there is a Hash mismatch between the files.

Fixed Issues




Removed options Transcode and Archive for Small Gearbox when item an Placeholder


Now Displays local timezone instead of UTC in Archive job queue


Fixed minor problem with thumbnails for Internet Explorer 11.


Tags starting with uppercase are now also autocompleted


Small cogwheel removed from Jobs page since it had no functionality there


Improved subclips handling in Annotation Tool


Fixed portal.log rotation in Centos 7


Now Portal do not delete file from SHARED storages


Fixed problem with saved searches and search history when no default metadata group is set


Delete from Archive in Bulk is now possible from the Big Gearbox menu


Improved handling of search criteria when refining your previous search


Not showing Data Mismatch error on all files migrating from CPAA that lacks size information in Portal


Now possible to delete Items linked to where Title is omitted


Renaming a saved search now updates the name immediately


Reindex button now work for other languages than English


Now Open in FCP X is visible for FCP X projects on small gearbox menu


Duration of growing MXF files now handled better


Fixed data mismatch error when hash takes long time to be created


Upgraded Psycopg2 to version 2.5.4

Version 3.2.5

Release Date: 2017-10-17

New Features




Removed GET API method for endpoint /search/ in favor of /API/v2/search/


Upgraded Vidispine To version 4-9.2

Fixed Issues




Improved error handling in reindex


Delete in the search pod now is protected by the same ‘Item Shape Write’ role as in the other menus


Now excluding delete items from Parent/Child links


Fixed problem with showing wrong search result when returning to search


Better error message to user when failing to save search


Fixed issue with creating unnecessary placeholder item when importing from storage


Fixed metadata indicator not displaying correct on Collections page


Fixed minor error with returning to wrong search result page for the first item on each page.


Fixed problem with export of large WAV-files to Final Cut


Now showing Title instead of filename when doing Parent/Child relations


Fixed problem with Sort By order not showing up giving search result in unknown order


Fixed problem with search within last ‘Months’

Version 3.2.4

Release Date: 2017-09-21

New Features




Admin documentation for Conditional Metadata added


Only trigger a reindex from the wizard if the search schema has changed

Fixed Issues




The return to search links now works correctly from the item pages.


Search id is now displayed in the URL


Transcode framework now removes strange characters from profiles for all plugins


Fixed problem with not always setting Title to filename on auto import.


Filename and title sorting are now case insensitive


DateFields in Metadata subgroups are now searchable


Fixed problem in NLE workflow when no default metadata group was set


Fixed loading of the Formats tab for binary files

Version 3.2.3

Release Date: 2017-09-11

New Features




Lookup fields now display correctly on Pods and Collection page


Change Purge to Clear in the Archive Jobs Admin views

Fixed Issues




Better handling of wildcard searches for metadata fields.


Fixed a bug in opening FCP from gearbox menu.


Fixed problem with Title when importing from storage


Fixed the User Metadata indicator


Log error when creating error report has been fixed


Fixed role check for Purge from Online


Fixed problem with copying files in storage view


Reinstated the warning when to remove items that is included in a project.


Advanced Search for Lookup and Tag type fields now works as expected


Fixed the fcpx thumbnail on the related item page

Version 3.2.2

Release Date: 2017-08-17

Fixed Issues




Fixed issue with Search API


Fixed problem with moving files in storage view


Fixed an issue where navigating searches sometimes lead to a 500 error


Fixed lookup fields in the agent metadata form


Changed titles can now be saved on the item page


The offline/online search criteria now works again


The first metadata field is now saved when importing from storage rather than being left blank.


Previously archived items can now be opened in premiere

Version 3.2.1

Release Date: 2017-08-08

Fixed Issues




Updated documentation about batch metadata update.


Entering the search page by way of clicking on a tag now correctly shows the metadata indicator


The metadata indicator is now correctly cleared when the user changes metadata form or clicks the clear button at the end of the form.


Fixed an issue where typing into a lookup field would sometime loose the first character entered.


Made sure metadata indicators show up even if the metadata field is not created through the Portal UI.

Version 3.2.0

Release Date: 2017-08-01

New Features




It is now possible to step through the results of a saved search or collection using previous and next buttons on the item page.


It is now possible to run batch metadata update from the saved search pages.


The Episode plugin can now handle Episode Engines that run on OSX and those that run using trial licenses


The system now has the ability to limit which metadata field values can co-exist on an item.


When trying to open a Premiere project that has member files offline a proper warning detailing which files are offline is now presented to the user.


There are now indicators to show that metadata has been entered into closed metadata forms on the search pages.


Saved Searches are now stored as json objects and can be manipulated to create new saved searches or update existing ones.


It is now possible to refine searches saved in Portal through the UI.


Like tags previously the dropdown lookup integer float hierarchy and workstep fields are now all clickable and will take the user to a serch for the term clicked.


Rules Engine 3 can now trigger on jobs that succeeded with warnings.


The Error Report tool now includes more diagnostics about elastic search and slow queries.


The number of celery workers now autoscale depending on load


It is now possible to set the priority of Move and Copy jobs started by Rules Engine 3


There now exists an API endpoint at which you can register conditions that limit which metadata field values may co-exist on an item.


Improved user feedback for collections page actions


The Metadata Group information is now stored in elastic along with the metadata field values for each item.


The removal of Metadata Groups are now protected by more confirmation dialogues


Same as you can set priority on move/copy actions via RE3 you can now do the same for the export action


Due to changes in how searches work a full re-index of all items is required when updating to Portal 3.2.0


Saved Search ACLs are now set on the saved search pods instead of the main gearbox menu inside the saved search.


On the item page of an item without title we now show the vidispine ID in light grey rather than the original filename to avoid confusion with searches for title. You can use the script /opt/cantemo/portal/bin/ to set missing titles on items


The search filters are now located at the top of the search result.


Users can now set default sort by and order by values on their respective user pages


Updated how search queries are grouped on the search pages.


Rules Engine 3 rules made directly from a search will no longer get acted upon. Searches have to be saved before RE3 can use them as triggers.


There is now a search history page listing all the searches a particular user has run.


If no title is set for an item the search pod for that item now displays the item-ID rather than the original filename. This is done to avoid confusion with users searching for a title but not finding their assets.


Search for date ranges is now inclusive for both dates entered and not just for the start date.

Fixed Issues




Fixed an issue with rights needed during audio imports.


The system now provides better feedback to users when a project cannot be opened due to missing files or similar or insufficient rights.


Several delete confirmation buttons has now changed color from Greeen/Red to Red/Grey instead.


Fixed an issue preventing users from opening a sequence item in RCE from the Media Bin.


Added documentation about functions added to archive framework in Portal version 3.1


Fixed a minor UI issue with pop-ups in Safari


The UI will now show a warning if the files of a particular shape does not have the same size on all storages.


If you select all assets in a collection or search the Open in NLE action no longer fails if there where placeholder or sequence assets in the selection.


Fixed a problem with the metadata form location in RCE


Make sure we always rotate transcode logs at the same intervals as the vidispine and portal logs.


On Centos7 the startup script for celery now works even if celery crashed during an operation.


Adding a new system field now defaults the new field name to the name of the system field instead of newSystemfield.


[From RC testing] The new filters now autosearch same as the old ones did.


When clicking on a collection in the left hand collections view the search criteria now correctly reflects that the results displayed is for all items and collections inside that collection and nothing else.


The metadata indicator is no longer sticky when data is cleared.


Fixed an issue which made it impossible to search using creation date on the collections page.

Version 3.1.9

Release Date: 2018-08-31

New Features




Support for Vidispine online License keys in setup


Updated the End User License Agreement

Fixed Issues




Fixed log rotation for CentOS7


Added the output from ‘systemctl status -a’ to the error report.


Improved error message when deleting a storage


Now possible to sort the Usage report


Now removing deleted transcode profiles correctly


Fixed problem with timestamps on Archive page in Safari


Fixed security problem with memcached and solr that was not bound to localhost


Fixed problem with RCE when using a preview shapes not named lowres


Fixed issue with Metadata field type Workstep in Rules Engine.

Version 3.1.8

Release Date: 2018-04-26

New Features




Improved logging and error reports for Celery on CentOS7


Now possible to open Rough Cut Editor for Video Items on Item page


Now uses Vidispine conform jobs instead of sequence jobs when possible to speed up conform.


Upgraded Vidispine To version 4-7.4


Audio is now played when seeking or stepping single frames


Minor bugfixes and usability fixes in the Annotation Tool


Use larger video player in the Annotation Tool when browser window size is large enough

Fixed Issues




Can now delete archived items even if the original shape was deleted beforehand.


Removed options Transcode and Archive for Small Gearbox when item an Placeholder


Now Displays local timezone instead of UTC in Archive job queue


Fixed minor problem with thumbnails for Internet Explorer 11.


Tags starting with uppercase are now also autocompleted


Small cogwheel removed from Jobs page since it had no functionality there


Improved subclips handling in Annotation Tool


Fixed portal.log rotation in Centos 7


Now Portal do not delete file from SHARED storages


Improved Rules Engine 3 logging


Delete from Archive in Bulk is now possible from the Big Gearbox menu


Fixed issue with thumbnail view on PDF files


Improved handling of search criteria when refining your previous search


Reindex button now work for other languages than English


Now Open in FCP X is visible for FCP X projects on small gearbox menu


Duration of growing MXF files now handled better


Fixed problem with Preview of Subclips


Upgraded Psycopg2 to version 2.5.4


Marked annotations in Annotation Tool can now be adjusted with i and o buttons


AnnotationTool now only highlights the currently selected annotation instead of all which overlaps with the playhead.


Minor bugfix in behaviour for Annotation Tool on how to move annotations


Improved error handling in Annotation Tool


Now possible to install Crontab job to automatically redeploy failed RE3 jobs


Pause and Play now works properly in Preview player


Fixed security problem with batch delete of assets that could caused read only Items to be deleted


The Vidispine license key is now updated even if Vidispine doesn’t have to be upgraded.


Video player no longer steps a frame back when pausing


Fixed race condition in Archiving and Restore for P5 that could cause failed transfers


SECURITY Fixed problem that comments could be read without proper authentication


SECURITY Fixed major bug where it was possible to download shapes by knowing the exact URL through an API without authentication


Fixed problem with Annotation metadata not being saved correctly


FIxed problem with multiple audio tracks in DASH-player


Fixed erroneous growl message for deleted Collections


Now you can delete files migrated with CPAA from P5 Archive


Prioritised handling of notification when Reindex process is ongoing.

Version 3.1.7

Release Date: 2017-09-21

New Features




Checkboxes are now automatically set for fields edited when doing metadata batch update.


You are now able to play multiple audio tracks in the preview player on the item page and in the Annotation tool.


The P5 plugin now handles the known issue in Archiware P5 where archive job statues are reported as Terminated for a short while when they in fact succeeded.


Added a job step for export jobs when the file transfer has been completed


Thumbnails are now shown with their timecode and can be used to seek to that location in the video.

Fixed Issues




Active Directory fix with Portal usernames being case insensitive


Purge from online storage now works correct


Increased Vidispine health check timeout


Fixed problem with selecting items from multiple pages.


Better information for user when not able to start an upload


Fixed search problem via API for dropdowns within subgroups


Fixed bug when uploading multiple items and REQUIRE_METADATA_SCHEMA is set.


Fixed podpreview problem for Safari and Mozilla Firefox


Open In and Download now works for Subclips


The initial thumbnail resource is no longer created if one already exists


Jobs list shows progress also for all types of jobs when available from Vidispine


It is now possible to mix Active Directory and local users


Rules Engine 3 item status handling fixed for multiple synchronous rules on an item

Version 3.1.6

Release Date: 2017-07-15

Fixed Issues




Fixed a problem where source files would be moved as well as targets set when using RE3 to set directories.


The Archiware archive plugin now handles files located on storages that have been moved


Fixed an issue with roles needed for import from storage

Version 3.1.5

Release Date: 2017-07-03

New Features




There is now a new plugin block for the header (title part) of the mediaView called MediaViewHeader. This is documented in the development guide.


Improved Annotation Tool: Customization with new plugin block. Metadata group override with GET-parameter. Annotation filtering function.

Fixed Issues




The pagination now works correctly in list view.


The collections page no longer hides all actions when no pod is selected but rather greys the correct ones out.


The role requirement write_file is now correctly documented as a requirement for uploading files directly to SAN using the Agents.


Clicking on tags on the item page now correctly takes you to a search for the term clicked.


S3 Export locations can now be correctly configured when the secret key contains a slash sign.


CPAA migration now handles items which were archived using Final Cut Server and then migrated using Moosystem’s migration tool


The hotkeys a and s no longer generates JS errors in Rough Cut Editor and the Annotation Tool.

Version 3.1.4

Release Date: 2017-06-22

Fixed Issues




The P5 plugin no longer fails when Portal and P5 have different paths to the media files [regression from portal 3.1.3]

Version 3.1.3

Release Date: 2017-05-29

New Features




It is now possible to easily select all files in the upload window to tie metadata to all assets created.

Fixed Issues




Transcoding with burnTimecode=true no longer triggers a fault in the transcoder application.


The error report tool now correctly handles if two catalina.out files are present on the system where the error report is generated.


When rendering out a sequence in RCE the metadata form presented now correctly validates all input fields.


Archiving with p5 no longer fails if p5 mount point is set with trailing slash.


The render button in RCE is no longer visible unless the current user has the required roles to use it.


The jobstep which prevents files getting moved while OPEN no longer fails if the file is removed


Cascading metadata now works for all unicode characters.


Made sure that S3 bucket verification works for non-us bucket locations as well after changes in the Amazon API endpoints.


Opening a premiere project that includes binary files like AfterEffects project references now works again.


User defined metadata fields with ‘durationTimeCode’ or ‘startTimeCode’ in the name no longer fail item indexing


Added a ‘Show hidden’ button to all pages that list files to reveal sidecar and other files which are normally hidden.


Fixed an issue where shapes being transcoded would not show up on the formats tab of the item page.


Files marked in CPAA as ‘Can’t restore this item through Portal.’ are no longer migrated to the archive framework plugin for P5. A list of items marked in this fashion is produced whenever the migration tool is run.

Version 3.1.2

Release Date: 2017-04-21

New Features




Cantemo Panel for Premiere has been redesigned to allow upload of both render files and projects more easily

Fixed Issues




Adding rights to an item now produces a growl message for added feedback


Made the clickable area on the Add Parent button larger


Fixed an issue where missing representative metadata would cause the loader image to never close


Solved a race condition in RE3 where growing files were marked as handled by storage rules before they even existed

Version 3.1.1

Release Date: 2017-03-22

Fixed Issues




Uploading files whose names include hashes no longer truncates their titles in Portal.


Collection name type-ahead now works as expected in the Mac Agent metadata form


Fixed an issue with loading the add new element page from certain pages


The new web upload tool is no longer incorrectly called from the upload new version code.


Fixed an issue with the CPAA to P5 migration tool when used to migrate to 3.1.x instead of 3.0.x

Version 3.1.0

Upgrade incompatability

Cantemo includes several 3rd party components. Starting with Portal 3.1 some of these components no longer have a direct upgrade path from the versions used in Portal 1.6.x. In order to upgrade to Portal 3.1.x from a Portal 1.6.x version you will first have to upgrade to the latest Portal 2.4.x version.

Release Date: 2017-02-17

New Features




It is now possible to set the number of rows that should be visible in the dashboard widget ‘Jobs’.


It is now possible to disable use of the custom stemming plugin in elastic search. This allows use of AWS Elastic Search Service 1.5


The Windows Agent for Windows 10 and later is now considered to be production ready and is thus released with Portal 3.1


Active Directory integration now no longer creates all groups in Portal by default


The same list-view that exists on the search page has now been implemented on the collection page as well.


Portal metadata fields can now be set to ‘Cascading’. A cascading metadata field will inherit data from from it’s parent collection (if set on a collection) or from its parent item (if set on an item)


It is now possible to use Amazon S3 buckets as storage areas for the archive framework.


It is now possible to search for placeholder assets separately from data/unknown assets.


Updated the documentation to include instructions on how to set up additional non-local transcoder nodes.


The ACLs tab on the asset page now offers better visibility into what users and groups can access an item and why.


It is now possible to render out a new asset from the Rough Cut Editor.


Added original shape mime-type as a system field. If added to a metadata group this will allow searching for assets based on mime type data.


Made slight improvements to the transcode setup page.


The web upload interface has been given an overhaul and now offers smoother editing of metadata and drag and drop functionality for folders (where allowed by browser version)

Fixed Issues




Active directory group-names no longer have to be kept artificially short in order to be used in Portal.


The date-picker used in our metadata form now discreetly indicates todays date.


Windows Agent: Now relates items to projects when projects are uploaded


Removed the CANCEL button on the jobs page as jobs finish instead of when the page reloads.


The Mac Agent will now detect if a file meant to be uploaded is already on a Portal storage. If so the Agent will no longer upload a second copy to the default upload area but rather register the file in its current location.


Only log errors in the AD integration if we fail to connect to all servers


Fixed Admin-menu layout on small screens


Found and fixed an issue where subclips would not disappear from the media bin when the annotations they represent were removed from an item.


Fixed an issue where it was not possible to create an RE3 rule trigger based on collection membership.


The system will no longer attempt to move or copy files while they are still growing. Transcoding them is still possible under the correct circumstances.


Bottlenecks in the Mac Agent preventing opening of very large Premiere Pro projects have been found and fixed.


Added the _search role to the default set of roles for the base group.

Version 3.0.13

Release Date: 2018-05-01

New Features




Improved logging and error reports for Celery on CentOS7

Fixed Issues




Removed options Transcode and Archive for Small Gearbox when item an Placeholder


Now Displays local timezone instead of UTC in Archive job queue


Fixed portal.log rotation in Centos 7


Now Portal do not delete file from SHARED storages


Delete from Archive in Bulk is now possible from the Big Gearbox menu


Now possible to install Crontab job to automatically redeploy failed RE3 jobs


Fixed security problem with batch delete of assets that could caused read only Items to be deleted


The Vidispine license key is now updated even if Vidispine doesn’t have to be upgraded.


Fixed race condition in Archiving and Restore for P5 that could cause failed transfers


SECURITY Fixed problem that comments could be read without proper authentication


SECURITY Fixed major bug where it was possible to download shapes by knowing the exact URL through an API without authentication


Fixed erroneous growl message for deleted Collections


Now you can delete files migrated with CPAA from P5 Archive


Upgrade Vidispine to version 4.6.5

Version 3.0.12

Release Date: 2017-09-20

Fixed Issues




Fixed problem with restore jobs sometimes being stucked


Fixed ‘JKL’-playback for Safari webbrowser


Fixed handling of subgroup metadata on add and remove


Now properly loads the format tabs for Premiere projects


Improved performance of the search page if there are many projects in the result


Open projects from the search result now opens the correct project instead of the first one in the search result


Fix for Archiware P5 restoring files with strange characters as well as sub directories.


Fixed problem on search result view with Delete from small item wheel deleting wrong asset when multiple asset has been marked.

Version 3.0.11

Release Date: 2017-07-15

New Features




Reinstated the reverse playback function but only for those browsers that support it.

Version 3.0.10

Release Date: 2017-07-10

Fixed Issues




Merged fixes for the DASH-player from Portal 2.3 in to Portal 3.0

Version 3.0.9

Release Date: 2017-07-03

New Features




RabbitMQ logs are now included in the error reports.

Fixed Issues




The create poster button in the proxy player is no longer available unless the original shape has a file in state CLOSED on a non-archive storage.


Fixed the v1 item api (used by annotation tool) to handle items without representativeThumbnail set


The AF1 to AF2 migration tool has been made more robust and given better error messages for migrations scenarios where more than one archive plugin has already been made active.


It is now possible to import only some items from a collection into FCPX


The Archiware P5 plugin now supports incremental archive plans as well.


If creating a metadata group with either a min or max restriction (but not both) on a field using the API and not the UI. The system now correctly sets the non-supplied limiter as well.


Updated the growl message shown when deleting collections to reflect the fact that deleting a collection also deletes any subcollections of that collection.


Double spaces in filenames are now shown correctly in the UI and not as single spaces.


Adding Subclips to the Media Bin now works correctly from all the gearbox menues.


If the Archiware P5 server dies during an archive operation the job in Portal will now exit instead of hanging forever.


Fixed an issue with freetext searching against hierarchical metadata fields.


Fixed some minor consistency issues in the various S3 coniguration pages.


Optimized Elastic index size for some large metadata fields


Rules Engine 3: Improved detection of ongoing jobs on item


Made it possible to import XML XMP and STL files as item files again instead of populating item metadata with the information in said files.

Version 3.0.8

Release Date: 2017-04-21

New Features




More detailed health information about portal now available on the health check page in el7.


Added the previous and next buttons from the search results page to the search preview window as well.


For customers writing their own jobsteps the export target name is now available in the metadata for export jobs.

Fixed Issues




Now shows a growl message when user settings are updated.


Putting more information into a string type field than is possible to display now shows the extra information in a mouse-over hover. For it to be always displayed a text area field should be used instead.


Following feedback from Archiware Portal now uses a static session ID when communicating with Archiware P5


Clicking on a tag or lookup value again takes you to a search for that value


Redeploy on a polling process no longer clears ItemStatus.PROCESSING


The System Overview and Report Error pages now loads faster as the health checks are done in the background.


The item-page format tab now lists all files and not just all shapes associated with an item.


The way in which systemd starts portal processes on el7 has been simplified and made more customisable for end users


Found several instances of strings in the UI that were not present in the translation po files. These are now also translatable.


Fixed an issue where the extended tests to make sure a backup was successful broke for assets that landed on two tapes in P5.


Using a french localized version of postgresql 8 no longer shows up as an error on the health check pages.


Updated the lowres profile to no longer claim to be level 2.1 and instead let the transcoder decide the level based on the other settings.


Fixed numerous problems related to batch metadata update and subgroups.

Version 3.0.7

Release Date: 2017-03-22

New Features




Added unit test examples to the app creation template and improved documentation on running tests


Added a filter on the jobs page for conform type jobs.

Fixed Issues




Adding items to the bin now works correctly with paginated results.


Representative metadata no longer scrolls in the pods unless they are too large to fit in the pod.


Not setting a default metadata group no longer produces a growl error message on every logon


Hidden themes can no longer be used by users.


Select/Deselect current collection now correctly updates the select/deselect all on current page options.


MISSING and LOST filerecords now show up in the filebrowser views again.


Removed ‘Error loading metadata’ message when logging in for the first time with Active Directory integration.


Rules Engine 3’s format distribution rules fixed to not use missing or lost files as source.


The P5 integration now uses individual verification of each file backed up rather than verification of the job that sent the files. This also addresses an issue where items might be reported as located on more tapes in P5 than they actually are.


Corrected a spelling mistake in the RoughCutEditor


Fixed an issue where selecting a search suggestion and then searching would produce a too wide search


Fix for DIVArchive integration failing when external_id is not set on item/component


Fixed an issue where all items in a project had to have a title in order to open the project file.


Fixed an issue where it was impossible to remove an item that still had files on archives


Release Date: 2017-02-09

Fixed Issues




Default values are now displayed inside subgroups as well.


The proxy player on the item page now plays growing proxies being generated from growing original media.

Version 3.0.6

Release Date: 2017-02-09

New Features




Now possible to recover deleted items from Item page


The documentation now contains information on how to debug the AD-plugin to find issues with certificate chains.

Fixed Issues




Comma and space are no longer allowed as part of the key for lookup values.


A tag containing trailing spaces is now visually different in the UI than a tag with the same data except for the trailing spaces.


The UI indicators in the pods is now visually different for ‘Archiving’/’Archived’ and for ‘Restoring’/’Restored’.


Fixed an issue where it was not possible to add an entire search result to a collection.


Opening an entire collection in premiere now works as expected.


Files being moved by Rules Engine 3 now gets correctly escaped new filenames if the sources contain non-ascii characters


Hierarchical metadata fields used in subgroups now correctly display the value of the field rather than the key and searching for the value rather than key also work as expected.


The uninstall process now removes the activiti database in the same manner that the other psql databases are dealt with.

Version 3.0.5

Release Date: 2017-01-23

New Features




The actions Transcode Batch Metadata Update and Delete are now available from the media bin.


Added more variables (item_create_year item_create_month item_create_day) to for use in RE3 actions.

Fixed Issues




The player now works correctly for assets archived with CPAA.


Only log-lines relevant to tomcat are now included in the tomcat logs on centos7 systems


All tomcat logs are now included in the error report generator when running on a centos7 system.


Fixed an issue where default permissions would be cached for longer than they were supposed to be.


The archive action is no longer shown in the UI for assets that only exist as metadata in the database (like placeholders and RCE sequences).


Fixed an issue with incorrect filepermissions on a library file causing failures in rules engine 3.


Fixed an issue where double copies of a file would be stored in P5 if repeated archive/restore/purge cycles were run.


The Delete from Archive action now asks for confirmation before deleting archived copies of data.


Improved logging for error cases for Rules Engine 3 to catalina.out


The contact sheet app now works in Portal 3.0

Version 3.0.4

Release Date: 2016-12-08

New Features




It is now possible to trim the job queue by moving older jobs into a separate archive folder for jobs. This lets administrators keep the jobs queue short.

Fixed Issues




Fixed an issue where certain core portal pages could not load if Rules Engine 3 was not licensed for the system.

Version 3.0.3

Release Date: 2016-12-05

New Features




Changed so the loading spinner on the collections page stays up for both the search phase and the rendering phase. For users with a hundred plus pods on the page it would previously disappear once searching was done. I.e. before the pods had been rendered.


It is now possible to set up export locations using s3 or sftp access methods

Fixed Issues




Fixed minor GUI issues with the filters on the collections page.


Fixed an issue were new shapes on old items were not handled correctly by Rules Engine 3 Format Rules


Added missing documentation on how to migrate from CPAA to Cantemo’s Presstore integration


Fixed an issue where use of RE3s Dynamic ACLs would lead to correct ACLs only on the assets. Not in the search indexes.

Version 3.0.2

Release Date: 2016-10-31

New Features




Premiere Panel now knows if an asset is online or not. If the asset is not online Panel will not allow importing it to the media bin.

Fixed Issues




The vidispine selftest no longer complains in the WebUI if running against a postgresql 8.4 server.


Archive framework itself no longer require storages to be mounted on the Portal server. Individual plugins still require mounted access to the storages if they execute copy operations from the Portal server.


Fixed an issue on the collections page where attempting to set ACLs on a collection would silently fail.


Grey out the create poster button in the player if the original shape is archived to prevent a failed job.


Fixed an issue on RedHat7 where the the initial wizard would sometimes fail to configure memcache.


Make sure the P5 plugin works on systems where hundreds of archive plans are available in Archiware.


Increased system wide max file descriptors to work around an fd allocation issue in Java


Fixed systemd dependencies on redhat/centos 7 to make sure all services are started in their proper order.

Version 3.0.1

Release Date: 2016-10-25

Fixed Issues




Exclude the field portal_nle_xml from elastic search to prevent out-of-memory errors when elastic tries to tokenise largre projects.


Make the installer work even when upgrading from a version later than 2.3.0 and RE2 is installed. Partial fix existed in Portal 3.0.1 as well.

Version 3.0.0

Archive Framework Upgrade

Cantemo 3.0.x comes with an upgraded archive framework supporting a number of new features including improved searching, multiple archive plans for integrations which support this as well as the ability to enable multiple archive integrations at the same time.

If you are upgrading from version 2.4.x or earlier and are using a using an archive integration using the Cantemo Archive Framework, including Filesystem Archive, StorNext or DIVA then you will need to run a management command in order to upgrade the system to Archive Framework v2. Begin by making sure only one archive plugin is enabled and then run the command:

/opt/cantemo/portal/ migrate_af_v1

This will upgrade all items archived with v1 of archive framework to v2. After running this command you will be able to enable additional archive integrations.

Release Date: 2016-10-25

New Features




Manage Metadata Elements now show the list of referenced metadata group rather than the user’s main groups


Firefox now uses MP4/H264. This meant that we have disabled the automatic generation of WebM proxy on new installations


Added support for RedHat/CentOS 7. Note that in-place upgrades from RedHat/CentOS 6.x are NOT supported at this time


Added fullscreen support to the player


Rules Enging 3 can now add assets to collections and create collections if none exist.


Rules engine 3 can now act on assets triggered by collection memberships.


Updated the default ‘lowres’ transcode profile to 720p and a higher bitrate for a better user experience in full-screen mode. This will affect both new installations and upgraded systems.


NLE integrations now warn the user if they are opening a project where one or more related items are archived or missing or unaccessible


Subclips now appear in the related pane for assets with subclips.


Tomcat/RE3 logs now contain timestamps to facilitate debugging.


Choices for lookup and radio and workstep fields can now be sorted in the Metadata Manager.


Added Bandwidth setting to the storage page to allow limitation of IO bandwidth per storage


Open in NLE now only opens selected items on the collection page rather than the entire collection


Added the ability to allow non-users to download media via the sharing page


Redesigned the main search form for easier access to searches for technical metadata and search criterias


Multiple archive actions can now be grouped together for performance reasons. This functionality requires archive plugins which support this feature.


Portals archive framework now supports having multiple archiving solutions active at the same time.


Through saved searches Rules Engine 3 can now act on assets based on when they were archived or restored.


Rules Engine 3 can now archive and restore assets as well as delete archive copies of material and purge assets from online storage only.


The admin page for archive jobs now refreshes periodically if left open.


Portals archive framework now has a plugin for Archivewares Presstore5 archiving solution.


Added integration with Elemental Server transcoders and clusters


It is now possible to use Rules Engine 3 to mark assets for deletion. Marked assets will appear in the regular recycle bin.


Added a Select All button to the Batch Metadata Update window to select all metadata fields


Provided a script to migrate from Moo Systems CPAA plugin to Cantemos Archive Framework with P5 plugin.


Actions that can be performed on assets are now available under all relevant gearbox menus.


Reindex operations are now more robust and much much faster


It is now possible to trigger Rules Engine 3 actions on metadata changes


Portals archive framework now offers removal from online storage as an opt-in rather than an opt-out when performing achiving actions. This is a default behaviour change.


The indexes page no longer crashes if vidispine never has been indexed


Can now archive an entire collection tree from the collection pods gearbox menu.


It is now possible to delete items from archives via the archive framework; assuming the archive plugin supports this


Multiple sidecar files are now supported for each item. Any sidecar which shares the base filename with the source is now ingested.


We have eliminated the 10 second delay between item creation and it appearing in the search result


The default elastic installation no longer configures any replicas. See the ELASTICSEARCH_REPLICAS setting to modify this


We now run vacuumlo on the vidispine database every night to reclaim deleted large objects from the database and making sure it doesn’t grow indefinitely

Fixed Issues




Show collection name instead of ID in the audit section


Fixed an issue where Rough Cut Editor would not open in Firefox version 33


Adjusted how an item in the Recycle Bin can be selected to match other pages


Show Collection thumbnails on related items view


Improved Rules Engine 3 rule execution speed


Generate poster button is no longer available on the sharing page unless you are logged in.


Added tooltip to the icons on the search page


Improved usability when adding items to a collection


Fixed a display issue where feedback to the user would not appear in its proper location on the screen.


A user viewing a collections page they don’t have access to now get a 403 Permission Denied instead of Error 500


Read only system fields are no longer editable


Collection page Media Type filtering fixed for Placeholder type assets


Updates to Metadata Elements via Portal GUI or API now trigger an elastic serach update of items and collection which reference the Metadata Element


Updated documentation on how to migrate portal from one server to another.


During installation only the last 1000 lines from portal.log are preserved in the install.log file thus saving disk-space.


Filesysarchive now verifies that the archive destination exists and is writable


Fixed a UI race-condition where multiple collections could be created from the same ‘create new collection’ pop-up.


Asset pods on the related pane now have gearbox menus to allow for faster administration.


Fixed a line-wrap display issue on the formats tab


Upgraded to Vidispine 4.6.2 to fix transcoder bugs


It is now possible to do wildcard searches on system fields like OriginalURI and others


Memchache now uses django default instead of Johnny Cache.

Version 2.4.10

Release Date: 2018-01-31

New Features




Improved error handling for Porject Workflows


Better error messages in Mac Agent


Now possible to delete files from UI where the file is actually deleted outside Portal

Fixed Issues




Fixes duplicate frames being added to certain media with handles


Adobe Illustrator files now handled correct on Formats tab


Storage choice logic changed for Mac Agent


Deleted Transcode profiles are now deleted from Groups


Fixed an isssue where adding referenced subgroups to an item created by an Agent upload would sometimes get the individual subgroups referenced twice.


The ‘Set title from filename’-checkbox on the import from storage page is now always set by default.


Creation date now displays correct for timezones west of UTC


SECURITY: Enabled clickjack protection with the X-Frame-Option: SAMEORIGIN


Fixed frame accuracy issues after pausing


Improved large project file handling in Agent


Date picker now works for other date formats than MM/DD/YYYY


Fixed cases where the source items could be returned instead of the rendered video for conformed sequences directly created via the Vidispine API


Now possible to install Crontab job to automatically redeploy failed RE3 jobs


Fixed security problem with batch delete of assets that could caused read only Items to be deleted


The Vidispine license key is now updated even if Vidispine doesn’t have to be upgraded.

Version 2.4.9

Release Date: 2017-07-10

Fixed Issues




Fixed an issue with AD users still having access to groups in Portal they had been removed from in the AD.


Fixed an issue with system fields in subgroups not returning the correct data when using API calls.


Improved the help text found in the UI when attempting to batch update metadata on the collections page.


Default metadata values are no longer shown in display mode only edit mode.


Fixed an issue where it was not possible to upload an item into a new collection.


Batch metadata update now works correctly when updating fields in a referenced subgroup.


Silenced spurious errors in the portal.log relating to collections.


When initiating searches by clicking on tags or lookup values a tag with spaces in it is now searched for in a quoted manner instead.


Fixed an issue where posters could not be generated from files with unreadable timecode data.

Version 2.4.8

Release Date: 2017-04-21

Fixed Issues




Mac Agent can now behaves the same when uploading through SAN as it does when uploading using HTTP even if the user does not have the storage_read role.


Timestamp fields are again correctly range searchable in subgroups.


Re-instated the string New when creating new collections during item upload.


It is now possible to freetext search on datetime fields as well as text type fields


SAN uploads from the Agent now defaults to the NLE Export storage instead of a randomly selected storage.


Updated Jython to avoid a rare crash bug in rules engine 3

Version 2.4.7

Release Date: 2017-03-27

Fixed Issues




The Hide if not set flag is now respected on the pods as well if the field is also set to be representative.


Deleting a collection will now remove it from the GUI rather than grey it out.


Fixed an issue on the collections page where the path breadcrumb would not update as it should


Fixed an issue where it was possible to re-run a job twice from the jobs page.


Fix for adding multiple items to the same new collection from Rules Engine or Agent


The edit/remove/create metadata buttons are now hidden unless you have the _write_metadata role


Fixed an issue where ingest to placeholder might fail if the users primary group name contained non-ascii characters


Fixed an issue with uploading material containing non-ascii characters


Fixed an issue where updating metadata would fail in certain circumstances involving johnny cache.

Version 2.4.6

Release Date: 2017-01-23

New Features




Analysing FCPX projects in Cantemo Agent for Mac now requires less memory and is less time consuming than before. In relation to this Cantemo Agent for Mac won’t upload a file to Portal anymore if Portal can already see the file in one of its storages.


Introduce a cache for user information when a user logs on using AD credentials in Cantemo Agent for Mac. This makes subsequent calls much faster.


Allow users to skip creation of firewall rules at install time. Also automatically skip creation of firewall rules if no known firewall is running at the time of install.

Fixed Issues




Timecodes in the web-player now wraps to 00:00 at midnight.


Fixed an issue with date fields if a user updating the date fields was located in a timezone with a negative time difference as compared to the servers timezone.


Fixed an issue where sorting of sub collections would be incorrect after moving collections into other collections.


Fixed an issue where the UI would not indicate to a user that they did not have enough rights to re-arrange collections using drag-n-drop.


Hierarchical fields now work as expected in subgroups as well.


The installer now increases the default number of connections that the postgresql component will allow if postgresql is installed on the same machine as portal.


Removed illogical/broken filters from the last10 page.


Opening the preview window from the collections page now correctly opens the selected pod.


The UI now allows for setting the default metadata group for auto import storages again.


Importing multiple files from storage and adding them to a single new collection no longer triggers a race where several collections with the same name were created.


Fixed an issue where upload a file from Agent to a collection would fail to autocomplete collection names in the metadata form.


Fixed a race condition introduced in portal 2.4.5 which causes errors when uploading media in the agent


Changed format of poster filenames to always separate timecode elements using dashes


Since lookup fields cannot have default values we no longer allow users to enter them in the metadata manager.


Cleaned up the warning message shown when attempting to purge the recycle bin early.


Fixed an issue where upgrading from a version prior to 2.2.3 to a version later than 2.4.0 would cause the last 10 page to throw an error in the search history section.


Fixed an issue where autocomplete had stopped working for dropdowns


Choices for lookup radio and workstep fields can now be sorted in the Metadata Manager. Backported from Portal 3.0


Added documentation on how to troubleshoot TLS issues in the Active Directory App

Version 2.4.5

Release Date: 2016-11-23

New Features




[Premiere Panel] Make autostart of AME queue into a boolean setting in the Panel. Default is on.


The installer can now create/update the activiti database separate from the portal database.


You can now specify a custom port when specifying a server in the AD integration


Added parameters to initialize_rules_engine_settings to allow setting rules engine settings from the command line


[Premiere Panel] Updated panel to support Adobe Premiere Pro 2017

Fixed Issues




Fixed an issue where Default Ingest Group not being set caused search results to display too many hits.


The Open in FCPX action in the Media Bin gearbox action now pass along the right media paths to FCPX.


Metadata fields created through VS API calls with only one of min/max limits set no longer cause the metadata form to not render.


Sorting the list of users in a system by date no longer sorts the list by month.


Activiti now rate-limits the number of jobs started due to format distribution rules.


When creating new transcoder nodes they now default to trying to read source material directly rather than through the VS webserver.


Make sure we can still render the metadata form even if non-float data exist in a float field or non-integer data in an integer field etc.


Updated documentation to include instructions on how to select audio tracks when creating new formats from a multi-channel audio source.


Updated VS version to speed up reindexing of files.


Optimized the way items with many subclips are indexed to conserve resources yet still speed up the process.


Updated VS version to allow for safely setting the indexTimespans property to false.


Updated VS version to avoid triggering a bug in imagemagick when identifying certain images.

Version 2.4.4

Release Date: 2016-10-06

New Features




Rules engine 3 logs are now included in the error report


It is now possible to search for ‘within next X days’ on timestamp and date fields.


Added configuration settings for properly disabling Johnny Cache.

Fixed Issues




Pressing shift no longer unselects assets in the premiere panel.


Reduced the complexity in making assets searchable in Portal thus circumventing previous race conditions causing assets to sometimes appear twice or certain fields not at all.


Sequences are filtered properly on the collections page.


Fixed an issue where certain versions could not be promoted to be ‘active’.


Fixed an issue where permissions on member assets would prevent a user from opening a premiere project that they did have access to.


Fixed an issue with saving Lookup field options.


Months are no longer offset from 0 in the date picker


Search on timestamp fields can now be done using ranges like date-fields.


Fixed an issue where an upgrade process would stall if transcode did not shut down when ordered to.

Version 2.4.3

Release Date: 2016-08-22

New Features




Related Items in Item page now have individual gear menus


It is now possible to extract reports on how many users have used the system during any given month.


Timestamps in Audit tool now set to local time instead of UTC

Fixed Issues




Now possible to return an item to placeholder status and ingest to that placeholder item again.


Can now use arrow keys to navigate the datepicker in the metadata form.


Improved user feedback when deleting items on the collections page.


Updated the documentation on roles for the Recycle Bin


Fixed an issue in the Rough Cut Editor where the source clip browser would freeze and not scroll.


Fixed format bug when importing VFR material into FCP X


Removing a suclip will also remove that subclip from all media bins.


Mac Agent: Decreased memory requirements and increased performance when uploading large premere projects


Security fix for CVE-2016-5699.


The search box now has focus on the Search All page by default


Tag fields no longer reset in certain circumstances when editing metadata


The letter ‘B’ on a russian keyboard no longer creates a new tag in the metadata form


Changing a setting on a parent group no longer clears the list of child groups


Fixed saved searches with date ranges


Korean Filename import into FCPX now works through main gearbox menu


Language Settings are maintained for user after logout


Reduced Memory Usage of Cantemo Agent


Media Bin Plugins are no longer cached along with the MediaBin Items


Opening a project now uses the latest version of a project file if essence version is not set.


Storage page now allows Metadata Groups for auto ingest to be set


Fixed audio issue with the proxy in Safari


Subcollections are now sorted alphabetically 1-9 A-Z a-z in collections page


Admin users can now see all assets in the collections view


When importing from storage while using a metadata group in which there are fields you only have read-access to. Default values are now used to populate the fields thus avoiding errors about missing permissions.

Version 2.4.2

Release Date: 2016-06-23

Fixed Issues




Pods in the collections view now have the same representative metadata present as the pods on the default search page.


Preview of sequences now works from the search pages.


Searches on the collections page can now exclude sub-collections again.


Windows Agent. Drag and Dropped files are no longer deleted from source after transfer


Error report now includes the vidispine 4.5 error reports as well.


The metadata form now displays correctly in Internet Explorer 11.


Removed Extra parenthesis in URL to improve the REST API documentation


Windows Agent. Empty Media Item title is correctly set to the filename even if the metadata form has been opened.


The quick search box in the top right corner of the Portal UI now accepts spaces in searches.


Make sure we are testing and releasing Portal with a release build of the middleware.


Cantemo Panel for Premiere. Fixed compatibility with Adobe Premiere CC 2015.3

Version 2.4.1

Release Date: 2016-06-07

New Features




A beta or release candidate version of the Cantemo Agent for Windows is now included in every release of Portal. A companion installer for the Cantemo Panel for Premiere on Windows 10 and later is also included. Both can be found under Help -> Downloads.


Archive state is now available as a criteria on searches and not just as a filter when displaying searches.


Redesigned the storage method layout and added ability to set region and endpoint for s3 storages


The metadata form chooser is now always visible above the metadata form instead of below and inside the Advanced section.


Allow setting sitename on fresh install and migrate sitename from old glassfish install on upgrade to 2.4.1 or later

Fixed Issues




RCE Play button now switches to a pause button when playing and back to play when paused.


Disallow reactivating a user if it puts the system over the maximum allowed by the license


Saving RCE timeline no longer gets new item ID when it shouldn’t


Cantemo Agent logs are no longer in UTC but rather local time.


Fixed an issue where Default Group and not Default Ingest Group ACLs would get applied if the user did not add any metadata to the upload.


No longer hard-code apinoauthuri to


Fixed an issue where very long filenames would not be searchable in the import from storage and view storage pages.


Changed text in UI reflect the fact that the width and duration criteria are greater-than-or-equal not just greater-than.


RE3 metadata values now defaults to empty if metadata fields are used as variables in rules and the field has no value.


Made sure the storage pages display the storage name and not the storage ID as the root folder in the explorer pane.


Fixed an issue where scrubbing in RCE would cause intensive CPU usage by the browser.


Fixed an issue where data-type assets could not be exported using the WebUI.


Fixed an issue where Cantemo Panel for Windows would sometimes set project extensions to .prproj.prproj


By default the internal metadata groups whose names match stl_* are no longer shown in the Metadata Manager


Action names in the asset gearbox menus on the search result page are no longer being truncated.


Corrected a problem where saved searches would not respect the collection membership criteria.


Allow for Rules Engine 3 to run on separate hardware than Portal core.


In the mac agent; the item chooser dropdown is now disabled when the item already exists on the server.

Version 2.4.0

Release Date: 2016-05-23

New Features




Playback of material in the GUI can now be made at 0.75 0.5 and 0.25 times realtime speed.


Scaling thumbnails now possible in the Premiere Panel


Added S3 and SFTP storage methods


The collections page can now be made to display only items or collections or different types of items.


Metadata can now be used as variables in Rules Engine 3 rules.


Can now change a collections metadata group.


Can now drag and drop rearrange collections on the collections page.


User can now set the metadata group when uploading with Cantemo Agent


It is now possible to search for assets related to projects and then leverage all the functions of the search page on the result.


Deleting an asset that is used by a project will now display a warning/confirmation message to the user.


Portal now uses connection pooling when talking to its elastic search indexer


It is now possible to search for items that are either members of collections or not members of any collection.


Changes to the player ; Allow playing at slow motion; removed upper limit of 8x for fast forward and added stepping of full minutes back and forward


Cantemo Panel for Premiere now shows build information on the settings tab


Added default log rotation values


Layout changes to the upload pages metadata view


Elements on the collections page have been rearranged to provide for a better user experience.


Portal Release Notes are now available under the Help menu.


Optional DASH player is now available on the external sharing pages as well.


Metadata groups are now listed in alphabetical order


RE3 can now create both persistent and dynamic ACLs. Dynamic ACLs only apply as long as the rule matches/exists. Persistent ACLs are applied until something else changes the ACLs.

Fixed Issues




For checkboxes and dropdowns the value and not the key is now shown. So if Language is set to ‘English’ then ‘English’ and not ‘en’ is shown.


Date and time fields are now correctly display even in languages that use letters instead of numbers.


Auto-set flags for fields are no longer removed by the system when editing metadata groups.


Documented how ACLs work in more detail.


Importing audio assets with embadded album art no longer tricks the system into believing the asset is a video clip.


If we fail to fetch the vidispine error report; we now try again 3 times.


System is now able to filter out auto-import jobs correctly


Unable to select across multiple pages on collection items


Removing a transcode profile no longer removes the shape tag associated with it.


More robust handling of storage methods. ftp and http storages can now include special characters in their paths


Show all tags as representative if a tag field is made representative.


Fixed issue with New indicator and representative fields on search result pods.


Correct minor errors with how required fields are marked in the metadata form.


Asset gearboxes are now rendered using the correct width.


player is now consistent in size across asset page tabs.


Subclip now have a gearmenu button wherever they should.


Better feedback in the UI if an action taken requires a portal restart.


Reduced the number of steps needed to take in the Add to Collection page.


It is now possible to delete metadata from assets even when the metadata group containing that metadata has been deleted.


Removed json encoded job problem from the jobs detail page


Added better documentation about dashboard functions


Ingest jobs no longer fail after an ingest group’s transcode profile has been deleted


Collections page now works on Safari 8 again.


Fixed an issue with adding metadata elements


Optimised how we use the postgresql database.


Made it easier to select pods which have very long titles.


Archive status now correctly labeled on the asset page.


Cantemo Agents UI now handles projects with many assets better.


Upload into collection no longer has links to old pages in it.


Owning group is no longer a searchable field for any asset.


Improved the collection page UI slightly.


Fixed an issue with the windows agent where files would show up twice.


Set xml namespace when creating task definitions in the wizard


Batch metadata update no longer sets the metadata group on assets with differing metadata groups.


Fixed an issue where files were not always marked as closed in the mac agent


No longer allows the creating of groups whose names begin with an underscore in order to not complict with vidispine.


Agent no longer follows symlinks when copying directly to SAN


Immediately drop metadata group data from elastic when metadata group is removed from asset.


Loading overlay is now shown even if you have scrolled far down the search result page.


Better http vs. https detection on some pages


Windows Agent now DeDupes all references to media from the Premiere Project.


Do not have the installer check for DB connectivity if none is needed as in the case of transcode nodes.


Fixed issue with the installer not being able to install the Anywhere Konnekt app.


Fixed an issue where search filters would stay active after entering a collection from a search result.

Version 2.3.12

Release Date: 2018-01-31

Fixed Issues




Now archiving placeholders are not stuck in processing for Rules Engine 3


Backported fix for poster download from Portal 2.4


Fixed an issue where updating metadata would fail in certain circumstances involving johnny cache.

Version 2.3.11

Release Date: 2017-07-10

Fixed Issues




Upgraded dash.js to version 2.4.1 to fix audio track switching


Removed incorrect log messages on ERROR when logging in with Active Directory integration


The file reindex operation now removes orphaned file records.

Version 2.3.10

Release Date: 2017-04-21

Fixed Issues




Fixed an issue where not explicitly setting the the metadata group would not allow setting metadata on collections even though the desired fields where already displayed.


Updates to metadata is now processed as expected again


The Hide if not Set flag now works correctly even if the field marked is in a subgroup


Backported fix for the DASH player for material without audio from Portal 2.4

Version 2.3.9

Release Date: 2017-03-22

Fixed Issues




Changed so that the role required for archive and restore actions is the previously unused role ‘_transfer_write’ instead of the previous set of 6 different roles.


Fixed an issue where sorting the file view by Item would break the page.


Fixed so the filelist in the uploader is scrollable again


Archive and Restore buttons are now only shown if the user has the correct role for it


Newly created fields flagged as hide-if-not-set now are properly hidden even if they are in subgroups.


Solved an issue where incorrectly encoded UNC paths made it impossible to import files transcoded by vantage from subfolders.

Version 2.3.8

Release Date: 2017-02-22

Fixed Issues




It is now possible to restore archived files where the sha1 checksum is missing


Updated documentation to correctly state that getCollectionItems returns VSItems objects not VSCollection objects.


Make sure the Hide if not set flag is respected in non-referenced subgroups as well.


Updated documentation on how to use the setName function from VSCollection.


Certain configuration pages were open to any logged on user. They are now restricted to admin users.


Allow downloading of posters (best effort) even if the browser type cannot be determined.

Version 2.3.7

Release Date: 2016-10-06

Fixed Issues




Fixed an issue where transcode framework could not pick up a file unless it was located in the root-folder of a storage.


The default ingest group permissions are now applied even if no metadata group is selected during ingest.


Users can now have non-ascii characters in their password in the Active Directory Integration


When exporting assets the list of formats is now sorted alphabetically yet the default choice is still ‘original’.


When batch updating Tag and Lookup fields the checkbox to append values is now shown.


Fixed an issue where the DASH player hangs playing for 1 minute

Version 2.3.6

Release Date: 2016-06-20

Fixed Issues




Fixed an issue where the player assumed all 23.98 media to be DF which was an incorrect assumption with media coming in from FCP X and 7.


The hide-if-not-set boolean now works as expected again.


Improved loading speed on the collections page.


Fixed an issue where files in folders with ampersands in their names would not show up in the import from storage page.


Updated the Rules Engine 3 documentation to include better development tips for how to write your own script based rules.


AD Groups with a + in their name no longer causes login failures


Saml authentication now sets up role list correctly


Files with paths containing ampersands in them now open within Premiere Pro on Mac and Windows


Fixed a visibility issue in the onyx theme when adding new metadata elements.


Fixed an issue where the action ‘delete’ sometimes threw a spurious growl message.


Resolved an issue with the ‘next’ button on the saved search page not working properly.


Fixed an issue with stereo media being sent to FCP X but showing up as dual mono.


Fixed and issue where command-clicking on a collection would not open said collection in a new window.


Depreciated Support for Django Debug Toolbar


Fixed support for AD users having local groups as their default- and/or ingest-group.


Fixed an issue where the search button would stay depressed in Cantemo Panel for Premiere.


Fixed a problem where read-only metadata fields would not be searchable in the GUI.


Entering timestamp data now works as expected in the metadata forms.

Version 2.3.5

Release Date: 2016-05-24

New Features




Cantemo Agent now uses multi-threaded copy methods if such are possible when moving data over SAN connections


Added pluginblock to the help menu

Fixed Issues




Updated the Portal move documentation to include moving Rules Engine 3


Saving a search without a name now provides a proper warning.


Fixed an issue with the installer where activiti could not be upgraded if its database was not local.


Data from the metadata form can now be copied even when using firefox on windows.


Agent now starts processing a project much faster when there are many clips in the project.


Fixed an issue where the right to set ACLs was not respected on the collections page


Fixed an issue where enabling Rules Engine 3 with many manual rules configured would cause very long load times.


Fixed an issue where a user’s group had to have a default metadata group set for the metadata window to appear.


It is now possible to rename collections.


Make sure we send subclip metadata to fcpx instead of item metadata when opening subclips


Searching for dates using the between setting now works as expected.


Simple filesystem changes in Rules Engine 3s installation folder no longer causes error 500 messages in Portal.


All strings in the metadata manager are now translateable.


Removed a spurious growl message from the search page that would sometimes appear if the search had to go beyond the primary search index to retrieve data.

Version 2.3.4

Release Date: 2016-04-14

Fixed Issues




Disabling buggy drag and drop


Fixed NLE integration after Transcode Profile was removed


Fixed javascript error on the Active Directory setup page


Fixed issue with workstep field transitions when editing item metadata


Fixed javascript error on the import from storage page


Fixed import to collection error when sitename is changed from VX

Version 2.3.3

Release Date: 2016-04-05

Fixed Issues




Resolved issue with error reports not being generated if rules engine was not incorrectly configured.


Added the Oracle Diva integration to the admin menu


Large Premiere projects could cause the agent to crash or time out so we have improved memory management when uploading Premiere projects


Export from search result now shows the export window rather than an empty window


sidecars show up as importable files in the import from storage view


Improved error handling in the transcode framework


Escape asterisk in DN in Active Directory integration


Metadata groups with spaces now work


Fixed javascript errors in the collections view


XMP values in subgroups now show up in the GUI


Rules Engine 3 no longer returns error when creating a rule with a large ACL or long metadata value


Improved error handling in Rules Engine 3 Format Rules


Fixed display issue with the metadata form in Safari 9


Fixed subtitles in the player


Fixed an issue where new collections were not created when new media was uploaded even if the new item was supposed to go into that new collection.


Merged the following fixes in from the 2.0 2.1 and 2.2 branches: 9948 10092

Version 2.3.2

Release Date: 2016-03-02

New Features




Made sure App names are consistent with their respective labels on the admin pages

Fixed Issues




Returned default action in metadata edit from ‘cancel edit’ to ‘submit’


Filenames with apostrophes in them no longer cause import errors in certain workflows.


Import from storage now provides faster and better feedback upon submission of jobs.


Can now have Rules Engine 3 rules set metadata values in subgroups as well as long as only one subgroup with that name exists on the item.

Version 2.3.1

Release Date: 2016-02-23

Fixed Issues




All XMP tiff metadata fields now display correctly on the item page.


Fixed an issue with the ‘Import to placeholder’ icon in the preview pane.


The metadata form can no longer be made to disappear from the preview pane by clicking on the wrong things.


Hierarchical metadata criteria now behaves as expected in advanced searches.


The string ‘title’ on the upload page is now translatable meaning it appears as ‘Title’ in default Portal.


No longer have to select a metadata group on the upload page if the user has a default metadata group set.

Version 2.3.0

Release Date: 2016-02-16

New Features




Portals metadata set now includes a hierarchical field type allowing for tree structured metadata.


Portal 2.3 and the Cantemo Agent released with that version of Portal can now utilise available SAN connections for upload of media to Portal.


Upload into collection now uses the same page layout as the regular Upload function and also includes setting metadata.


Improved UI for sorting in the search result page.


Compatibility layer for older javascript APIs added to the new collections page.


Date formats in metadata forms are now localised based on browser language settings rather than portal.conf options.


Project files exported from NLEs are now stored as modified files in the filesystem rather than entries in the Portal database.


The Metadata groups editor can now be found under the Manage tab for those users with sufficient rights to see it.


Metadata forms are now rendered using client side javascript instead of server generated HTML.


It is now possible to enable and disable Portal plugins and apps from the Admin pages.


Portal now uses a new type of license keys. The new license key includes all Cantemo made apps and extensions in the same license file.


The Cantemo made apps for integrating with various NLE software is now distributed with Portal.


The Cantemo made app ‘Watchfolder transcode’ is now distributed with Portal.


The Cantemo made app ‘Episode transcode’ is now distributed with Portal.


The Cantemo made app ‘Vantage transcode’ is now distributed with Portal.


The Cantemo made app ‘Contact Sheet’ is now distributed with Portal.


The Cantemo made extension for advanced forms of authentication (Advanced Auth) is now distributed with Portal.


The Cantemo made extension for Active Directory integration is now distributed with Portal.


The Cantemo made app ‘Rough Cut Editor’ is now distributed with Portal.


The Cantemo made app ‘Annotation Tool’ is now distributed with Portal.


The Cantemo made app ‘Audit Tool’ is now distributed with Portal.


The Cantemo made app ‘Adobe Konnect’ is now distributed with Portal.


The latest Cantemo Agent can now be downloaded via the Help menu.


The latest Cantemo Panel for Premiere Pro can (if the system is licensed for Premiere Pro integration) be downloaded from the Help menu.


The Cantemo made app ‘Rules Engine 3’ is now distributed with Portal.


Lefthand panels are now resizable in collections storage and import views.


Portal now uses elastic version 1.7.3


Added support for Oracle DIgital Video Archive (DIVA)


Portal’s player is now able to display MPEG-DASH streams.


The Cantemo made app ‘StorNext’ is now distributed with Portal.


Help pages now opens in a separate browser window.


Transcode profiles can now specify None for audio or video codecs


The Cantemo made app ‘FilesystemArchive’ is now distributed with Portal.


Better distinction between edit and view modes of the metadata form.


The storage explorer now lets the logged on user’s preference decide how many files should be shown per page.


Improved developer’s documentation for user management.


Moved next and previous links on the item page so that their positions are consistent.


The Cantemo Panel installer for Mac is now unified and will install panels for Premiere 8.x and 9.0 and 9.1 and 9.2.


Added storage methods for s3 and sftp on the storage setup page.

Fixed Issues




For checkboxes and dropdowns the value and not the key is now shown. So if Language is set to ‘English’ then ‘English’ and not ‘en’ is shown.


The default administrators username given name and last name are no longer editable fields.


Adding metadata elements inline now automatically updates the list of elements available to add to a metadata set.


Implemented better fault handling during re-index scenarios.


Fixed opening items with multiple audio tracks in FCPX


Fixes theme flashing white on page load. Theme authors should recompile from our less files


Slight updates to documentation regarding roles.


Lefthand panel is now always visible in the collections page.


Fixed an issue where jobs without owners would be visible to all users but not all users could view the details about said jobs.


Fixed a typo in the default exclude filter used by the wizard to set up the storage named media1.


Tags with only non-visible characters are now more visible in the metadata forms. Both in the edit and view modes.


Fixed issues where the storage view would only register deletions of files and not update to reflect deletions of directories.


Improved the wizard’s handling of systems configured to use https.


When updating a storage using the FTP access method without re-entering the login information access to the storage is potentially lost.


Fixed an issue where 720x608 material would not be identified correctly in FCPX projects.


Accessing the help pages now leaves the Portal menus intact at the top of the browser.


Fix agent crash on canceling uploads


Fixed memory leaks in Cantemo Agent.


Fixed index crashes due to too large xmp field


Collection pods now have icons representing the items inside them again.


Fixed so metadata and keywords can be sent to FCPX at on the same item


Attempting to delete subclips from the search page now displays a more intelligent growl message.


Even though Lookup fields can only display ‘key’ values when used on the search results page they should still be possible to have as ‘representable’ values on pods.

Version 2.2.5

Release Date: 2016-10-06

Fixed Issues




Fixed an issue where ‘Staff’ and ‘Superuser’ status was sometimes cleared from non-admin users.

Version 2.2.4

Release Date: 2016-07-12

Fixed Issues




Fixed an issue where upload new version in the WebUI would fail on large files.

Version 2.2.3

Release Date: 2016-04-05

New Features




Added support for new FTP-gateway feature in latest Object Matrix version.

Fixed Issues




Fixed an issue where date fields in the Advanced search would not allow ‘between’ style searches


When uploading media through the agent without adding metadata permissions for the new items are now taken from the user’s Default Ingest Group and not their Default Group.


Merged the following fixes in from the 2.0 and 2.1 branches: 9948

Version 2.2.2

Release Date: 2016-01-25

Fixed Issues




Upgrading a system no longer causes backend notifications to get duplicated.


Fall back to getting items one by one from vidispine if batch mode fails on the search page


Following the release of 2.2.1 the following fixes have been merged into 2.2.2 from the 2.0 and 2.1 branches : 9260 9340 9214

Version 2.2.1

Release Date: 2015-12-09

Fixed Issues




Following the release of 2.2.0 the following fixes have been merged into 2.2.1 from the 2.0 and 2.1 branches: 8631 8790 8970 9154

Version 2.2.0

Release Date: 2015-11-11

New Features




Added batch metadata update functionality to the search result page.


User and developer documentation now part of the web UI in HTML form; Developers Docs now include interactive explorer for all v2 APIs.


Posters functionality now turned on and off via roles.


The Portal installer now supports upgrade/reinstall of of only select components via the new ‘–components’ option.


Collections view now includes a tree structured navigation pane.


The portal installer no longer deletes the database during ‘–uninstall’ and ‘–reinstall’ operations. The database is instead archived and removal is left as a manual step.


Search engine is now automatically tuned to use an optimal amount of RAM


Added unified query string parameters to all APIs. Old parameters still remain as aliases.

Fixed Issues




Allow the uploader window to be resized


implemented Hierarchial display of Parent Collections


Fixed indexing of collections with a ‘ in their name


Better UI response when adding storage and storage groups


Fixed an issue where export jobs into formats that did not yet exist would fail.


Collections tree-view entries are now sorted alphabetically by default


Fixed an issue where files located on non-importable storage would sometimes show up in the ‘Import from storage’ view.


Made sure to allocate the optimum amount of memory for Vidispine on high-memory servers.


Fixed a rare issue causing error reports to sometimes not include all relevant data.

Version 2.1.6

Release Date: 2016-04-05

Fixed Issues




Merged the following fixes in from the 2.0 branch: 9948

Version 2.1.5

Release Date: 2016-01-25

Fixed Issues




Made the edit metadata group page behave better for very fast librarians.


Following the 2.1.4 release the following fixes have been merged into 2.1.5 from the 2.0 branch : 9340 9214

Version 2.1.4

Release Date: 2015-12-09

Fixed Issues




Fixed display of Metadata in 2nd-level nested subgroups


Following the 2.1.3 release the following fixes have been merged into 2.1.4 from the 2.0 branch : 8949 8969 8979 8455 8790 8970 9154 8299 8306

Version 2.1.3

Release Date: 2015-11-03

New Features




Better sorting and filtering of directories in the ‘import from storage’ view

Fixed Issues




fixed issue where folders could disappear in the import from storage list


Fixed issue where nested XMP data was not shown in all WebUI views.


Fixed issue with searches containing whitespaces saved in 2.0.x not being escaped properly when run in 2.1.x.


Better sorting of folder names in import from storage view.

Version 2.1.2

Release Date: 2015-10-07

Fixed Issues




Subgroup metadata is now shown correctly in UI when rule is edited

Version 2.1.1

Release Date: 2015-09-21

Fixed Issues




Updated vidispine 4.2 to latest patch release.


fixed so configuration of workstep transitions persists.


Fixed GUI bug where the same annotation were sometimes shown multiple times in the search results.

Version 2.1.0

Release Date: 2015-09-01

New Features




Added a dashboard view; including the ability to extend the dashboard with custom ‘dashboard-apps’


Created a work-step field where it is possible to set per user permissions on what state it can be set into. With this extended user-workflows can be built.


Added export functionality to media bin and search results


new Collection REST API


Item title now have a tool tip so that very long titles can be shown on the search-pods


Added the ability to delete posters


Now indexing both values and keys of multi-value fields for free-text search


Enter and Escape keys now submits or cancels the title editing of an asset


‘Last 10’ search now uses elastic search


files in ‘Import from storage’ are now displayed as a tree-view


Added ‘next’ and ‘prev’ links to navigate through a search result from the item page


A warning is now displayed when deleting an item that is part of a collection.


new REST API for search


Allow comments to be globally disabled in portal.conf


new Item Metadata and Metadata Schema API


re-index is now faster


Added documentation on how to move a Portal installation to new server(s).


Files in the ‘storage-view’ are now shown as a tree view


Added the possibility to navigate back to search-results from item-views.


Added statsd integration

Fixed Issues




Item titles are now displayed correctly in the list view in Firefox


Correct parsing of DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS in portal.conf


Homepage choices can now be configured via the System Settings


Glassfish’s lock file is now cleaned on reboot


Fixed issue with dropdown fields in saved searches


Search in ‘import from storage’ now case insensitive


Fixed issue with Deleted Metadata Groups


Added ability to exclude metadata groups from syncing


API-level support for moving/copying items to a new path


Now possible to sort both standard and dashboard searches by ‘Last modified’ date.


‘Export’ is now available on Last 10 or Saved Search result pages

Version 2.0.7

Release Date: 2016-04-05

Fixed Issues




Added extra safety checks to prevent partially migrated systems from processing delete commands issued in only one system state.

Version 2.0.6

Release Date: 2016-01-25

Fixed Issues




Fixed issues causing the web upload page to not display the form for entering metadata.

Version 2.0.5

Release Date: 2015-12-09

Fixed Issues




Fixed an issue where the Transcoder would sometimes crash as jobs were aborted.

Version 2.0.4

Release Date: 2015-12-09

New Features




The timestamp in portal.log is now iso8601 formatted


Added a hook to Portal to enable RulesEngine2 to trigger exports.


Removed hard limit on 20 concurrent jobs as underlying reasons for the limit no longer apply.

Fixed Issues




Fixed minor issues with with zooming in chrome while on the item page.


Fixed issue with calculation of start timecode if item archived


Fixed an issue where installing Portal without Vidispine would leave libxslt not installed.


Lookup and tags fields now work correctly when editing rules


Fixed issue where fields could no longer be made sortable in the metadata manager.


Changed default behaviour for retries on single item reindex failures.


Fixed issue where users could only conform from RCE into the formats they by default transcode to.


Fixed issue where files with XMP metadata would be copied twice when being exported.


Fixed issue where you couldn’t use advanced search for dates unless the date field also had time of day in it.


Fixed web uploader for browsers with disabled java

Version 2.0.3

Release Date: 2015-07-23

New Features




Fixed batch metadata update from lookup fields


Metadata Manager Side Panels should slide with scrolling


Fixed logging in the wizard when a metadata field contains invalid json

Fixed Issues




Redesigned translation system to make all strings translatable


Added missing menu options on the last10 page


Fixed translateportal for compiled javascript


Audio disappears when scrubbing in WebM proxies


Fix to lookup fields with ampersand characters in the key


Capacity is now shown as Unknown instead of Analyzing for ftp and http storages


Fixed saved searches which have spaces in multi-choice field’s keys.


Fixed searching for an exact date in custom metadata fields


Fixed search for mediatype placeholders on items ingested via the agent


Fixed division by zero on incorrect timecode from Vidispine


Fixed installer when rpmforge is enabled


Item sync no longer fails when it references a deleted metadata group


Fixed upload into collection

Version 2.0.2

Release Date: 2015-05-22

New Features




Added ability for administrators to exclude metadata fields from the search index


Added warning and require user interaction when uninstalling


Added configuration option to allow the notifier to bind to a specific IP address


Upgraded elastic search to 1.3.8

Fixed Issues




White space no longer breaks auto-import exclude filters


It is now possible to set storage watermarks to 0 to force eviction of a storage upon ingest


Honor ingest profile when creating collections from ingest from storage


Show filename for all jobs where one is available. Show system module that triggered a job if one is available.


Fix for sorting collection results


Show visual feedback when the setup wizard is running


Fixed issues with non-custom sharing messages


Fix number of search results on the last page


Fixed bug with multi-byte characters in PDF


Improved search performance


Fixed searching for owner


It is now possible to set Concurrent Jobs to 0 to halt new job creation


Fixed perview player in list mode


Changed database schema for mysql compatibility


The original shape now always shows as such in the Formats tab


Fixed collection sorting


Reusable fields no longer have group-specific settings overwritten when used in multiple metadata groups


File names for new versions now have the version number appended


Made it possible to configure multiple Elastic Search nodes


For performance reasons no longer keep track of access times of files


Fixed timecode error for some MXF material


Improved performance for items with many XMP markers


Preview player now works on items in collections


Passwords with $ in them no longer cause upgrades to fail


Fixed collection thumbnail rendering issue


Fixed loading spinner when changing sort order

Version 2.0.1

Release Date: 2015-03-03

New Features




Installer now checks if ports are free before install


Added noTranscode option to importFileToPlaceholder


improved performance by not scanning files included in storage excludeFilter


Reindex page now shows total number of items being indexed

Fixed Issues




Fixed so all index tabs auto update


Metadata form validation resets when loading another metadata form


Fixed issue where users are not always able to associate to a collection while uploading


Editing Subgroups MaxAmount fix


Readonly fields are searchable


Fixed issue with space in subgroups when editing metadata


Fixed advanced search for collections


Fixed 2’nd page on saved searches page


comment filter on month and year individually


Collection search now does an AND search by default


Search API now matches web searches


Fix issue with growing changelog in SQL database


Properly quote characters on pagination of the search result


Don’t display ability to filter importable files on importable storages.


Installer now works when installation directory contains a space


Fixed issue when searching for referenced metadata groups


Fixed issue with collection search


Fixed issue where users where unable to open the RecycleBin


honour PREVIEW_VIDEO_SHAPES in the JavaScript players


Fixed an issue with some items missing in search results


video criteria search


Fixed issue with uploading big project files


Exclude base64 encoded fields from searchindex


Fixed issue with items not being indexed if numbers in metadata larger than 2^32


fixed issue with SyncDB jobs are listed as Failed if running for longer than 24 hours


No longer create subclips on non-video items


Fix race condition when creating recycle bin library


Users can now change metadata form even if default matadataform is not set

Version 2.0.0

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 is not longer supported. Please use a browser supported by its vendor instead.

  • Removed the SITE_URL from the portal.conf file. Instead use the domain setting in the System Settings page.

Release Date: 2014-12-19

New Features




Ability to put Comments on Items


Sharing of items via e-mail functionality added


When pushing spacebar after marking one item in the search-result a light-weight preview is invoked.


Create a link to a particular timecode in the player from the Media Item page.


Subclips/Annotations are now returned as separate pod’s in the search-result and have their own page.


Media Queries support for Retina and ultra-hi res display


The theme and images are now moved under the core folder structure with distinct entries into the LESS files for manipulation. This will potentially break themes other than core.


Speeded up the startup of the Portal process


Describing Red Hat / CentOS in manuals instead of Ubuntu


Improvements made to the core theme and a new dark theme called Onyx has been added


When selecting multiple values for multiple-choice fields (lookup; checkbox; tags) search now defaults to AND instead of OR


Timeout on gearbox menus so that they don’t close straight away.


When importing from storage item can be put directly into collection


Item page remembers which tab is active.


Show metadata for corresponding version of item


Maintain filenames and paths when copying files between storages


JavaScript libraries have now been moved into subdirectories for clarity.


Ability to move a file to another storage from Formats tab


Portal MQ is now using RabbitMQ as its backend


There is now a Portal App skeleton creator; read ‘My First Portal App’ in Portal Developers Documentation


Added call to IngestHelper to upload a sidecar file to an existing item


Fixes for RED spanning media


Made searching for tags case insensitive


It is now possible to set auto ingest priority


Exact searches can now be made by surrounding the search terms with quotes.


Items now show collections they belong to under the Related tab


Search can now return annotations/subclips at the same time as items.


If a file is renamed on a storage Portal will now relink the item to the new file.


EULA to be presented and approved by the admin upon installation and update


Removed non-working ARCHIVE storage type


Upload straight into a collection from the collection page by opening the upload dialog or dragging a file into the collection


Use the timezone from the OS in Portal


Show in which RCE sequence media was used under related Items


Upgraded nginx to 1.7


Introduced elastic-search to improve search performance and capabilities


Include report of biggest SQL-tables in error-report


Add extension points for app developers to modify search documents before a search is performed


All values for multi-valued fields are now displayed on the search page


Portal no longer overwrites vidispine auto import metadata when updating storage settings


video bit-rate of proxy is now 1200 kB/s instead of 600 kB/s by default.


It is now possible to get hits on subclips which match metadata in their parent items.


Overview section removed from the item page.


Disable automatic storage load-balancing by default. Watermarks on new storages are now 100/100


Error report now includes SELinux status

Fixed Issues




Created FLAC files have now have correct duration


RBM 5513 Fixed issue with timestamps on jobs being 5 minutes wrong


Jobs that finish with warning are now coloured red instead of green


Now configuring instead of disabling iptables


PNGs with transparency now transcode correctly


Fixed issue with encoding of FTP passwords


When configuring a storage to auto-ingest; also ingest existing files instead of new ones


Built in document is now displayed correctly.


Fixed an issue with transcoding progress bar to get stuck even though job is done


johnny cache is now enabled in Celery tasks


Fixed issue with brightness when decoding Nikon RAW


Add prores codec to transcode profiles dropdown.


Fixed issue with duplicate entries in search history when filtering


Fixed code-examples in documentation


Fixed so saved searches can be sorted


Changes to the Javascript metadata form parsing and how metadata is shown for min and max occurances.


Metadata Batch Update now has no fields selected by default


Nginx logs now included in error-report


No longer truncate stack traces in the logfile


Show icons for project types.


omms url’s now get correctly encoded


Redirect user back to metadata element list after editing element


Fixed issue where it was not possible to update from -devel builds to -beta builds.


File method is now properly decoded on the storage settings page


Improved Portal Developers Documentation


Show how many items are selected when selecting entire search result; also showing number of items affected when removing and purging items.


Error-report now contains last 100 failed jobs started by everyone instead of just admin


Media Bin width updated when adding and removing items.


Fixed compatibility with RedHat/CentOS 6.6


Portal 2.0.x only allows upgrades from Portal 1.6.0 or later.


Fixed issue where agent upload sometime fails if ipv6 is enabled on the loopback interface

Styling Changes

Version 2.0.0 has a comprehensive reworking of the theme to update the look and feel and to introduce the new dark theme (onyx) plus the addition of completely new functionality.

SVG icons are used in many places; and much effort has been made to make it easier to retheme the interface; plus significantly more use of LESS variables and changes to the main less templates.

Metadata Forms have been overhauled with a new JavaScript parsing library.

Search page pods .mediaitem now have .annotationtimeline shown with annotation searches match.

.mediaitem grid and duration spacing has changed.

Added .versionmenu for the versions on the item page as a container. See the less file for the full implementation.

Added img.loading-inline which uses your themes small spinner icon (@img-loading-small) as a background image

Added gradientLight inline gradient style to portal-core.less. Used for version listings.

Colors versions-nav-text and versions-nav-background are used for the versions navigation header.

@menu-sprite variable in portal-core.less defines the sprite used for certain navigation icons

.mxn-sprite declares the size of the sprite.

.image-2x is a mixin for automatically working out retina based sprites with filesname@2x.ext being used for retina screens

All the buttons and menus that use the mixins have been changed to the above

Theme now contains additional fields for setting retina logo; width and height. Please see the Administration Guide for more details

images can have an attribute data-src2 for specifying a retina/high-resolution version

UserAvatar now has stylings in the portal-core.less. Search for user-avatar in the less files.

Comments section now needs styling

Sharing section now needs styling

button.ui-dialog-button-confirm; button.ui-dialog-button-cancel; button.ui-dialog-button-warn are new button styles

submit buttons are now styled with the styles .button_standard_form_submit-hover and .button_standard_form_submit and .button_standard_form_submit-active

.border-field-active is used for active fields with focus now

table tr - border bottom and top are now defined. @table-tr-border-top @table-tr-border-bottom.

large gearbox menu has now been turned into two SVG icons that are embedded into the portal-core LESS file. One normal; and one for hover.

podPreview is a new way of showing items from the search results page. It requires theming. Example in the core theme.

core theme now has colors for image thumbnail background and color of text on the Poster frame for timecode

API Changes

Version 2.0.0 introduces Elastic Search for searching for items and subclips. This replaces the Vidispine search. Searching for collections as well as saved searches are still handled by Vidispine.

Version 1.6.6

Release Date: 2015-05-22

New Features




Added batch transcode for search results and collections


Added option to make selecting a metadata schema for new items mandatory.

Fixed Issues




Fixed transcoder bug which caused slow transcoding of gopro footage


Disabled storage page credentials autofill in Safair


Fixed permission issue with the install script


Fix so the ItemPanel can be hidden for placeholder items


Changed quote characters in javascript to make translations easier


Added additional index to improve search history performance


Fix javascript error when report spanned month boundary.


Advanced search form is no longer reset when changing sort options


Error report is much more forgiving of which separator is used when inputting ids


Fixed problem with newlines in collection names

Version 1.6.5

Release Date: 2014-06-24

New Features




Search now remembers the sort order between searches


Representative fields can now be used in subgroups


Added ability to change sort order ascending/descending


Added sorting and filtering for collections


Batch metadata update now has the ability to append instead of replacing existing values


Added the config option UPDATE_XMP_METADATA_FIELDS to override default xmp metadata field types


Ability sort and filter items in a collection

Fixed Issues




Batch metadata update now updates existing subgroups instead of adding additional


Textarea fields now preserve linewraps when viewing metadata


Make sure we write the celerybeat pid file to /var/lib/cantemo/portal


Import from Storage: Ascend / Descend Arrow visible when selecting size


Raised IMQ memory to 512mb


Workaround for incorrect file mime type


Corrected documentation for VidiRest


Make sure we only have one GroupProfile for each Group


Fixed cache invalidation when deleting groups


html in navigation.html now valid


Portrait Images do now display correctly in the Media Bin


Improved Annotation Tool and Rough Cut Editor with items archived with CP Archive tool


Middleware now starts before Portal


Search history is now truncated at 100 characters

Styling Changes

#6129 - #6158 Thumbnail images are now background images in the MediaBin. This effects .smallmediapod .thumbnail and .smallmediapod .nothumbnail

Version 1.6.4

Release Date: 2014-04-24

New Features




Added documentation on Portal’s use of Vidispine roles.


Improvements to developers documentation


Added metadata group chooser to auto import storages


Made configuration of vidispine mandatory during upgrades


Added ability to filter Import from storage view for a specific storage


Include information about failed jobs in the error report




Batch metadata updates are now done using celery to improve performance


Increases the uploader chunk size to allow large files to be uploaded faster over fast networks


Most configuration settings are no longer overwritten on upgrade.


Changed labels on edit title buttons to Save/Cancel and made them translatable


Portal log now contains process pid

Fixed Issues




Fixed rendering on iOS


Fix for dos style line endings in the keyfile


Fixes issue with Media Bin sorting.


Export locations can now contain space and non-ascii characters


Make sure we undeploy the old jobplugin after upgrade


Fixed exports from read only storages


Fixed incorrect error when adding a storage to a storage group


Fixed issue where users where unable to move and delete files that included spaces


Clearer documentation and setup of multi-lingual installation.


Moved license verification to the end of the installer to avoid leaving the system in an unusable state


LOST and MISSING files are now always excluded from the Import from storage listing


Fixed Import from storage page in IE8


Reusable fields are no longer deleted when a metadata group is deleted


Add to collection now only searches collection titles


Ingest from storage with sidecar now works


: Fixed recycle bin display bug


Sed the ip address in portal.conf correctly for multi host systems


Unable to select across multiple pages on saved searches


Removed the last button on search pages as Vidispine doesn’t support it.


Improved matching algorithm when searching for exact dates in the advanced search


Restored required files for audittool pdf/csv export


Added speech-to-text back for the main search form


Fixed audio ingest of multi-channel audio files


Added storage metadata to ensure MISSING and LOST files on read only storages are removed


Storage views now direct the user to the login page on invalid session


More lenient date parsing for representative fields


Fixed subtitle selector menu in Firefox


Fixed issue where video was black sometimes in Safari 7


Fixed ingest error when two files had the same filename but different extensions


Removed extra links in /etc/nginx/conf.d


Fixed the error report with non-ascii characters


Always try to display 4 thumbnails on the collections page


Hide delete item links if the user doesn’t have the ‘Write Item Shape’ role


Fix for audio files in video containers


Fixed crash when removing default ingest storage


Localize timestamps to the system’s timezone

Version 1.6.3

Release Date: 2013-12-23

New Features




Filename is now used as title when auto ingesting (only applicable after a storage configuration is updated )


install.log in now included the error report


Configure Xmx for glassfish based on the memory available


Error report now includes information about postgresql activity


Error report now includes info about users and groups


Include lvm layout in the error report


Choice lists in the metadata manager can now be sorted using drag-and-drop.


Display the number of items in a collection the same way as for a search result


Upgraded to nginx 1.4.4


Error report now includes the metadata schema


Fixed issue with high I/O load; system now less aggressive when scanning storages


Install log now includes information about which parameters the installer was invoked with


Clarified translation documentation.

Fixed Issues




Searching; sorting and paginating files now works across all files; not just the first 1000.


Non-admin users can now change job priorites if they have the role ‘Job Write’


Fixed issue with high CPU load due to excessive usage of active libraries


Background tasks now log properly


Fixed support for Nikon and Canon RAW files.


Changed search criteria layout to be easier to translate.


Now bulk metadata-update can operate on unlimited amount of items


STL sidecar with empty language now works.


Increased settings to allow items with very large xmp metadata


Sorting now holds across page switches in the search result


Fixed issue with restoring and purging from recycle bin


Performing actions on the search result and recycle bin now requires the user to select at least one item before any action is allowed


Fixed issue that prevented very large Collections form being deleted


Fixed search in IE8


Improved performance when getting item metadata from Vidispine

Styling Changes

The search result now disallows actions to be performed unless at least one items have been selected. The .disabled class has been added to elements in the gearbox menu to signal this to the user.

Version 1.6.2

Release Date: 2013-11-02

Fixed Issues




Give proper error message when you don’t have key present

Version 1.6.1

Release Date: 2013-10-22

New Features




Added information about involved files on the job page.


Added new metadata field type ‘Tags’ which allows for user defined metadata tags.


Don’t install local postgresql if database host is specified to installer


Added pluginblock to search_result_sidebar


Advanced Searching for Collections.


Improved XMP support. Fields can now be added to any subgroup and have the correct datatype. Text fields are implemented as tags to allow searching.


Added license document with all 3rd party licenses.


SITE_NAME in portal.conf is now ignored and only the value from the license key is used.


Plugin block for large cog menu in Last 10 search


Added more translation strings.


Added option to always do substring searches. See Installation documentation for details.


Example config files suffixed with .sample to avoid confusion.

Fixed Issues




Selecting an ingest profile on upload and import now affects which transcode profiles are used.


Storges can now be removed from storage groups


Removed extra error message when moving storage to a storage group.


Make sure image magick is installed on Ubuntu 10.04


Uninstall now removes all cantemo packages.


Show posters for media ingested via FCP Agent


Fix error when filtering on newer than


Fix ingest crash


IDownloadNameChange plugin callback has a new method signature


Fixed problem with missing frames in lowres created from 59.94fps material


Portal installer now ignores existing glassfish if installed without vidispine


Fixed ingest after an item has been returned to a placeholder.


Fixed method signature for IDownloadSecure in documentation


Fixed a issue with non ASCII characters in collection-names


Added ghostscript dependency for transcoder


Updated django to 1.4.8


Replaced gui widget for lookup field with select2.


JavaScript translation files being used


API change: createCollection post signal now includes collection id


fixed issue with


Users without read acl are now allowed to search.


Fixed issue where IE9 didn’t show that progress was happening with search.


Clarify error message when non-admin logs in to a system which needs to run wizard.


Fixed typo in media_view template


Documented formats for date and time settings


Storages with & in path now works


Grid and List are the two options for views in search


Changed button text on the change password page


Improved reliability of the metadata form when handling incorrectly formated metadata fields


Increased the max number of concurrent database connections.


Exposed configuration for refreshInterval for storages; also default is now 4 hours instead of 15 minutes.


Only show Recycle Bin on menu if accessible

Styling Changes

The smartselectbox widget was replaced by select2; for both lookup metadata fields and the add to collection popup.

Version 1.6.0

If you are app author it is recommend that you check you application is you use JQuery, BackBone.js or features of Django.

Release Date: 2013-06-10

New Features




Select all in search results page. Please notes allCheckBoxes variable is depreciated.


Video shot in portrait mode on for example iPhone is now displayed with the correct orientation.


Now supporting backend processing so backend heavy events don’t tie up the user interface.


Upgraded Django version to 1.4.5


Increased functionality to item selection; select all and shift select to be more like native application.


Added support for displaying XMP/EXIF metadata


Upgraded LoDash (underscore.js); Backbone and LabJS.


It is now possible to search for items older than a certain number of days/weeks/months


Codec libx264 is now replaced by MainConcept H.264. Default Transcode profile lowres will be upgraded automatically. Please change any additional transcode profiles manually.


New Rest API being introduced


Upgraded to Oracle Java 1.7.0u17 on all supported platforms


Made html5 based uploader default for browsers that support it.


Added setting for uploader destination storage


Added ability for admins to allow modifying filename at export


Bundle custom python instead of using the system one to make installation more reliable


Added bulk actions to the gearbox menus


Changed default setting to only set title from filename in import from storage


Menu item for Admin overview page


Include more info about the http query in the debug log


Added ability to add items to a collection while uploading


Improved installer feedback when installing without internet access


Updated End User License Agreement


Metadata manager now excludes system internal metadata groups


Added recycle bin functionality


Updated developers documentation with information on themes and release notes with information on how the CSS has changed.


The storage add form now defaults to auto detect.

Fixed Issues




importable files are now ordered by timestamp


Multiple choice fields with spaces does OR search in advanced search instead of exact match


WebM profile now only maps channel 1+2 default.


Fixed issue with proxy generation for media from FCP X


Made improvements to the log reporting tool’s reliability.


The collection view now redirects to login page if users are not logged in.


Hide date selector for timestamps if has passed/not passed is selected.


Saved search returns to login page if the user is not logged in.


Display four thumbnails in search result for collections


Handle both NFC and NFD unicode encoding in searches


Fix file name bug when downloading files from item-page in Safari 5.1


Reduce the width needed for the item page in the browser.


REST API reports Sequence types in item searches


Fixed so it is possible to create collections with ampersand in the name


Fixed issue with uploading custom logo


Make sure we log stack traces to the system log


Fixed issue with timestamp searching.


Only submit metadata fields that actually changes to Vidispine.


Fix access rights issue on saved searches


Added support for parsing STL subtitle files.


Java uploader no longers shows warning message with java 7u21 or later


Reorganized media page javascript to fix history tab duplication


Added plugin blocks for the search results list view as well as the grid view.


Prevent creation of collection without a name.


Job page now displays correctly even on empty job lists.


Fixes where theme extends was not being used


Collection chooser now works properly in Firefox


Saving search from search results uses proper dialog styled the same as the other elements in the system.


Fixed a permission issue that would make the logging not work


New elements in Lookup fields (where allowed) are visually different from those chosen from existing choices


Stop browser from scrolling to top when clicking on item page left-hand menu


History tab on the item no longer fails on errors from Vidispine.


Allow site names with a dash

Styling Changes

These styling changes have been made to make it easier to theme

Version 1.6 release; and to introduce new functionality. A general change in Portal 1.6 is that more variables are used in the .less files to make it easier to make color changes to the theme.

We are also starting to use JQuery UI for more modal windows with a view to deprecating the .facebox modal in coming releases.

We are moving away from styling with IDs and using class based styling

Loading Icon styling can be changed with @loading-icon-background

@mediapod-gearicon-background & @mediapod-gearicon-hover-background introduced to make it easier to style the pod gearbox

@mediapod-menu-hover-text-color introduced to make it easier to style the hoover style.

@ntfcnttxt-color - for notification color changing has been introduced

@ui-dialog - number of styles introduced for showing ui-dialogs

Searchinput field has had its styling changed to be easier to style.

.content and .leftcontent changes for better take advantage of width of a screen.

@table-header-color is introduced to style thead tr

@a-color-large - for choosing the color of large links has been introduced.

#mcm-dropdown is now styled with class .mcm-dropdown

#header is now styled with class .header. #header is kept in the HTML.

Styling for .header is moved into portal_base.less - you can override it in your theme .less

#content is now styled with class .content. #content is kept in the HTML.

#nav is now styled with the class .navigation-header - you can continue to override it with the ID.

.left-content styling is now moved into portal-base less file

.storage_info pod is now defined under .mainbody

.storage uri icon is definition now lives under the theme .less file

Removed the references to .footerwrapper and .footerspacer and associated styles which are no longer used

#loading-icon now has the class .loading-icon

.loading-icon references are now in the portal_base.less file for easier styling

.alert class used for the growl messages has its own color variables now (@growl- prefixed).

#largesearchform is now styled with class .largesearchform

#searchinputfield is now styled with class .searchinputfield

More of the searchform is now moved in inc-portalbase.less

.mediaitemtobedelete is a class that is applied to any item scheduled for deletion. This color information is added to portal-core and used in inc-portalbase.

.mixin-transform is a generic transform mixin.

.mixin-rotate is a generic mixin less class for rotating objects

.smallgriditem .nothumbnail - is now not styled in the HTML but in inc-portalbase

.smartSelectBox-elem-newelement - is a new class given to new elements in the smartSelect. There are 3 colours associated with it.

@mediaitemrow-title-color; @mediaitemrow-border-color & @mediaitemrow-thumbnail-background colors are introduced for styling row view search results.

z-indexs to the dropdowns and contextual menu around the player changed to work with z-index of the subtitles in the player.

input[type=”checkbox”] and input[type=”radiobox”] margin changes for better formatting.

input[type=”file”] styling introduced to fix Safari styling issue

thumbnail image background introduced. (.thumbnail img)

Stopping thumbnails overflowing from the .smallgriditem div

.acltable select width is now auto

.mediaitemrow.mediaitem-selected now uses the same border highlight color as the grid view.

dt and dd tags are now styled within the class “.mainbody”.

Removed negative margin from “ul li” tag.

.tabs are now styled with transistions; smaller margins and increased line height.

Player now has support for overlay menu and the associated styling for that is defined under .player-overlay.

Player is now position relative.

Player background video is now black.

#placeholderspacer is now .placeholderspacer. There is also the slugified mimetype in the itempage and search result

Version 1.5.7

Release Date: 2013-12-09

New Features




Added plugin block to export options lists to allow local customizations.


Removed incomplete dutch translation


Lookup fields can now be configured to search using AND if multiple values are provided.

Fixed Issues




The uploader is now fully translatable


Stopped sending all empty fields in a metadata search


Date fields no longer goes missing in the java uploader when using a non-english language.


Fix 500-error in the advanced search

Version 1.5.6

Release Date: 2013-11-02

Fixed Issues




Setting title when creating a placeholder no longer requires the ‘Write Metadata’ role.


Vidispine eliminated an issue where there was a risk of the file being deleted if an Import from storage job fails.

Version 1.5.5

Release Date: 2013-10-30

Fixed Issues




Filters fixed for saved searches


Fixed Vidispine crash on some xmp metadata fields.


Allow users to see more than 1000 files in import from storage


Job page now works on systems with 100000+ jobs


Fixed lookup fields when editing existing rules in rules engine


Increased max allowed threads per user on RedHat/Centos


Fix for 59.94 and 60 fps sequences.

Version 1.5.4

Release Date: 2013-09-19

New Features




Added ability to rename collections


Install log now contains better information on certain errors.


Created management command to extract log report.


Added for local settings. Modifying is now deprecated.

Fixed Issues




Add to collection popup now searches on substrings rather than whole words


Fix metadata form rendering for example in Rules Engine


Fixed issue with max restrictions on metadata subgroups


search index is now updated when shapes are removed from an item


Upgrades no longer removes custom nginx sites


Invalid licensing exception raises NameError


Unknown usernames and passwords now gives correct error messages when logging in.


Fixed issue with license key expiry under certain conditions.


Fix so checkboxes in subgroups can be unset


update-key now restarts Portal properly on Red Hat


Nonadmin user now able to change passwords on single-language systems.


Fix crash when listing files on empty storage


24 NDF FPS material is no longer treated as DF


Remove metadata in subgroups when removing metadata from item


Fixes missing loading icon in IE9


Fixed sorting and filtering when switching pages in the search result.


Fix for broken certificate when installing pyxb.


Fixed issue where some metadata fields got lost if metadata group was manually updated in Vidispine.


Password are now limited to 2048 characters to mitigate possible DoS attack vectors.

Version 1.5.3

Release Date: 2013-05-16

Fixed Issues




Only jobs which have not yet started can have their priority changed


Respect per-field acls when rendering metadata forms


Fixed problem with log rotation


Fixed error in validation of number of users


Fixed issue where duration was not set for dv files longer than 9 minutes


Make sure memcached runs after reboot on Redhat


Corrected aspect ratio for SD material without pixelAspectRatio


Fixed logic error when setting up new OMMS storage.


Last second of lowres proxy is no longer frozen


Disabled ldap users are now blocked from logging in


Store the correct number of audio tracks for sequences generated in the RCE.


Added ability to exclude sub collections from search.


Updated branding in the wizard


Checkboxes and lookup fields without a value are now ignored when searching using advanced search


Documented required settings for configuring OMMS storage.

Version 1.5.2

Release Date: 2013-03-28

New Features




importable list will now exclude allready queued files


Added a new job type ‘Copy file’ to the drop down filter in the jobs overview page.


Storages now default to being importable


Added config option to only set title to filename on ingest from storage


Send signals when managing storage groups


HTTP method on storages now default to


Gather more information in the error report tool.

Fixed Issues




Fixed issue where the ‘auto’ property could not be set on a storage


Proper error message when upgrading a system without portal installed.


Storage files view now shows the storage name instead of the Storage ID.


Changing language used in themes section


Timestamps are now properly formated on the search page


Recreate thumbnails message answer by yes or no.


Removed the UI for trying to remove the owner ACL from an item; which cant be removed


Login page no longer appears in search or subviews if the user has been logged out.


Limiting the recreate of thumbnails message to video and image formats.


Check that startime is before endtime in error reporter


System logs no longer gets owner www-data.


Log reporter now works properly in Safari


Fixed issue where new formats could not be trans-coded if thumbnails where not recreated


Fixed issue with upgrade from Portal 1.5.0


Fixed issue with naming of exported clips


Increased number of running threads to cope with higher amount of transfers


Fixed a display issue with the advanced search

Version 1.5.1

Release Date: 2013-02-22

New Features




Added support for more audio formats.


GUI change; Attribution and powered by messages on the homepage. These are not to be removed by new themes unless under agreement.


By default downloads and exports are no longer renamed from their original names on the filesystem.


Internal field id is now shown in the metadata manager.


Added a fully HTML5-based uploader. See install documentation how to enable.

Fixed Issues




Auto ingest now works with both NFC and NFD encoded multibyte strings.


Job filtering fixes for Internet Explorer


Import from storage order by size correctly works with different units


Export and delete options only show in collection menu if the user has these roles


Metadata Edit profile template update so that the group has the role for writing metadata fields and field groups.


Collection results honour user’s settings of amount per page


Fixed issue with filtering of jobs


Correct ownership of Portal log files


Files and directories which starts with a ‘.’ (period sign) are now excluded from file listings automatically.


Better handling of log report error


Preference page asks for user’s password to change to a new password.


The AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting can now span multiple lines in portal.conf


Growing file import is now working properly


Reindexing shows and is updating continuously for indexing in progress agter page is loaded.


Admins are not allowed to change their password through the normal User settings screen.


Fixes Popup of Poster image not showing


Show just posters on the poster view; and a message to say there are no posters instead of nothing if there are none.


Fixed visual placement of PosterFrame link when using Firefox.


Collection suggestion drop down visible doesn’t hide the message or submit button in the GUI.


It is now possible to use groups with spaces


Updating the license key now restarts the portal process


Fixed an issue where users where unable to download the original shape


Formats with spaces in their name can be downloaded


Theme resolution fix for the admin page.


Support for downloading multibyte files where browsers need to know the encoding type.


Creating first collection hides no collection text


Add storage adds HTTP and File methods by default and doesnt add watermarks


Timestamp fields can now be used in the advanced search.


Poster frame timecode is now correct


Enabled Access Logging and automatic log purging in GlassFish


Search suggestions no longer gets left on page in certain conditions.


Subgroups now gets added correctly to their parent group


Adding multiple subgroups now correctly parse Date fields and add the chooser.


Portal now allows uris with slashes when using API

Version 1.5.0

Release Date: 2012-12-12

New Features




You can now re-scan a storage for now files manually


File movements started by the Rules Engine are now shown in the jobs-page


Can now reset job priority inside the jobs page.


Poster images can be made from a video.


Upgraded to Vidispine 3.3.2


Upgrade to Django 1.3.4 framework


Cantemo watermarks is shown on output from all unpaid and demos Portal transcoders.


Support added for creating WMV video

Fixed Issues




Fixed issue where video would not be playable if browser was inactive for 20 minutes


Handles in quicktime files are not stripped when creating lowres proxy.


_metadata_write role used for adding and removing field group from an item.


Filename correctly shows against Jobs where appropriate.


Configure apiuri correctly when vidispine is running on another host


Errors from plugin-blocks are now logged properly


Corrected aspect ratio of browse created from IMX30 material.


Fixed minor issues with the installer

Version 1.4.1

Release Date: 2012-11-14

New Features




Maximum results per page is now configurable in portal.conf


Apps can now register themselves to show up in the admin page.


Allow setting AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS in portal.conf to allow apps to provide user authentication


setup can now update only the key if invoked with ‘–update-key’

Fixed Issues




Representative fields are now also shown on the saved searches page and the collections page


Don’t show irrelevant Format options when exporting a single item


Deleting items from search results now removes them from the bin as well


Removed unneeded warning about needing to change the transcoder password


Fixed so you can install from a directory with spaces in it


Fixed a installation issue with minimal CentOS installations


Media Bin now raises an pubsub event that apps can listen for to know that it is loaded.


Fixed upgrade issue from older MediaBox releases


Refuse to upgrade if SITE_NAME in portal.conf does not match new keyfile


Ability to cancel jobs that are stalled/waiting


Jobs page now displays correctly for files with utf8-characters


Fixed installation issue on commercial Red Hat


Fixed performance issue with advanced searches


Filename is now retained if file is moved to another storage


Log report tool no longer crashes if it cannot read the portal logs


Fixed issue where portal.log was not created on older Red Hat


Improved handling of 29.97 and 23.98 dropframe and non-dropframe material


Included link to java test page in the uploader’s error page; so Java can be enabled easily


Fixed issue with authorization to Matrix-Store


Fixed issue with adding Media Bin items to a collection on some pages.

Version 1.4.0

Release Date: 2012-10-10

New Features




Save and continue to add multiple metadata elements and in other admin screens


Error tracebacks are now logged on separate lines to avoid truncating important log information


Red Hat; CentOS and Scientific Linux are now supported as server plattforms


License key mechanism now supports 3rd party apps


Ability to rebuild search indexes from the admin gui


Firefox now uses the modern HTML5 player with WebM instead of the Flash fallback. Add the WebM transcode profile to groups to enable


Support for more image formats and better quality of image previews


Administrators can now configure how often storages are scanned


Searches can now be sorted on relevance.


Collection selection has been changed to a lookup box to reflect that a system can have a large number of collections


Enhanced the GUI of the uploader


Added confirmation step to the metadata manager before it deletes a field or a subgroup


Vidispine API reference is now included in the distribution package


Google Chrome can now play files while ingested


The system now notifies users when the license has expired or is about to expire.


Increased information in the jobs page and on the jobs listing page


Admin page is now themeable


Ability to drag and drop from search results in to the Media Bin


Added HTTPS example to the default configuration.


additional transcode image profiles added


Search auto-complete whilst typing.


Ability to include or exclude search hits from annotations under advanced search


Vidispine API upgraded to 3.2.2


Check if installed OS is correct architecture and correct version.


Storages can filter out unwanted files


Search performance enhanced


Browser title now reflects the item title.


Solr indexes have a new location (see documentation)


All requests can now be authenticated using HTTP Basic Authentication.


Enhanced logging and error handling in the installation procedure


Setting display title for the system


It is now possible to sort on system metadata fields


Added ability to choose storage type


Ability to trigger signals when storages are created or updated


Added a log extraction tool to simplify error reporting


Ability to change the default view for a search result


Placeholder Image shown for binary files


Added a splash-screen at login when license is expired


Search now only returns items matching all search terms by having an AND search by default


The filename is now displayed if title is not set


Added plugin blocks to the gearbox menus on the item and collection search pages


Download links are now shown on the item page for all storages.


Format DNxHD (VC3) MXF is now supported

Fixed Issues




Uploaded file now retains its filename


Error in search results returns proper HTTP error code


Ability to return extremely long text strings in plugin blocks without errors


Proxy resolution is now divisible by 8 to avoid rendering issues and artifacts


Warning is shown if removing default metadata group that will effect users; and page for resolving removed default metadata group.


WebM files are now served with the mimetype video/webm


Fixed a issue where metadata was still indexed even though metadata schema was removed from item


Media with non-standard fps can now be used in the annotationtool


Very long lines in the metadata are now displayed correctly


Present search errors better


Prevent users to overwrite existing groups in the metadata manager


Users are now required to log in again after an upgrade.


Fixed issue where server could refuse new uploads.


Search API not returning complete URL to thumbnail.


Show both Portal and Vidispine licence expiration dates in admin GUI


Storage deletion now informs the user that the storage is queued for deletion


Import from storage now handles importing a large amount of files at once


Fixed an issue where adding an asset to multiple collections at once caused an internal server error


Improvements for IE10 compatibility.


Fixed an issue where the user was unable to add new MetadataElements


representative fields are now displayed in the same order in all search pods


Ingest to placeholder no longer ingests the first file that was selected


Fixed error with saved searches requiring acl read permission


Fixed so you can now use multibyte languages while saving a search


Fixed so you can now use multibyte languages while creating collections


Add access rights on the item page can no longer be selected multiple times.


It is now possible to select items by clicking anywhere on the row on pages 2 and greater


Fixed problem with previewing audio files with browsers that use the flash player fallback


Read access control role is no longer required to view collections


Only Metadata Write is now required to edit metadata on items and collections

Version 1.3.4 ( MediaBox 1.1.4 )

Release Date: 2012-10-11

Version 1.3.3 ( MediaBox 1.1.3 )

Release Date: 2012-07-12

Version 1.3.2 ( MediaBox 1.1.2 )

Release Date: 2012-06-27

Version 1.3.1 ( MediaBox 1.1.1 )

Release Date: 2012-06-20

Version 1.3.0 ( MediaBox 1.1.0 )

Release Date: 2012-05-18

Version 1.2.1 ( MediaBox 1.0.1 )

  • #1977 Player does now support 59.94 fps playback.

  • #2121 Recommended hardware specification now added to Docs.

Getting Help


In each version of Cantemo the following documents are available under Help in the WebUI:

  • Release Notes (this document)

  • User manual

  • Admin manual

  • Developers guide

These documents are also available on

Partner Area

The Cantemo partner area is open and can be accessed using your standard Redmine login on If you do not have a user account, please contact us.

Information that can be found here:

  • News: latest news and upcoming events for Cantemo

  • General Cantemo documents (not including the documentation bundled with Cantemo)

  • Forums for partner collaboration

  • Open discussion area: Post your requests, comments, and feedback here to share with us and other partners. Our roadmap is highly influenced by what you and your customers think!

  • Files: e.g. open source Apps and releases.

Knowledge base

A knowledge base portal can be found in the Cantemo partner area on This is a centralized repository for information and tips & tricks around the Cantemo solution. We are constantly adding more articles to the Knowledge base that works as a complement to the documentation. Contact us if you have good ideas regarding articles that help enrich the knowledge base! Please use your account previously provided to you. If you do not have one, please contact us!


Cantemo operates a slack channel where partners can ask minor questions and receive more immediate feedback on those questions. If you do not have a user account, please contact us.

Upcoming releases

  • Patch releases, Cantemo 1.y.x, will contain bugfixes reported in our ticket system Redmine, and will be released on a regularly basis.

  • Minor releases, Cantemo 1.y.0, will contain new features and bugfixes.

  • Major releases, Cantemo x.0.0, will contain new significant features and will occur no more than once each year.

  • Apps developed by Cantemo are as of Cantemo 2.3.0 released alongside Cantemo to ensure version compatability.

Cantemo Product Lifecycle

Minor releases will be released regurarly. These releases will contain new features. The Cantemo Product Lifecycle is based on the releasedate of the next upcoming Minor release, thus when a release is new you cannot say when the actual End Of Maintenance will be.

The current Product End of Maintenance (EOM) is like this.


EOM date












2020-12-31 (Extended maintenance)








2022-12-31 (Extended maintenance)










2025-12-31 (Extended maintenance) with Red Hat 8 or Rocky 8. Red Hat 7 and CentOS 7 EOM earlier 2024-06-30 in sync with the operating system EOM/EOL.
