Setting up VidiNet is different than a regular setup and requires additional parameters.
Before you start, make sure you have:
A WAN IP for portal. In AWS EC2, an elastic IP can be used to keep it static in case the instance is restarted.
Opened ports 80, 443 and 5000 to your Cantemo installation environment. Vidinet needs to reach these during setup.
Besides any custom Cantemo setup parameters Basic Installation on Linux, the –vidinet=True flag and your VidiNet details must be provided. The notification handlers IP must also match the Cantemo WAN adress from above so VidiNet can reach it and VidiNet needs to be configured to access over port 443. Full example looks like the following:
./setup -u admin -p VIDINET_ADMIN_PASSWORD -v -o 443 --vidinet=True --notifier-host="SOME_STATIC_IP/DNS"
The VidiNet flag disables local services normally used by VidiCore and their healthchecks.
VidiNet Setup¶
You will need a VidiCore API from VidiNet, available at This needs to have the following configurations set:
Additional requirements are listed during each setup page for your VidiCore API instance.
The Cantemo instance IP in the allowed IP space under “Restrict IP”.
The closest available AWS zone to your Cantemo instance. If Cantemo is running in AWS, use the same zone.
A matching VidiCore version to what the Cantemo version, with automatic major patches disabled.
A S3 Bucket for media storage. This will be the default ingest storage for your media. Use a bucket in the same region as your VidiCore API for best performance. This will not be provisioned by the setupvs command later!
A configured S3 Bucket for thumbnails storage. Use a bucket in the same region as your VidiCore API for best performance. This will not be provisioned by the setupvs command later!
Some configured transcoder. Transcoderless setups are not supported.
Once the VidiCore API is ready, there is one more change needed:
Configure logging for your VidiCore API instance. This will write logs to a S3 bucket, which will be needed if support is needed. Cantemo do not ingest these automatically and they must be provided manually. Instructions for this is available in the VidiNet control panel.
You should now have a VidiCore API available for use with Cantemo.
Cantemo Vidinet Setup¶
The last setup is to run Cantemo’s vidicore setup, which will add user roles, job notifications, metadata models and more to the VidiCore API instance. The storage you configured above to hold media should now be visible in your VidiNet control panel, you will need its ID as seen below (by default it should be VX-1). Depending on if you want a simple search system or not, change the -s= parameter below. In your Cantemo systems shell:
/opt/cantemo/portal/ setupvs -s=False -d VX-1 --vidinet=True --portal_uri=http(s)://SOME_STATIC_IP/DNS
It is important that the VidiCore API service is able to talk to the portal_uri address, or the system will look and feel broken and require manually indexing of items and other resources.
You can now log in to Cantemo at the IP you used earlier with the admin user and the password you set in the VidiNet panel.
Let us verify the indexing is working correctly and take some security measures. Upload any image to the system. This should have generated some jobs and shortly, it should show up in the search page. Next we will look at these notifications in the Cantemo logs. journalctl -fexu portal-notifier.service shows you all the notifications and who sent them. You should see 2 IP addresses here, one being the Cantemo systems IP and the other being your VidiCore API instance IP. If not, the port is not open to the VidiCore API instance to send notifications. Make sure Cantemo is reachable on the notifier port. Next, set up a allow_list in your firewall/proxy to only allow these 2 IP addresses to send notifications to Cantemo (only they should reach the notifier port).
NLE Setup¶
The NLE integration requires that the Cantemo storage with the relevant media files is mounted locally. These means getting the S3 buckets content mounted and available at your workstations as explained in the NLE documentation nleintegration. Using AWS S3 you have the option of using a local AWS Gateway sharing your bucket contents over NFS and/or SMB, their documentation is available at Please see their requirements as well as the requirements of the NLE integration for the individual steps.
You do not need to expose the AWS gateway to the internet. Activation using the activation key as described in AWS documentation is fine. You only need to make sure anyone using the NLE integration can reach the AWS Gateway you install.
Common Issues¶
Common symptoms of this include updated/new items not being searchable and acls changes not applying.
If the IP address for your Cantemo system have changed, please update the notifier IP in your portal.conf and restart your portal-notifier.service and portal-web.service. You will also need to recreate the notifications in your VidiCore API instance using shell_plus:
from portal.initialsetup.utils import SetupUtil
su = SetupUtil()