Available settings

These settings are those settings that are vital to Cantemo being setup successfully. Cantemo tries to provide sensible defaults.

The settings are read from the file portal.conf. This is a text file designed for the system administrator to use to configure an installation of Cantemo.

It can be located in two places. Firstly it checks in:


Failing that it will check in the directory Cantemo was invoked from. On a production site it should always read from /etc/cantemo/portal/portal.conf.

configs/ directory holds example configuration files.


A recommended setting is to set the location that thumbnails, videos and preview audio files will be served from, i.e the external Vidispine address if it is something else than localhost.

It works as a URL replace mapping table, allowing you to specify that an internal resource be mapped to an external address, and this is needed for Cantemo installations and installations that use the NLE plugin such as the Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro X integration.

This is used for systems with an external interface


Colons (:) and equal signs (=) will need to be replaced with %3A and %3D respectively


http%3A// = http%3A//gw1.cantemo.com%3A8080/

The second address should be the interface that clients or webbrowser normally connect to.


Location of the where the log files should be stored:

LOG_CONFIG_FILE = /etc/cantemo/portal/logging.conf


Turn on and off fancy debugging. When true highlights all pluginblocks in the user interface and enables debugging on the Cantemo Video Player:

DEBUG = false

Turn on if debug is true for template debugging. You can log exceptions and other errors straight to the web page if this and DEBUG is set to true:


List of internal IP Addresses:


Serve up development files and media straight from the console, disable HTML template caching, and disable notification polling from browser. Always set to false on a production system:


The following setting can be used to disable the visual pluginblock highighting even if DEBUG mode is used:



Lists of email addresses to be sent problems with Cantemo if any occur, each line should be a separate name and email address:

Example Name: example@example.com
Second Example: example2@example.com


Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_zones_by_name although not all choices may be available on all operating systems. If running in a Windows environment this must be set to the same as your system time zone. For more information on the formats of the date and time settings, please see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/topics/settings/ Also note that if internationalization is enabled in the license and configuration then the date and time settings are ignored and the locale specific settings are used instead.:

TIME_ZONE = Europe/Stockholm

Date time format for display in the system:


Short date format for display in the system:


Date input format if the localization it turned off for input. Used by all input fields to work out the format of the date and time being put into the system:

DATE_INPUT_FORMATS =  %d/%m/%y, %m/%d/%Y, %Y-%m-%d

List of Datetime input formats used for parsing datetimes Use comma separated and unquoted:

DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M, %Y-%m-%d, %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S, %m/%d/%Y %H:%M, %m/%d/%Y, %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S, %m/%d/%y %H:%M, %m/%d/%y, %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%f%z

Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/language-identifiers.html and this will be the base language for the system which will of course get overridden by internationalization:


ID of the site, used in multi-site instances:


URL of this instance of the site:

SITE_URL = http://example.com

This is message that will get sent to pages when an error has occurred. Put in the number, email or name of the relevant person to contact:

SITE_HELP = Example administration staff - admin@example.com

URL prefix for admin media – CSS, JavaScript and images. Make sure to use a trailing slash. Examples: “http://example.com/media/”, “/admin/media/”.

ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = /admin/media/

A URL which can be used in templates for serving Javascript from:

JAVASCRIPT_URL = http://localhost:8000/sitemedia/js/

Use internationalization on the system:

USE_I18N = True

Provide localized view of dates and times for users:

USE_L10N = True

URL that users are redirected to after login:

LOGIN_URL = /authentication/login/

You can override the url used for logout functionality in the Cantemo GUI. This can for example be used to redirect the user to a separate page after the have logged out, by using the next query parameter

LOGOUT_URL = /authentication/logout/?next=/my_plugin/custom_logout_view/

The default value for the LOGOUT_URL is:

LOGOUT_URL = /authentication/logout/

This is a string that contains the URL for the default redirect upon login to Cantemo. It sets this globally and also each user that is created gets this string as their default upon login

It should not be a complete URI - not contain any IP Address or hostname, but it does require a trailing slash.:

HOMEPAGE_LOGGED_IN = /vs/search/

Transcode shapes that will be selected by default when creating a new group, these should match transcode formats being setup for an installation:


This controls how Cantemo behaves when the rules engine 3 plugin is enabled or disabled. If set to “true” then Cantemo will attempt to stop and/or start tomcat whenever the plugin is enabled and disabled. If set to “false” it will not try to control tomcat at all. Possible values are “true” and “false”. The installer will set this boolean at install time depending on the flags supplied.:

RE3_LOCAL = true

Whether to use secure session cookies. If this is set to True, the session cookies will be marked as “secure,” which means browsers may ensure that the cookies are only sent under an HTTPS connection.:


A list of strings representing the host/domain names that this Cantemo site can serve. This is a security measure to prevent HTTP Host header attacks, which are possible even under many seemingly-safe web server configurations. Values in this list can be fully qualified names (e.g. ‘portal.example.com’), in which case they will be matched against the request’s Host header exactly (case-insensitive, not including port) or IP addresses (e.g ‘’). A value beginning with a period can be used as a subdomain wildcard:

'.portal.com' will match portal.com, example.portal.com, and any other subdomain of portal.com.

A value of ‘*’ will match anything;:

ALLOWED_HOSTS = portal.example.com,


This section did previously contain the list of landing pages the user can choose from in their preferences. As of Cantemo 2.1 this configuration is now available in the System Settings instead.


Defines the location that reports will be saved to, e.g. file:/home/vidispine/ or ftp://user:pass@localhost:21/:



The width of the thumbnails to be shown in search results, collections and other pages:


The height for the thumbnails:


Whether the thumbnails should be shown with automatic scrubbing:



URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT. Make sure to use a trailing slash if there is a path component (optional in other cases). Examples: “http://media.example.com”, “http://example.com/media/”:

STATIC_URL = /sitemedia/

A string for where the preview media is held. Note that hostnames and domain names don’t need the trailing slash but paths do:

PREVIEW_URL = /sitemedia/

Defines the preview video format(s) available for browsing, created by the server. If multiple formats with the same mimetype are added to the PREVIEW_VIDEO_SHAPES list, the user will be able to select which one to view in the item page player:


Defines the preview audio format(s) available for browsing, created by the server. Several formats can be defined by adding them on a comma separated:


Defines the preview image format(s) available for browsing, created by the server. Several formats can be defined by adding them on a comma separated:


Whether or not to allow preview of the original image shape whenever possible, e.g. when the original file is a type that can be viewed in a web browser. True by default:


Defines the method used to fetch the preview file from the server. Several formats can be defined by adding them on a comma separated. Example: “http, ftp, file”:


For defining how many hours before items that have been requested for deletion are actually purged you can set a grace period. Default is 24 hours:



Should be absolute paths with no trailing slashes to where on the file system the media is mounted. This is the image files, css, javascript and other files used to support the Cantemo installation:

MEDIA_ROOT = /opt/cantemo/portal/portal_media


Database settings take the following form, and should be setup in advance:

The user of the database:

DATABASE_USER = myDatabaseUser

The password for of the database:

DATABASE_PASSWORD = myDatabasePassword

The hostname of the database can be set to blank for localhost, a domain name or an IP address. If you are using sqlite3, you can use a path:


The port for the Database:


The Database engine, ‘postgresql’

DATABASE_ENGINE = postgresql

The Database name:



Email address used for sending email from the site:

SENDING_EMAIL = noreply@example.com

Contact email for sending emails to about Cantemo:

CONTACT_EMAIL = example@example.com

SMTP host for relaying emails from Cantemo:

EMAIL_HOST = smtp.example.com

Username for logging on to the SMTP relay:

EMAIL_HOST_USER = noreply@example.com

Password for the user logging on to the SMTP relay:


Port for the SMTP relay:


Use TLS encryption with the SMTP relay (True or False):


Require verification that email is sent:


Email address that the recipient will see when sending email:

DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = noreply@example.com

A (optional) prefix that can be applied to all outgoing mail:


Email address used for sending error messages from Cantemo to its administrators:

SERVER_EMAIL = noreply@example.com


secret keys that should be a random string of ASCII. PLEASE make sure that any % characters are changed to %% if you are auto generating the key:

SECRET_KEY = asdfghjkklpoiuytrewzxcvbnm
CSRF_MIDDLEWARE_SECRET = sdfghjktyuioiweury


This will enable extra features on the site

USE_AUTH enables authentication on the site:


AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS configures the list of backend moduels used for authentication. Additional authentication plugins may be configured here. Note that the order is important as backends are tried in the order listed and excecution is stopped when a plugin which accepts the username and password is found:

AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = portal.vidispine.authentication.VidispineBackend, django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend

UPLOADER_METHODS can configure which methods will be used on the uploader page and which order they should be tried. For example, to enable the html5 uploader, you can configure as follows:

UPLOADER_METHODS = html5, java

SEARCH_SUBSTRING allows you to change the default search behavior to always do substring searches. This means that if a metadata field contains “foobar” then a search for “ooba” will result in a match for that item. The default for this setting is False:


USERNAMES_CASE_INSENSITIVE changes the username matching on the login page to be case insensitive. This is useful if you populate Cantemo’s user database from an external source where usernames have mixed casing, such as Microsoft Active Directory. The default value for this setting is False:


COMMENTS_ENABLED enables comments in portal, allowing you to comment items. The default value for this setting is True:


REQUIRE_METADATA_SCHEMA can be used to force a user to always associate a metadata schema with an item. This can be used in conjunction with required fields to force a user to always enter metadata required by the workflow. The default value for this setting is False:


METADATA_KEY_SLUGIFY is used to slugify the keys for metadata. This can be set to false if you want to write the keys yourself.The default value for this setting is True:


LICENSE_WARNING_DAYS lets the admin know when the Cantemo and/or Vidispine license is about to expire (in days). Once the LICENSE_WARNING_DAYS mark is reached, a warning will be presented on the healthcheck page and the admin will get notified via growl messages. The default value for this setting is 30 days:



This is used to say which template to use if there are no themes set as default in the database. It should point to an HTML file that is under one of the template directories:

THEME_DEFAULT_NOTHEME = website/base_website.html

We automatically add the STATIC_URL as a prefix:

THEME_DEFAULT_CSS = css/base.css

Configure whether a user can change the theme they use:


When loading themes from the database the file that gets used from the filesystem as a base:

THEME_EXTENDS = base.html


To decide what fields to show in the user settings page:

DEFAULT_SORT_LIST_EXCLUDES = originalWidth, originalHeight, originalAudioCodec, originalFormat, originalVideoCodec, user, durationSeconds, itemId, mediaType


Enable or disable the cache backend:


What cache backend to use, see the documentation on cache backends for more details:

CACHE_BACKEND = locmem://

Standard timeout for caching pages:


Prefix to add to all cache keys. (Useful if you are sharing an backend cache with another system):



Set the age for when a users session should timeout, forcing users to log in again. The default is two weeks, and is specified in seconds:


Close the users session when they close their browser:


The domain name used to store the cookie (useful when load balancing an environment):



Use the celery backend for delayed or periodic processing.

Process jobs directly without sending the task to a background process. This setting is mostly useful for debugging purposes:


Redis message queue resource // username:password @ host : port / database number:

BROKER_URL =  redis://portal:secret@localhost:6379/2

The number of concurrent worker processes/threads/green threads, executing tasks. Default is the (number of cpus available / 2 + 1):

CELERY_WORKER_CONCURRENCY = number_of_cpus/2+1

From Cantemo 6.0 we ship with Redis and the default settings shouldn’t be changed unless the Redis setup has been changed

The number of celery workers dynamically scales depending on the load for each particular worker type. By default the maximum number of workers for a particular queue is number_of_cpus/2+1 but these settings can be changed via the following parameters:

CELERY_MAXIMUM_WORKERS = number_of_cpus/2+1

If you are running flower on another host, for example if you are running in a containerized environment, then you will need to set the FLOWER_URL to the base url where flower is running:


Vidispine settings

Settings for the Vidispine system. Always configure with a user that has _special_all access rights.

The user of the vidispine system:


The password of the vidispine system:


The URL to the vidispine system:

VIDISPINE_URL = http://example/

Port that the Vidispine system is running on:


The administrative group used by Vidispine:


The roles needed for ingest rights:

VIDISPINE_INGEST_ROLES = _storage_write, _file_write, _import

Default method type used for accessing storage. Leave set to Auto unless you have been advised otherwise:


The depending on what version of the Vidispine, it is either $ or in newer system “value”:


Ignore roles in the GUI by creating a list like this:

IGNORE_ROLES = _transcoder, _new_role

Ignore Groups in the GUI by creating a list like this:

IGNORE_GROUPS = hiddengroup

Enable ingesting growing files (tailmode). This will configure vidispine to start creating the web proxy while the file is growing, and will cause the web player to add new material to the end of the playing file as it becomes available (only in Google chrome):


When ingesting a file already on a storage, the title is set to the filename. By setting INGEST_FROM_STORAGE_FILENAME_AS_TITLE to false this changes to set the title to the entire path to the file:


The wizard will update xmp fields it knows the type of to the appropriate data type in Cantemo. Setting UPDATE_XMP_METADATA_FIELDS to false will disable this behavior, if it is not wanted:


Allowed VSAPI URLs

Vidispine’s REST API is by default available on port 8080 of the Cantemo server, unless blocked by firewall rules or other non-standard setup. In such cases, it can be convenient to proxy calls to the Vidispine API through Cantemo’s nginx webserver. This can be configured in the [vidispine_allowed_urls] section of the Cantemo configuration file. This section contains a list of regular expressions matching URL patterns and http methods which should be allowed throug the /VSAPI namespace. These calls will be authenticated against the authentication mehtods configured in Cantemo, including token authentication, basic auth or session cookie authentication.

For example, the following settings will allow the user to do a GET on /API/version in vidispine via the Cantemo URL /VSAPI/version:


/version = GET

The following will allow any method starting with P (that is, POST, PUT or PATCH) on any resource under /API/item:


/item/.* = P.*

Multiple expressions can be added on separate lines and the request is allowed if any of the listed expressions match:


/item/.* = P.*
/version = GET

Rename section (optional)

Create a section:


Filenames and URLs can sometimes point to the wrong place, or an internal resource name when you wish to use an external name. You can rename then URLs and point to new resources:

http%3A// = http%3A//portal.com/APInoauth/

It is also allowed to not rename to anything:

http%3A// =

Optional settings

These settings don’t need to be set or in the config file.

Create a section:


Rename the download to the original filename (plugins can still override this setting):


Do not rename the exported file to the original filename (plugins can still override this setting):


OpenSearch settings

Settings related to OpenSearch server and indexing.

Create a section:


The URL to the OpenSearch server:

ELASTICSEARCH_URL = http://opensearch1.example.com:9200/ , http://opensearch2.example.com:9200/

The url can also contain a username and password if you have enabled authentication in your OpenSearch cluster:

ELASTICSEARCH_URL = http://username:password@opensearch1.example.com:9200/

For convenience, the username and password can also be configured in a separate configuration option, which will apply to all servers specified in ELASTICSEARCH_URL. If both the url and the separate options contain a username and password then the ones specified in the url take precedence:


Cantemo uses a connection pool internally when connecting to OpenSearch, and the ELASTICSEARCH_POOL_SIZE setting allows you to adjust the size of this connection pool:


By default, Cantemo will create a search index without any replicas. If you want to set up OpenSearch in a cluster mode, you can adjust the setting ELASTICSEARCH_REPLICAS to increase the number of nodes your search index is replicated to. Note that if you change this setting, you will have to recreate the Cantemo search index for the setting to take effect.:


Cantemo will index certain nested fields in order to be able to query the individual document, independently of other fields. Increasing the number of indexed nested fields will increase memory usage of opensearch.

This setting is only applied when Cantemo (re)creates indexes. Default is 50000.:


The maximum number of fields in an index. If system starts running in to limit of total fields has been exceeded try increasing. There is fields created for every metadata fields in a schema so a system with many and/or large metadata schemas could need to increase the total fields.

This setting is only applied when Cantemo (re)creates indexes. Default is 50000.:


The above two limits affect settings on each OpenSearch index mappings, “nested_fields” and “total_fields”. These can also be set by using the OpenSearch APIs, in which case the setting is applied instantly without index recreation. But make sure to also update portal.conf values to make sure the setting is kept on upgrades.

The system truncates very long values on indexing to prevent issues with the search engine. The following can be used to change the maximum length, default is 10000:


Restart Cantemo to apply the change, and then reindex any assets that need to store longer values.

The following setting controls which file notifications from Vidispine that should trigger an update of the corresponding entry in the Cantemo file index. The Cantemo file index can be disabled altogether by setting the value to an empty string, which can have a positive impact on system performance, but the NLE plugin will not function properly if file indexing is disabled. If the Cantemo file index is enabled after being disabled, then a file reindex must be performed. Default is “change, close, hash, new”:


By setting the following value to True, the file search API will use the Cantemo file index instead of the Vidispine file index. Note that if ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_FILE_NOTIFICATIONS is set to an empty string, then this property is ignored and will effectively be False. Default is False:


OpenSearch AWS authentication

To authenticate against an OpenSearch instance in AWS, you can set ELASTICSEARCH_AWS_AUTH to True which will enable the specific authentication required by AWS. In this case, you also have to set ELASTICSEARCH_AWS_REGION to the region your OpenSearch cluster is deployed to:


If ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME and ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD are set, then ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY will be taken from these variables. If the settings are not set then Cantemo will use boto3 to configure the credentials, which will either use the credentials stored in your instance or IAM role configuration.

For more information on this, see http://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/configuration.html#configuring-credentials

StatsD settings

StatsD is a high-performance statistics gathering server. Cantemo includes the ability to to send statistics to statsd. To enable statsd, add a section [statsd] to and set the STATSD_HOST variable to the statsd server hostname. This will activate the statsd support in portal. Example:

STATSD_HOST = stats.example.com

STATSD_PREFIX allows you to set the prefix which will be prepended to all statistics sent to statsd. This allows you to distinguish between different Cantemo installations on the same statsd system:


Vidispine Notifier settings

The notifier is responible for receiving notifications from Vidispine and aggregating them before relaying to Cantemo for indexing. The following settings can be configured for the notifier:

What is the externally visible hostname that should be registered for notifications in Vidispine. This can be used in an High-Availability setup to point to a proxy for example. Defaults to


What port should the notifier bind to. Defaults to port 5000:


If you need the notifier to listen to a different address than the address for incoming notifications registered in Vidispine then you can configure the address that the notifier binds to. The default is the same address as NOTIFIER_HOST: