Running Cantemo

Running Cantemo depends on the installation mechanism that you have chosen. However, if you have installed with our recommended configuration, all services can be run from systemctl:

sudo systemctl start

Monitoring Cantemo

Cantemo has its internal healthchecks but more things needs to be monitored. There are lots of external tool to check:

* Load
* Disk Usage
* Memory consumption

It is always good to have such tool installed.

Stopping & Restarting Cantemo

  • RedHat / CentOS systems stop the remaining processes using these commands:

    $ sudo systemctl stop
    $ sudo systemctl stop opensearch
    $ sudo systemctl stop vidispine
    $ sudo systemctl stop transcoder
  • Start everything up again.

  • RedHat / CentOS systems starts using these commands:

    $ sudo systemctl start vidispine
    $ sudo systemctl start transcoder
    $ sudo systemctl start opensearch
    $ sudo systemctl start

Status of services

For an overview of what services are running at any particular time.

  • RedHat / CentOS systems:

    sudo systemctl status


sudo systemctl

There you can issue commands such as reload, status, help, stop, start, quit. Type help for more information.

Nginx (or other webservers)

Cantemo creates an interface for other webservers to use. It is recommended to always proxy Cantemo with another webserver that can handle long connections, serving of static media files and handling upload and downloads of files.

Our recommended configuration is for Nginx and comes with a configuration for serving media files such as javascript, css, png, flash and jpeg files.

Nginx (and other webservers) should be started by the process control of the operating system for example to stop and start on Linux RedHat / CentOS:

systemctl stop nginx
systemctl start nginx

If you need to restart Cantemo, there is no need to restart Nginx unless a change has been made to Nginx or its configuration.


Similar to Nginx, redis is installed so that it is started by the machine it is running on.


Empty the cache with redis-cli FLUSHALL


On a Unix production system we log to a Unix syslog server, or a modern variant. This is because we can have multiple instances of Cantemo running with many workers at one time.


In a default installation, Cantemo is accessible over both HTTP and HTTPS protocol. This configuration is suitable for a secure environment such as when the system is deployed behind a company firewall or on a private network.

The default installer will create a “snake-oil” certificate for HTTPS. Most browsers will warn about this, some clients may decline communicating with the system over HTTPS.

If the system is internet accessible the recommendation is to configure the system to use proper HTTPS which encrypts the network traffic to protect it from attackers, and forcing communication over HTTPS.

Please get a SSL cert for your host from a certified supplier. For example Let’s Encrypt provides free certificates and scripts for automatic updates.

A certificate is provided as two files: a private key and a public key. Cantemo configures Nginx to read these from the following locations:


So for example if you got privkey.pem and fullchain.pem from Let’s Encrypt, and stored these files in /home/www-data/cert/, the commands to link to this would be:

# Delete old symlinks
rm /etc/cantemo/portal/cert/privkey.pem
rm /etc/cantemo/portal/cert/cert.pem
# Link to certificate files
ln -s /home/www-data/cert/privkey.pem /etc/cantemo/portal/cert/privkey.pem
ln -s /home/www-data/cert/fullchain.pem /etc/cantemo/portal/cert/cert.pem
# Restart Nginx to pick up new certificate
systemctl restart nginx.service

These commands should be executed as root user (e.g. with sudo). Please make sure the certificate files are properly protected: It is enough that the root user can access as the Nginx process starts as root to read them before switching over to the nginx system user.

The command sudo /opt/cantemo/portal/ https_cert can be used to check certificate file status and create a new snake-oil certificate.

See also _admin_system_settings for HTTPS related settings.


When using a self-signed / snake-oil or otherwise untrusted certificate,

certain browsers and or browser versions may not download media files properly which can cause the video player not to work. In this case, make sure you have added the certificate to your computer’s local key store. How to do this varies between browsers and/or operating systems. You will also have to add the certificate to the truststore so vidispine can contact portal.

Using HTTP and HTTPS Proxies

If you need to specify proxy servers for any of the services/components that Cantemo is using, you will need to set them up by using environment variables. The http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables are used to specify proxy settings for client programs executing http requests. The format looks like:


When setting them up, all the http or https requests will pass through the proxy. So, depending on your configuration, you might sometimes need to specify a way to skip some requests to go through the proxy. For instance, in the regular installation Cantemo and Vidispine are running on the same server, so it’s needed to avoid proxying the localhost address for them to be able to communicate. This can be done by using the no_proxy variable:

no_proxy=", localhost"

In order to permanently set the variables, they can be added to “/etc/environment”, so that they will be loaded every time a new process is started. As most of the services in Cantemo are running under “systemd”, it is also needed to set them up in a special way for every service. If we take “portal-web.service” as an example of a service we want to specify these variables on, you will need to do the following:

First, create a folder with the service name and “.d” suffix under /etc/systemd/system/, for example:


Then, add a text file (with any name), but with the “.conf” suffix, for example, “proxies.conf”, and add the environment variables like this:


Then restart the systemd daemon so that the changes take effect:

systemctl daemon-reload

And then restart

systemctl restart


Always remember to properly specify the no_proxy variable, as the Cantemo installer is also making use of this and can fail if cannot establish a communication with Vidispine or other services.

Changing the log level

Simply change the log level on Cantemo’s system settings page available under Admin


To one of these levels: DEBUG, ERROR, INFO, WARN, CRITICAL.

Click save and the change will take effect immediately.

More information please see Cantemo logging.

Additional logging parameters

Cantemo uses the Python logging module, and its documentation is a good source of further usage and configuration of logging such as handlers for automatically emailing certain levels, having a HTTP server for seeing log files and logging to multiple locations.