Move Cantemo to another server

Sometimes hardware is changed or updated for various reasons, the instructions below should help with the procedure of moving Cantemo from one server to another.

On the original system

The first thing you must do is to stop Cantemo, Vidispine, Transcoder, OpenSearch and Rules Engine 3 using the appropriate commands for your operating system.

  1. Rules Engine 3 is stopped through the System Overview admin page.

  2. RedHat /CentOS systems stop the remaining processes using these commands:

    $ sudo systemctl stop
    $ sudo systemctl stop opensearch
    $ sudo systemctl stop vidispine
    $ sudo systemctl stop transcoder
  3. Export the databases with the command:

    $ sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_dumpall > /tmp/pg.dump
  4. Create an archive of the opensearch and thumbnail directories:

    $ sudo zip -r /var/lib/opensearch
    $ sudo zip -r /srv/thumbnail

Then on the new system

  1. Using the same commands as on the original server stop Cantemo, Vidispine, Transcode, OpenSearch and Rules Engine 3.

  2. Copy the database dump (pg.dump), and

  3. Copy /etc/cantemo/portal/portal.conf from the old system

  4. Copy /etc/vidispine/server.yaml from the old system

Note: If upgrading and the server.yaml is from Cantemo 4.x or older, you will need to comment out this line with a hash # because since Cantemo 5.0.0 the installer defaults to an external Active MQ:

embeddedBroker: broker:(tcp://localhost:61616)?usekahadb=true&


# embeddedBroker: broker:(tcp://localhost:61616)?usekahadb=true&
  1. Copy media (if required).

  2. Back up the current database, opensearch and thumbnail directories as required.

  3. Remove the existing databases:

    $ sudo -u postgres psql -c "drop database portal;"
    $ sudo -u postgres psql -c "drop database vidispine;"
    $ sudo -u postgres psql -c "drop database activiti;"
  4. Import the database dump from the old system:

    $ sudo -u postgres psql < /tmp/pg.dump
  5. Unzip and

  6. Replace the opensearch directory with the copy from the original system.:

    $ sudo mv opensearch /var/lib/
  7. Replace the thumbnail directory with the copy from the original system.

  8. Confirm that user and group for the thumbnail directory are vidispine:

    $ sudo chown -R vidispine: /srv/thumbnail
  9. Confirm that user and group for the directory are opensearch

$ sudo chown -R opensearch: /var/lib/opensearch/

Flush redis in order to cache out database entries:

$ sudo redis-cli flushall
  1. If the old system had custom Rules Engine 3 scripts, copy them over from /opt/cantemo/portal/portal/plugins/rulesengine3/shellscripts/ or upload them again

  2. Start everything up again.

RedHat / CentOS systems starts using these commands:

$ sudo systemctl start vidispine
$ sudo systemctl start transcoder
$ sudo systemctl start opensearch
$ sudo systemctl start
  1. Start the Rules Engine 3 app through the System Overview admin page.


From Cantemo 2.4 the vidispine user for the database is changed from postgres to vidispine. This means that if you have an old system that you are moving as part of an upgrade you need to change the ownership or default access rights to the database.


This section does not cover moving Accurate.Video from one server to another.

  1. Run the Setup Wizard to make sure API access tokens are refreshed.