
We know that things can go wrong, systems can become full, networks can go down. To help your system integrator please have the following ready to help solve any issues:

  1. A detailed summary of what the issue is.

  2. What are the steps that happened just before and up until the problem occurred.

  3. The web browser and operating system you are using to access Cantemo.

  4. If the error is a user interface error then a screen capture of the steps to reproduce the error can be helpful.

  5. If the error is a Cantemo Agent error then the log file in ~/Library/Logs/Cantemo for the Mac Agent, or the the path specificed in the Windows Agent.

  6. An error report gathered from the system, using the error report tool available in the Admin menu.

The more information the better.

What is included in the error report

The error report automatically collates logs from Cantemo and Vidispine components for the time period specified.

System Logs:

  • Cantemo

  • Celery

  • Notifier

  • nginx

  • Vidispine Logs - Server log - Request - Version - Selftest - Transcoder

  • Opensearch - Cluster - Slowlogs

  • Activiti/Tomcat

  • Postgresql - Including database size

System Settings:

  • Rules Engine rules

  • Vidispine Configuration Properties

  • Transcoder settings

  • Defined storages

  • Users

  • Groups

  • Metadata Schema

  • The latest created and failed jobs

  • Any custom job definitions

  • The portal.conf file

  • Information about any item, job, collection or user for reproducing the Error.

In addition to this, information about the server running Cantemo is included. This includes the output from the following commands.

Environment command outputs:

  • df

  • mount

  • dmesg

  • ps axuwww

  • cat /proc/meminfo

  • cat /proc/cpuinfo

  • lsof -nP

  • rpm -aq

  • cat /etc/redhat-release

  • cat /etc/issue

  • netstat -rn

  • netstat -an

  • ifconfig -a

  • yum list -y

  • cat /etc/hosts

  • date

  • uname -a

  • lsb_release -a

  • locale

  • env

  • pvdisplay

  • lvdisplay

  • vgdisplay

  • sestatus filename=sestatus.txt

  • psql portal -c select * from pg_stat_activity;

  • systemctl status -a –no-pager

  • iptables -L -n

Error report generator


This information may be vital to figuring out any deployment issues. If disclosing any of this information is of concern you may unselect the Include operating system information-checkbox or contact Cantemo Support.

Error report from command line

Sometime when you do not have access to the web user interface you can generate error from the command line:

/opt/cantemo/portal/ errorreport

This will create a zip file in you rcurrent working directory.

Agent logs

In addition to the above logs, if Errors relating to Cantemo Agent. Logs will be on the machine where the problems occurs.

  • Mac Agent in ~/Library/Logs/Cantemo

  • Windows Agent in Event Viewer

The manage command included in Cantemo is really useful for troubleshooting and configuration. Simply invoke:


This outputs the available commands in the system. If you need specific help for a command, simply run:

/opt/cantemo/portal/ help <command>


Some subcommands of are for advanced usage and can ruin your system if not used with caution or proper training