Basic Installation on Linux¶
Cantemo will support most common partitioning schemas. But in order to increase reliability we recommend to separate different components from each other on different partitions.
Here is a example of a partition scheme. Sizes of partitions below are intended for test and development systems. It is recommended that you at LEAST make separate partitions for /var and /srv/media1
In order to be able to change this configuration later on while the system is in use you should always make use of Linux LVM ( Logical Volume Manager )
The SQL DB size will typically be 0,4-0,9 MB / item. So for 100.000 items that means a /var/lib/pgsql/ of at least 90 GB
Sizing a Cantemo system¶
This guide will not cover a complete configuration, but will provide some basic pointers to think of when sizing a system.
Cores of the servers
Memory in each server
I/O to Storage and Network
Encoding and Decoding formats
The Concurrent jobs should be configured based on the values of the above, and each system is unique.
Steps for installation¶
substitute x.y below for your version of the software
for VidiNet setup, follow VidiNet instead.
Login with an SSH Prompt to your server.
First download the Cantemo installer. You will receive a file named like this:
Extract the package supplied to you:
tar xvf Portal_1.x.y.tar
For a fresh install you must run “setup”:
cd Portal_1.x.y
sudo ./setup
It will set up the following components on your server:
Vidispine Middleware
Vidispine Transcoder
During first setup you need to answer three questions. The password for the admin user, what hostname should answer/serve as your Cantemo server, and a Cantemo license key.
The hostname or IP from Vidispine must be included in that list. In a one server system localhost ( must be included.
The license key can also be provided as an argument:
sudo ./setup --license-key='Cantemo license key string'
or as an environment variable:
export CANTEMO_LICENSE_KEY='Cantemo license key string'
sudo ./setup
Installing only a specific component¶
To install a specific component run sudo ./setup --components=COMPONENTS
See ./setup --help
for a list of components.
Cantemo Setup Wizard¶
After running the setup you can access using a web browser to log into Cantemo and complete the installation. For the first time you will need to log in with an administrator account (default username admin, password admin) and run the setup wizard.
The wizard will ask a couple of questions
Default Upload storage
A system needs a default upload storage, this must be set
Access control
This defines the method for indexing Item and Collection access control in the search index.
Simple Access Control uses an optimized method that covers standard use cases.
It supports both User and User Group level access, and also “negative access”, meaning a User Group has access to an asset, but a single user in that group can be declined access.
It does not fully support Vidispine access control priorities or some of the other more complicated access setups.
To clarify: no user will be able to access items they are not allowed to access, but such items or collections may under certain circumstances show up in search results.
When the common User Group based access is used, and a new user is added to the system, they will get access to the correct Items and Collections instantly.
Less indexing load on the system when users are added or removed, or User Groups are modified.
Items which the user is not permitted to access may show up in search results under certain circumstances, and if the user attempts to click on such items an “access denied” message is shown.
Simple Access Control disabled uses an accurate definition of access on a per-user basis.
This means that when a new user is added to the system, or User Groups are modified, access for every item and collection needs to be reindexed before the user sees correct search results.
Search results are accurate even when Vidispine access control priorities or complex recursive access is used.
When a new user is added to the system, they will not see the correct Items and Collections instantly. Only after reindexing is completed will the search results be accurate.
More indexing load on the system when users are added or removed, or User Groups are modified.
In general, Simple Access Control is the recommended method for most systems. If however complex detailed access controls are used, Simple Access Control should be disabled.
See Vidispine access control for more details.
Management command¶
You can run /opt/cantemo/portal/ setupvs
from the command line. Remember to specify the correct options.
Steps for upgrading¶
Upgrade from Cantemo 4.3.7 or earlier to Cantemo 5 is not allowed. Please upgrade to Cantemo 4.3.8 first.
During upgrades migrations take place and that could cause the database to grow. Make sure utilization on database partition is no more than 50%
It is possible to upgrade a previous installation of Cantemo with the following procedure, please follow this upgrade path:
Cantemo 1.x -> 1.6 -> 2.4 -> 3.4 -> 4.1 -> 4.3 -> 5.1 -> 5.4
substitute x.y below for your version of the software
Login with an SSH Prompt to your server.
First download the Cantemo installer. You will receive a file named like this:
Extract the package supplied to you:
tar xvf Portal_5.x.y.tar
You only need to supply a key if your key is outdated:
cp key_* Portal_5.x.y/key
For a fresh install you must run “setup”:
cd Portal_5.x.y
sudo ./setup --upgrade
It will upgrade the following components on your server if needed:
Vidispine Middleware
Vidispine Transcoder
After running the setup you should logout from the www-interface and login into Cantemo again, the setup wizard will be displayed in case your system needs to be reconfigured. Please respond “yes” if the wizard asks you to initialize vidispine.
After a upgrade don’t forget to log out and login again! All users will be logged out automatically.
You should now be able to use a web browser to navigate to the server that you installed Cantemo on. If you wish, please consider to setup extra configuration options for Cantemo such as you email server settings, timezone and locale.
If you want to upgrade the system to run external ActiveMQ. Follow this steps:
Install the ActiveMQ component
and remove theembeddedBroker
and point to the installed component configuration
Default port for ActiveMQ is 61616 so make sure the embedded broker is shut off before trying to run the external one
Steps for updating your license key¶
The license key needs to be installed into multiple places in order for it to be available both to Cantemo and Vidispine. You can perform this update using the setup script from the installer.
Login with an SSH Prompt to your server.
Run the following command do update the key:
./setup --update-key
The setup script will prompt you for a new license key and license keys for both Cantemo and Vidispine will be updated. It is also possible to provide the key as a command line argument:
./setup --update-key --license-key <license key string>